อัปเดตกฎระเบียบของวิกิ | แนวปฏิบัติหน้าพูดคุย | อัปเดตแนวปฏิบัติในการเขียน
The data for Java release versions is current as of 1.20.1. | 20:49, June 9 2022 (UTC) |
The data for Java snapshots is current as of 1.20.2 Pre-release 1. | 18:43, 20 April 2022 (UTC) |
The data for Bedrock release versions is current as of 1.19.0. | 20:49, June 9 2022 (UTC) |
The data for Bedrock beta versions is current as of beta | 18:43, January 23 2023 (UTC) |
.base usage (Template:LootChest)[แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
Generates a table of the contents of the designated chests, with columns corresponding to various statistics about the availability of those items.
It takes any number of chest parameters, and any number of column parameters, in no particular order.
If no chest parameters are listed, it displays them all; likewise for column parameters.
{{#invoke:LootChest|base [ |<chestParam1> ... |<chestParamN> ] [ |<columnHideParam1> ... |<columnHideParamN> ] }}
Chest parameters[แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
(alternative name:desert
(alternative name:jungle
monster room
(alternative names:nether-fortress
(alternative name:outpost
(alternative name:altar
(alternative name:library
(alternative name:storeroom
(alternative name:trial-vault
(alternative name:trial-spawner
(alternative name:armorer
(alternative name:butcher
(alternative name:cartographer
(alternative name:desert-house
(alternative name:fisherman
(alternative name:fletcher
(alternative name:mason
(alternative name:plains-house
(alternative name:savanna-house
(alternative name:shepherd
(alternative name:snowy-house
(alternative name:taiga-house
(alternative name:tannery
(alternative name:temple
(alternative name:toolsmith
(alternative name:weaponsmith
(alternative name:mansion
Column parameters[แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
chance: โอกาสที่จะพบไอเทมชิ้นใดชิ้นหนึ่งในหีบใบเดียว,
chests: จำนวนหีบโดยเฉลี่ยที่ผู้เล่นต้องค้นหากว่าจะเจอไอเทมนี้,
items: จำนวนไอเทมที่คาดหวังในหีบหนึ่งใบ เป็นค่าเฉลี่ยจากหลาย ๆ หีบ,
stacksize: ขนาดของกอง (หรือจำนวน สำหรับเอไทมที่กองรวมกันไม่ได้) ไอเทมนี้ในแถวช่องเก็บของของหีบ,
weight: น้ำหนักของไอเทมนี้เมื่อเทียบกับไอเทมอื่นในกลุ่มนี้
→ all chests and all columns
→ only weaponsmith and jungle chests, and only 'stacksize' and 'chance' columns
.base2 usage (Template:LootChestItem inline)[แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
Prints a summary of this item's availability in the various worldgen chests.
It takes exactly one item name as a parameter.
Item parameters[แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
acacia-log, acacia-planks, acacia-sapling, acacia-sapling-m, activator-rail, air-block-m, allium-m, amethyst-shard, ancient-debris, ancient-debris-2, ancient-debris-m, angler-pottery-sherd, apple, archer-pottery-sherd, arms-up-pottery-sherd, arrow, azure-bluet-m, baked-potato, bamboo, bamboo-hanging-sign, bamboo-m, bamboo-planks, barrel, basalt, beetroot, beetroot-seeds, beetroot-seeds-m, beetroot-soup, bell, bell-m, big-dripleaf-m, birch-log, birch-sapling, birch-sapling-m, black-wool, blade-pottery-sherd, block-of-diamond, block-of-emerald, block-of-gold, block-of-iron, blue-dye, blue-ice, blue-key, blue-orchid-m, blue-stained-glass-pane, bolt-armor-trim-smithing-template, bone, bone-block, bone-block-m, bone-meal, bone-meal-m, book, book-and-quill, bottle-o'-enchanting, brain-coral-block-m, bread, brewer-pottery-sherd, brick, brown-candle, brown-mushroom, brown-mushroom-m, brown-wool, bubble-coral-block-m, bucket, bucket-m, budding-amethyst-m, buried-treasure-map, burn-pottery-sherd, cactus, cactus-m, cake, candle, carrot, carrot-m, chain, chainmail-boots, chainmail-chestplate, chainmail-helmet, chainmail-leggings, cherry-sapling-m, chorus-flower-m, clay, clay-ball, clock, coal, coast-armor-trim-smithing-template, cobweb-m, cocoa-beans, cocoa-beans-m, compass, cooked-beef, cooked-chicken, cooked-cod, cooked-porkchop, cooked-salmon, cornflower-m, cow-spawn-egg-m, crimson-fungus, crimson-nylium, crimson-nylium-m, crimson-roots, crossbow, crying-obsidian, damaged-diamond-axe, damaged-diamond-boots, damaged-diamond-chestplate, damaged-diamond-helmet, damaged-diamond-leggings, damaged-diamond-pickaxe, damaged-diamond-sword, damaged-golden-axe, damaged-golden-pickaxe, damaged-iron-axe, damaged-level-enchanted-crossbow, damaged-level-enchanted-diamond-hoe, damaged-level-enchanted-netherite-boots, damaged-level-enchanted-netherite-chestplate, damaged-level-enchanted-netherite-helmet, damaged-level-enchanted-netherite-leggings, damaged-level-enchanted-netherite-sword, damaged-netherite-boots, damaged-netherite-chestplate, damaged-netherite-helmet, damaged-netherite-leggings, damaged-netherite-sword, damaged-random-enchanted-crossbow, damaged-random-enchanted-crossbow-2, damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-axe, damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-boots, damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-boots-2, damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-chestplate, damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-chestplate-2, damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-helmet, damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-helmet-2, damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-leggings, damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-leggings-2, damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-pickaxe, damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-pickaxe-2, damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-shovel, damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-shovel-2, damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-sword, damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-sword-2, damaged-random-enchanted-golden-axe, damaged-random-enchanted-golden-pickaxe, damaged-random-enchanted-iron-axe, damaged-random-enchanted-iron-sword, damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-axe, damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-boots, damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-chestplate, damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-helmet, damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-hoe, damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-leggings, damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-pickaxe, damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-shovel, damaged-random-enchanted-netherite-sword, damaged-shield, damaged-stone-axe, damaged-stone-pickaxe, dandelion, dandelion-m, danger-pottery-sherd, dark-oak-log, dark-oak-sapling, dark-oak-sapling-m, dead-bush, detector-rail, diamond, diamond-boots, diamond-chestplate, diamond-helmet, diamond-hoe, diamond-horse-armor, diamond-leggings, diamond-m, diamond-pickaxe-m, diamond-shovel, diamond-sword, dirt-m, disc-13, disc-cat, disc-creator, disc-creator-music-box, disc-fragment-5, disc-mellohi, disc-otherside, disc-pigstep, disc-precipice, disc-relic, disc-wait, dune-armor-trim-smithing-template, echo-shard, echo-shard-m, egg, elytra-m, emerald, empty, empty-map, enchanted-book, enchanted-book-rnd, enchanted-book-rnd-breach-density, enchanted-book-rnd-efficiency, enchanted-book-rnd-mending, enchanted-book-rnd-mending-trident, enchanted-book-rnd-quick-charge, enchanted-book-rnd-soul-speed, enchanted-book-rnd-swift-sneak, enchanted-book-rnd-trial-chambers, enchanted-book-rnd-trial-chambers-2, enchanted-book-rnd-unbreaking, enchanted-book-rnd-wind-burst, enchanted-fishing-rod, enchanted-golden-apple, end-stone-m, ender-pearl, ender-pearl-m, explorer-pottery-sherd, eye-armor-trim-smithing-template, feather, fern, fern-m, fire-charge, fire-coral-block-m, flint, flint-and-steel, flow-armor-trim-smithing-template, flow-banner-pattern, flower-pot, friend-pottery-sherd, furnace, ghast-tear-m, gilded-blackstone, glistering-melon-slice, glow-berries, glow-berries-m, glowstone, glowstone-dust-m, goat-horn, gold-ingot, gold-ingot-m, gold-nugget, golden-apple, golden-apple-m, golden-boots, golden-carrot, golden-chestplate, golden-helmet, golden-hoe, golden-horse-armor, golden-leggings, golden-sword, grass-block-m, gravel-m, gray-wool, green-candle, green-dye, gunpowder, gunpowder-m, guster-banner-pattern, heart-of-the-sea, heart-of-the-sea-m, heart-pottery-sherd, heartbreak-pottery-sherd, heavy-core, honey-bottle, honeycomb, horn-coral-block-m, host-armor-trim-smithing-template, howl-pottery-sherd, ink-sac, iron-axe, iron-boots, iron-chestplate, iron-helmet, iron-horse-armor, iron-ingot, iron-ingot-m, iron-leggings, iron-nugget, iron-pickaxe, iron-shovel, iron-sword, jungle-log, jungle-sapling, jungle-sapling-m, kelp-m, lapis-lazuli, lapis-lazuli-m, large-fern, large-fern-m, lava-bucket-m, lead, leather, leather-boots, leather-cap, leather-pants, leather-tunic, level-enchanted-bow, level-enchanted-bow-2, level-enchanted-crossbow, level-enchanted-diamond-axe, level-enchanted-diamond-axe-2, level-enchanted-diamond-boots, level-enchanted-diamond-boots-2, level-enchanted-diamond-chestplate, level-enchanted-diamond-chestplate-2, level-enchanted-diamond-chestplate-3, level-enchanted-diamond-chestplate-4, level-enchanted-diamond-helmet, level-enchanted-diamond-helmet-2, level-enchanted-diamond-leggings, level-enchanted-diamond-leggings-2, level-enchanted-diamond-leggings-3, level-enchanted-diamond-pickaxe, level-enchanted-diamond-shovel, level-enchanted-diamond-sword, level-enchanted-diamond-sword-2, level-enchanted-golden-boots, level-enchanted-golden-chestplate, level-enchanted-golden-helmet, level-enchanted-golden-hoe, level-enchanted-golden-leggings, level-enchanted-iron-axe, level-enchanted-iron-boots, level-enchanted-iron-boots-2, level-enchanted-iron-boots-3, level-enchanted-iron-chestplate, level-enchanted-iron-chestplate-0-10, level-enchanted-iron-chestplate-2, level-enchanted-iron-chestplate-3, level-enchanted-iron-helmet, level-enchanted-iron-helmet-2, level-enchanted-iron-helmet-3, level-enchanted-iron-leggings, level-enchanted-iron-leggings-2, level-enchanted-iron-leggings-3, level-enchanted-iron-pickaxe, level-enchanted-iron-pickaxe-2, level-enchanted-iron-shovel, level-enchanted-iron-shovel-2, level-enchanted-iron-sword, level-enchanted-iron-sword-2, level-enchanted-leather-boots, level-enchanted-leather-cap, level-enchanted-leather-pants, level-enchanted-leather-tunic, level-enchanted-stone-sword, light-blue-dye, light-blue-stained-glass-pane, light-gray-wool, light-weighted-pressure-plate, lilac-m, lily-of-the-valley-m, lingering-potion-of-healing, lingering-potion-of-poison, lingering-potion-of-slowness, lingering-potion-of-weakness, lodestone, magenta-stained-glass-pane, magma-block, magma-cream, mangrove-log, mangrove-propagule-m, map, melon-seeds, melon-seeds-m, milk-bucket, miner-pottery-sherd, moss-block, moss-block-m, mourner-pottery-sherd, mycelium-m, name-tag, nautilus-shell-m, nether-quartz, nether-quartz-m, nether-wart, nether-wart-m, netherite-boots, netherite-chestplate, netherite-helmet, netherite-ingot, netherite-leggings, netherite-scrap, netherite-upgrade-smithing-template, oak-hanging-sign, oak-log, oak-log-m, oak-planks, oak-sapling, oak-sapling-m, oak-sign, obsidian, ominous-bottle, ominous-bottle-2, ominous-trial-key, orange-dye, orange-tulip-m, oxeye-daisy-m, packed-air-m, packed-ice, paper, peony-m, pink-petals-m, pink-stained-glass-pane, pink-tulip-m, plenty-pottery-sherd, pointed-dripstone-m, poisonous-potato, polished-basalt, poppy, poppy-m, potato, potato-m, potion-of-healing, potion-of-regeneration, potion-of-strength, potion-of-swiftness, potion-of-water-breathing, powder-snow-bucket-m, powered-rail, prismarine-crystals, prismarine-crystals-m, prismarine-shard-m, prize-pottery-sherd, pufferfish-bucket-m, pumpkin, pumpkin-pie, pumpkin-seeds, pumpkin-seeds-m, purple-candle, purple-stained-glass-pane, rabbit-foot-m, rail, raiser-armor-trim-smithing-template, random-effect-arrow, random-effect-lingering-potion, random-effect-potion, random-effect-splash-potion, random-effect-tipped-arrow, random-enchanted-crossbow, random-enchanted-diamond-pickaxe, random-enchanted-golden-axe, random-enchanted-golden-boots, random-enchanted-golden-chestplate, random-enchanted-golden-helmet, random-enchanted-golden-hoe, random-enchanted-golden-leggings, random-enchanted-golden-pickaxe, random-enchanted-golden-shovel, random-enchanted-golden-sword, random-enchanted-leather-boots, random-enchanted-leather-cap, random-enchanted-leather-pants, random-enchanted-leather-tunic, raw-beef, raw-cod, raw-mutton, raw-porkchop, raw-salmon, red-candle, red-key, red-mushroom-m, red-stained-glass-pane, red-tulip-m, redstone, redstone-m, resin-brick, resin-clump, rib-armor-trim-smithing-template, rose-bush-m, rotten-flesh, saddle, sand, sand-m, scaffolding, sculk, sculk-catalyst, sculk-catalyst-m, sculk-sensor, sea-pickle-m, sentry-armor-trim-smithing-template, shaper-armor-trim-smithing-template, sheaf-pottery-sherd, shears, sheep-spawn-egg-m, shelter-pottery-sherd, short-grass, silence-armor-trim-smithing-template, skull-pottery-sherd, slimeball-m, smooth-stone, sniffer-egg, sniffer-egg-m, snort-pottery-sherd, snout-armor-trim-smithing-template, snout-banner-pattern, snow-block, snow-block-m, snowball, soul-sand, soul-sand-m, soul-speed-enchanted-golden-boots, soul-torch, spectral-arrow, spider-eye, spider-eye-m, spire-armor-trim-smithing-template, splash-potion-of-poison, splash-potion-of-slowness, splash-potion-of-weakness, spore-blossom-m, spruce-hanging-sign, spruce-log, spruce-sapling, spruce-sapling-m, spruce-sign, spyglass-m, stick, stone, stone-axe, stone-bricks, stone-pickaxe, string, string-m, sugar-cane-m, sunflower-m, suspicious-stew, suspicious-stew-2, sweet-berries, sweet-berries-m, tall-grass, tide-armor-trim-smithing-template, tipped-arrow-poison, tipped-arrow-slowness, tipped-arrow-strong-slowness, tnt, torch, trial-key, trident, tripwire-hook, tube-coral-block-m, tuff, turtle-egg-m, unknown-enchanted-diamond-chestplate, unknown-enchanted-iron-helmet, unknown-enchanted-iron-leggings, unknown-enchanted-iron-pickaxe, unknown-enchanted-iron-shovel, vex-armor-trim-smithing-template, villager-spawn-egg-m, ward-armor-trim-smithing-template, warped-nylium-m, water-bucket, water-bucket-m, wayfinder-armor-trim-smithing-template, wheat, wheat-seeds, wheat-seeds-m, white-dye, white-tulip-m, white-wool, wild-armor-trim-smithing-template, wind-charge, wind-charge-2, wither-skeleton-skull-m, wooden-axe, wooden-hoe, wooden-pickaxe, yellow-dye, yellow-key, yellow-stained-glass-pane
Iron ingots can be found in 18.5% of woodland mansion chests, 99.4% of buried treasure chests, 24.0% of trial chambers vault chests, and 18.5% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–4; in 23.0% of stronghold altar chests, 97.4% of shipwreck treasure chests, 37.4% of jungle pyramid chests, 41.2% of village toolsmith chests, 34.3% of stronghold storeroom chests, 19.0% of nether fortress chests, 18.0% of desert pyramid chests, 27.3% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 45.1% of village weaponsmith chests, all in stacks of 1–5; in 38.4% of end city chests in stacks of 4–8; in 19.0% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 1–6; in 54.2% of village armorer chests and 30.5% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 1–3; in 28.5% of trial chambers corridor pot chests in stacks of 1–2; in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 3–9; and in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 4–9. รุ่น Java กำลังมา they can be found in 10.6% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 18.5% of woodland mansion chests, 29.6% of trial chambers vault chests, and 18.5% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–4; in 54.2% of village armorer chests and 30.5% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 1–3; in 28.5% of trial chambers corridor pot chests in stacks of 1–2; in 19.0% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 1–6; in 22.4% of stronghold altar chests, 97.4% of shipwreck treasure chests, 37.3% of jungle pyramid chests, 41.2% of village toolsmith chests, 28.5% of stronghold storeroom chests, 19.0% of nether fortress chests, 18.0% of desert pyramid chests, 27.3% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 45.1% of village weaponsmith chests, all in stacks of 1–5; in 38.4% of end city chests in stacks of 4–8; in 57.2% of buried treasure chests in stacks of 3–5; in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 3–9; and in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 4–9. รุ่น Bedrock 1.21.50 they can be found in 16.1% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1–4.
Emeralds can be found in 31.8% of village armorer chests, 10.2% of village butcher chests, 16.4% of small underwater ruins chests, 12.5% of desert well chests, 12.3% of village fletcher chests, 7.6% of igloo chests, 4.4% of trail ruins chests, 20.8% of village mason chests, 13.3% of warm ocean Ruins chests, 13.3% of cold ocean ruins chests, 14.9% of big underwater ruins chests, 24.2% of village fisherman chests, 12.3% of village shepherd chests, and 12.5% of desert pyramid chests, all in stacks of 1; in 25.4% of village temple chests, 18.6% of taiga village house chests, 21.5% of savanna village house chests, 22.8% of plains village house chests, 9.9% of snowy village house chests, and 17.3% of village tannery chests, all in stacks of 1–4; in 73.7% of shipwreck treasure chests in stacks of 1–5; in 59.9% of buried treasure chests in stacks of 4–8; in 14.3% of desert village house chests, 8.7% of jungle pyramid chests, 35.6% of trial chambers corridor pot chests, and 18.0% of desert pyramid chests, all in stacks of 1–3; in 38.4% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 2–4; in 56.2% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 4–10; and in 9.0% of end city chests in stacks of 2–6.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 31.8% of village armorer chests, 10.2% of village butcher chests, 16.4% of small underwater ruins chests, 12.5% of desert well chests, 12.3% of village fletcher chests, 7.6% of igloo chests, 4.3% of trail ruins chests, 20.8% of village mason chests, 13.3% of warm ocean Ruins chests, 13.3% of cold ocean ruins chests, 14.9% of big underwater ruins chests, 12.3% of village shepherd chests, and 12.5% of desert pyramid chests, all in stacks of 1; in 25.4% of village temple chests, 20.3% of taiga village house chests, 21.5% of savanna village house chests, 22.8% of plains village house chests, 9.9% of snowy village house chests, and 17.3% of village tannery chests, all in stacks of 1–4; in 73.7% of shipwreck treasure chests in stacks of 1–5; in 9.0% of end city chests in stacks of 2–6; in 39.7% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 2–4; in 56.2% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 4–10; and in 7.1% of stronghold altar chests, 14.3% of desert village house chests, 8.7% of jungle pyramid chests, 35.6% of trial chambers corridor pot chests, and 18.0% of desert pyramid chests, all in stacks of 1–3.
.base3 usage (Template:LootChestItem table)[แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
Prints a summary of this item's availability in the various worldgen chests in the form of a table.
It takes exactly one item name as a parameter.
Item parameters[แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
Same as above
ไอเทม | โครงสร้าง | สิ่งบรรจุ | ปริมาณ | [ซ่อน]โอกาส |
รุ่น Java | ||||
![]() |
![]() |
หีบ | 4–8 | 59.9%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "4–8", "chance": 0.5987654320987654, "structure": "Buried Treasure", "container": "หีบ" } |
![]() |
ทรายพิศวง | 1 | 12.5%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.125, "structure": "Desert Pyramid", "container": "ทรายพิศวง" } | |
หีบ | 1–3 | 18%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–3", "chance": 0.18047585032339075, "structure": "Desert Pyramid", "container": "หีบ" } | ||
![]() |
ทรายพิศวง | 1 | 12.5%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.125, "structure": "Desert well", "container": "ทรายพิศวง" } | |
![]() |
หีบ | 2–6 | 9%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "2–6", "chance": 0.0903321239024858, "structure": "End City", "container": "หีบ" } | |
![]() |
หีบ | 1 | 7.6%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.07641250360396157, "structure": "Igloo", "container": "หีบ" } | |
![]() |
หีบ | 1–3 | 8.7%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–3", "chance": 0.08737445137874711, "structure": "Jungle Pyramid", "container": "หีบ" } | |
![]() |
ทรายพิศวงซากสมุทรอุ่น | 1 | 13.3%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.1333333333333333, "structure": "Ocean ruins", "container": "ทรายพิศวงซากสมุทรอุ่น" } | |
กรวดพิศวงซากสมุทรเย็น | 1 | 13.3%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.1333333333333333, "structure": "Ocean Ruins", "container": "กรวดพิศวงซากสมุทรเย็น" } | ||
![]() |
หีบสมบัติ | 1–5 | 73.7%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–5", "chance": 0.7372032702331961, "structure": "Shipwreck", "container": "หีบสมบัติ" } | |
![]() |
กรวดพิศวง | 1 | 4.4%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.0444444444444444, "structure": "Trail Ruins", "container": "กรวดพิศวง" } | |
![]() |
หม้อดินเผาทางเดิน | 1–3 | 35.6%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–3", "chance": 0.3561253561253561, "structure": "Trial Chambers", "container": "หม้อดินเผาทางเดิน" } | |
กรงนิรภัยแห่งลางร้าย | 4–10 | 56.2%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "4–10", "chance": 0.5621399176954733, "structure": "Trial Chambers", "container": "กรงนิรภัยแห่งลางร้าย" } | ||
กรงนิรภัย | 2–4 | 38.4%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "2–4", "chance": 0.38441636730434786, "structure": "Trial Chambers", "container": "กรงนิรภัย" } | ||
![]() |
หีบซากใหญ่ | 1 | 14.9%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.14938846197131306, "structure": "Underwater Ruins", "container": "หีบซากใหญ่" } | |
หีบซากเล็ก | 1 | 16.4%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.16405667897165044, "structure": "Underwater Ruins", "container": "หีบซากเล็ก" } | ||
![]() |
หีบของช่างฟอกหนัง | 1–4 | 17.3%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–4", "chance": 0.17258930206298828, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบของช่างฟอกหนัง" } | |
หีบบ้านทะเลทราย | 1–3 | 14.3%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–3", "chance": 0.14254173828500694, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบบ้านทะเลทราย" } | ||
หีบบ้านหิมะ | 1–4 | 9.9%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–4", "chance": 0.0989873657501581, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบบ้านหิมะ" } | ||
หีบโบสถ์ | 1–4 | 25.4%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–4", "chance": 0.25406025971014023, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบโบสถ์" } | ||
หีบบ้านสะวันนา | 1–4 | 21.5%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–4", "chance": 0.21463353884117242, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบบ้านสะวันนา" } | ||
หีบของคนขายธนู | 1 | 12.3%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.12311565744709374, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบของคนขายธนู" } | ||
หีบของคนขายเนื้อ | 1 | 10.2%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.10217553744347596, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบของคนขายเนื้อ" } | ||
หีบบ้านที่ราบ | 1–4 | 22.8%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–4", "chance": 0.22790559614142292, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบบ้านที่ราบ" } | ||
หีบของช่างก่อสร้าง | 1 | 20.8%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.20842461344544605, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบของช่างก่อสร้าง" } | ||
หีบของคนเลี้ยงแกะ | 1 | 12.3%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.12311565744709374, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบของคนเลี้ยงแกะ" } | ||
หีบของชาวประมง | 1 | 24.2%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.2418426461183103, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบของชาวประมง" } | ||
หีบบ้านไทกา | 1–4 | 18.6%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–4", "chance": 0.18575629348123335, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบบ้านไทกา" } | ||
หีบของช่างชุดเกราะ | 1 | 31.8%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.31807250976562496, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบของช่างชุดเกราะ" } | ||
รุ่น Bedrock | ||||
![]() |
![]() |
หีบ | 1–3 | 18%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–3", "chance": 0.18047585032339075, "structure": "Desert Pyramid", "container": "หีบ" } |
ทรายพิศวง | 1 | 12.5%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.125, "structure": "Desert Pyramid", "container": "ทรายพิศวง" } | ||
![]() |
ทรายพิศวง | 1 | 12.5%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.125, "structure": "Desert well", "container": "ทรายพิศวง" } | |
![]() |
หีบ | 2–6 | 9%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "2–6", "chance": 0.0903321239024858, "structure": "End City", "container": "หีบ" } | |
![]() |
หีบ | 1 | 7.6%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.07641250360396157, "structure": "Igloo", "container": "หีบ" } | |
![]() |
หีบ | 1–3 | 8.7%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–3", "chance": 0.08718413975417527, "structure": "Jungle Pyramid", "container": "หีบ" } | |
![]() |
กรวดพิศวงซากสมุทรเย็น | 1 | 13.3%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.1333333333333333, "structure": "Ocean Ruins", "container": "กรวดพิศวงซากสมุทรเย็น" } | |
ทรายพิศวงซากสมุทรอุ่น | 1 | 13.3%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.1333333333333333, "structure": "Ocean ruins", "container": "ทรายพิศวงซากสมุทรอุ่น" } | ||
![]() |
หีบสมบัติ | 1–5 | 73.7%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–5", "chance": 0.7372032702331961, "structure": "Shipwreck", "container": "หีบสมบัติ" } | |
![]() |
หีบแท่นบูชา | 1–3 | 7.1%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–3", "chance": 0.07099659856993723, "structure": "Stronghold", "container": "หีบแท่นบูชา" } | |
![]() |
กรวดพิศวง | 1 | 4.3%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.04347826086956519, "structure": "Trail Ruins", "container": "กรวดพิศวง" } | |
![]() |
หม้อดินเผาทางเดิน | 1–3 | 35.6%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–3", "chance": 0.3561253561253561, "structure": "Trial Chambers", "container": "หม้อดินเผาทางเดิน" } | |
กรงนิรภัยแห่งลางร้าย | 4–10 | 56.2%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "4–10", "chance": 0.5621399176954733, "structure": "Trial Chambers", "container": "กรงนิรภัยแห่งลางร้าย" } | ||
กรงนิรภัย | 2–4 | 39.7%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "2–4", "chance": 0.39706025182608695, "structure": "Trial Chambers", "container": "กรงนิรภัย" } | ||
![]() |
หีบซากใหญ่ | 1 | 14.9%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.14938846197131306, "structure": "Underwater Ruins", "container": "หีบซากใหญ่" } | |
หีบซากเล็ก | 1 | 16.4%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.16405667897165044, "structure": "Underwater Ruins", "container": "หีบซากเล็ก" } | ||
![]() |
หีบบ้านทะเลทราย | 1–3 | 14.3%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–3", "chance": 0.14254173828500694, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบบ้านทะเลทราย" } | |
หีบของช่างฟอกหนัง | 1–4 | 17.3%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–4", "chance": 0.17258930206298828, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบของช่างฟอกหนัง" } | ||
หีบโบสถ์ | 1–4 | 25.4%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–4", "chance": 0.25406025971014023, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบโบสถ์" } | ||
หีบบ้านที่ราบ | 1–4 | 22.8%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–4", "chance": 0.22790559614142292, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบบ้านที่ราบ" } | ||
หีบของคนขายธนู | 1 | 12.3%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.12311565744709374, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบของคนขายธนู" } | ||
หีบของคนขายเนื้อ | 1 | 10.2%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.10217553744347596, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบของคนขายเนื้อ" } | ||
หีบบ้านหิมะ | 1–4 | 9.9%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–4", "chance": 0.0989873657501581, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบบ้านหิมะ" } | ||
หีบของช่างก่อสร้าง | 1 | 20.8%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.20842461344544605, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบของช่างก่อสร้าง" } | ||
หีบบ้านไทกา | 1–4 | 20.3%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–4", "chance": 0.20281509304744794, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบบ้านไทกา" } | ||
หีบของคนเลี้ยงแกะ | 1 | 12.3%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.12311565744709374, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบของคนเลี้ยงแกะ" } | ||
หีบบ้านสะวันนา | 1–4 | 21.5%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": "1–4", "chance": 0.21463353884117242, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบบ้านสะวันนา" } | ||
หีบของช่างชุดเกราะ | 1 | 31.8%{ "item": "Emerald", "stacksize": 1, "chance": 0.31807250976562496, "structure": "Village", "container": "หีบของช่างชุดเกราะ" } |
- The data is set up within
so that it can be pulled directly from (or compared directly to) the minecraft loot table files. - stack size given here (and given in code) can be larger than the stackable size of the item, prominently in the case of enchanted books. However this fact does not affect the calculated values. This is because the game puts the right number of items, but unstacked rather than stacked.
Data structure[แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
'<item-id>' = {
- This key must match a sprite name for the items/blocks defined in Template:BlockSprite or Template:ItemSprite, unless
is included in the item definition.
- This key must match a sprite name for the items/blocks defined in Template:BlockSprite or Template:ItemSprite, unless
- Either
- Either
[, id='<sprite-id>']
- Use this to specify a sprite defined in Template:BlockSprite or Template:ItemSprite. Otherwise it uses the sprite with the name given by
- Use this to specify a sprite defined in Template:BlockSprite or Template:ItemSprite. Otherwise it uses the sprite with the name given by
[, link='<item-link>']
- A link to a page that is different from the sprite-id name. Used in Template:LootChest.
[, title='<item-text>']
- A name for an item that is different from the sprite-id name.
[, cannot_stack=false]
- Use this to indicate that the item comes in groups rather than in stacks. Used in Template:LootChestItem.
[, plural=(false|'<custom-plural-word>')]
- Use
when a word has no plural, like 'Nether Wart'. Use a custom plural word when you cannot simply append an 's' to the base word to make it plural, like 'Bottles o' Enchanting'. Used in Template:LootChestItem.
- Use
[, preserve_case=false]
- Use
when an item name should follow the capitalization exactly specified intitle
, and not follow sentence case, like 'TNT'.
- Use
[, note='<note-name>']
- Indicates that a note appears next to this item in the table. (notes are defined directly below the item list)
'<note-name>' = '<note-full-text>'
- rolls
{ <min-number-of-stacks>, <max-number-of-stacks> }
'<item-id>' = { <min-stack-size>, <max-stack-size>, <item-weight> }
'<chest-name-synonym>' = '<original-interally-valid-chest-name>'
- Allows additional chest names to be used as parameters, in addition to the ones defined in p.chests.
'<chest-name-given-via-parameter>' = '<name-displayed-in-single-chest-table>'
- If a single chest parameter is used, this defines the name it is called in the summary text above the table.
'<column-name>' = '<column-full-description>'
- The column descriptions, found either in the tooltip on the column header, or in the summary text above the table.
The following functions are made available at the top of the file, for ease of inspection.
- average number of a certain item (not number of stacks), per-chest (not per-structure).
- chance that at least one of a certain item is present, per-chest (not per-structure).
Item tests[แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
รุ่น Bedrockbirch saplings can be found in 14.3% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 4.
รุ่น Bedrockbook and quill can be found in 18.9% of buried treasure chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrockbrown mushrooms can be found in all bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrockchainmail boots can be found in 57.2% of buried treasure chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrockchainmail helmets can be found in 57.2% of buried treasure chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrockchainmail leggings can be found in 57.2% of buried treasure chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrockcocoa beans can be found in 40.0% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrockdark oak saplings can be found in 14.3% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 4.
รุ่น Bedrockenchanted books[FN 2] can be found in 66.7% of pillager outpost chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrockink sacs can be found in 40.0% of stronghold storeroom chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrockjungle saplings can be found in 28.6% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 4.
รุ่น Bedrockmaps[FN 15] can be found in 7.7% of shipwreck map chests and 10.5% of stronghold library chests in stacks of 1, and in 46.2% of village cartographer chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrockmusic disc (mellohi) can be found in 18.9% of buried treasure chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrockmusic disc (wait) can be found in 18.9% of buried treasure chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrockoak signs can be found in 10.7% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1.
Acacia logs can be found in 26.2% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 33.3% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–3.
Acacia planks can be found in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 3–6.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 3–6.
Acacia saplings can be found in 6.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4, and in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–2.
Acacia saplings can be found in 71.7% of savanna village house chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 14.3% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 4, and in 71.7% of savanna village house chests in stacks of 1–2.
Activator rails can be found in 27.1% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in stacks of 1–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 27.1% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in stacks of 1–4.
Air can be found in 13.3% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
Alliums can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Amethyst shards can be found in 39.7% of trial chambers intersection chests in stacks of 8–20, and in 23.2% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–15.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 39.7% of trial chambers intersection chests in stacks of 8–20, and in 23.2% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–15.
Ancient debris can be found in 12.0% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, 27.1% of bastion remnant treasure chests, and 13.5% of bastion remnant chests, all in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 5.7% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, 27.1% of bastion remnant treasure chests, and 13.5% of bastion remnant chests, all in stacks of 1.
Ancient debris can be found in 5.0% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests and 11.5% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.5% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 2.
Ancient debrises can be found in 6.8% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Angler pottery sherds can be found in 6.7% of warm ocean Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 6.7% of warm ocean Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Apples can be found in 33.2% of stronghold altar chests, 70.4% of igloo chests, 47.5% of stronghold storeroom chests, and 59.8% of village weaponsmith chests, all in stacks of 1–3; in 74.2% of plains village house chests in stacks of 1–5; and in 83.8% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 32.3% of stronghold altar chests, 70.4% of igloo chests, 40.0% of stronghold storeroom chests, and 59.8% of village weaponsmith chests, all in stacks of 1–3; in 74.2% of plains village house chests in stacks of 1–5; and in all bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–2.
Archer pottery sherds can be found in 12.5% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 12.5% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1.
Arms up pottery sherds can be found in 25.0% of desert well chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 25.0% of desert well chests in stacks of 1.
Arrow of poisons can be found in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 4–8, and in 31.0% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 2–8.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 4–8, and in 37.8% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 2–8.
Arrow of slowness ivs can be found in 37.5% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 4–12.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 37.5% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 4–12.
Arrow of slownesses can be found in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 4–8.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 4–8.
Arrows can be found in 28.5% of trial chambers corridor pot chests and 31.0% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 2–8, in 37.3% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 4–14, in 13.8% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser and all dispensers in trial chambers corridor dispenser in stacks of 4–8, in 23.3% of village fletcher chests in stacks of 1–3, in 55.1% of trial chambers entrance chests in stacks of 5–10, in all dispensers in jungle pyramids and 39.1% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 2–7, and in 47.9% of bastion remnant bridge chests, 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, and 44.1% of bastion remnant chests, all in stacks of 5–17.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 37.3% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 4–14, in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 10–28, in 23.3% of village fletcher chests in stacks of 1–3, in 28.5% of trial chambers corridor pot chests and 37.8% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 2–8, in 13.8% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser and all dispensers in trial chambers corridor dispenser in stacks of 4–8, in 11.2% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 10–22, in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 12–25, in 55.1% of trial chambers entrance chests in stacks of 5–10, in all dispensers in jungle pyramids and 39.1% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 2–7, and in 47.9% of bastion remnant bridge chests, 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, and 44.1% of bastion remnant chests, all in stacks of 5–17.
Arrows[FN 24] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in stacks of 1–20.
Azure bluets can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Baked potatos can be found in 49.3% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests in stacks of 6–10, in 37.3% of trial chambers supply chests and 21.0% of trial chambers ominous spawner chests in stacks of 2–4, in 10.0% of trial chambers spawner chests in stacks of 1–3, and in 54.9% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–10.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 49.3% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests in stacks of 6–10, in 37.3% of trial chambers supply chests and 21.0% of trial chambers ominous spawner chests in stacks of 2–4, in 10.0% of trial chambers spawner chests in stacks of 1–3, and in 54.9% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–10.
Bamboo can be found in 51.0% of jungle pyramid chests and 14.4% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 50.9% of jungle pyramid chests and 14.4% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 1–3.
Bamboo hanging signs can be found in 19.6% of Trial Chambers corridor chests in stacks of 1–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 19.6% of Trial Chambers corridor chests in stacks of 1–4.
Bamboo planks can be found in 49.3% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests in stacks of 5–15, and in 19.6% of Trial Chambers corridor chests in stacks of 3–6.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 49.3% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests in stacks of 5–15, and in 19.6% of Trial Chambers corridor chests in stacks of 3–6.
Bamboos can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 2–4.
Barrels can be found in 24.2% of village fisherman chests in stacks of 1–3.
Beetroot seeds can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1; in 18.5% of woodland mansion chests, 27.3% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 18.5% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 2–4; in 66.3% of snowy village house chests in stacks of 1–5; and in 21.2% of end city chests in stacks of 1–10. รุ่น Java กำลังมา they can be found in 10.6% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 2–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1; in 33.3% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–2; in 18.5% of woodland mansion chests, 27.3% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 18.5% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 2–4; in 66.3% of snowy village house chests in stacks of 1–5; and in 21.2% of end city chests in stacks of 1–10. รุ่น Bedrock 1.21.50 they can be found in 16.1% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 2–4.
Beetroot seeds can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests and 6.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Beetroot soup can be found in 9.9% of snowy village house chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 9.9% of snowy village house chests in groups of 1.
Bells can be found in 1.5% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 1.5% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 1.
Bells can be found in 2.0% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Bfc9000s[FN 27] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
Big dripleafs can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Birch logs can be found in 26.2% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 25.0% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–3.
Birch saplings can be found in 6.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4, and in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–2.
Black wool can be found in 33.0% of village shepherd chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 33.0% of village shepherd chests in stacks of 1–3.
Blade pottery sherds can be found in 6.7% of cold ocean ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 6.7% of cold ocean ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Blocks of diamond can be found in 0.3% of trial chambers corridor pot chests, 2.3% of trial chambers intersection chests, and 2.8% of trial chambers ominous vault chests, all in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 0.3% of trial chambers corridor pot chests, 2.3% of trial chambers intersection chests, and 2.8% of trial chambers ominous vault chests, all in stacks of 1.
Blocks of emerald can be found in 1.4% of trial chambers corridor pot chests and 13.8% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 1, and in 11.2% of trial chambers intersection chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 1.4% of trial chambers corridor pot chests and 13.8% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 1, and in 11.2% of trial chambers intersection chests in stacks of 1–3.
Blocks of gold can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests and 19.0% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 1, in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 2–5, in 16.0% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 2–4, and in 1.5% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests and 19.0% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 1, in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 2–5, in 18.2% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 2–4, and in 1.5% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 1–2.
Blocks of iron can be found in 11.0% of trial chambers ominous vault chests and 19.0% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 1, in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 2–5, and in 39.7% of trial chambers intersection chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.0% of trial chambers ominous vault chests and 19.0% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 1, in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 2–5, and in 39.7% of trial chambers intersection chests in stacks of 1–2.
Blue dye can be found in 4.4% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 4.3% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Blue ice can be found in 9.9% of snowy village house chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 9.9% of snowy village house chests in stacks of 1.
Blue keys can be found in 4.2% of bonus barrel chests in stacks of 1.
Blue orchids can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Blue stained glass panes can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Bolt armor trim smithing templates can be found in 6.2% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 6.2% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 1.
Bone blocks can be found in 13.3% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–8.
Bone blocks can be found in 24.4% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 3–6.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 24.4% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 3–6.
Bone meals can be found in 14.3% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–8.
Bone meals can be found in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 2–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 2–5.
Bones can be found in 57.8% of woodland mansion chests, 59.0% of desert pyramid chests, and 57.8% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–8; in 61.9% of jungle pyramid chests and 28.7% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 4–6; and in 35.9% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–15.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 57.8% of woodland mansion chests, 59.0% of desert pyramid chests, and 57.8% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–8; in 61.8% of jungle pyramid chests and 28.7% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 4–6; and in 35.9% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–15.
Books can be found in 14.3% of desert village house chests and 12.1% of plains village house chests in stacks of 1, in 89.2% of stronghold library chests in stacks of 1–3, in 34.5% of shipwreck map chests in stacks of 1–5, and in 35.9% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 3–10.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 14.3% of desert village house chests and 12.1% of plains village house chests in stacks of 1, in 88.3% of stronghold library chests in stacks of 1–3, in 34.5% of shipwreck map chests in stacks of 1–5, and in 35.9% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 3–10.
Bottles o' enchanting can be found in 14.1% of shipwreck treasure chests and 60.9% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 1, and in 23.2% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 14.1% of shipwreck treasure chests, 11.8% of buried treasure chests, and 60.9% of pillager outpost chests, all in stacks of 1; and in 23.2% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–3.
Brain coral blocks can be found in 2.0% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
Bread can be found in 34.1% of woodland mansion chests and 34.1% of monster room chests in stacks of 1; in 33.2% of stronghold altar chests, 81.2% of village toolsmith chests, 47.5% of stronghold storeroom chests, 15.0% of trial chambers spawner chests, 38.7% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 59.8% of village weaponsmith chests, all in stacks of 1–3; in 61.5% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–2; and in 89.3% of village temple chests, 80.6% of village armorer chests, 80.6% of desert village house chests, 61.2% of village cartographer chests, 62.2% of village mason chests, 65.6% of taiga village house chests, 71.7% of savanna village house chests, 74.2% of plains village house chests, 66.3% of snowy village house chests, and 62.8% of village tannery chests, all in stacks of 1–4. รุ่น Java กำลังมา they can be found in 20.3% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 34.1% of woodland mansion chests and 34.1% of monster room chests in stacks of 1; in 32.3% of stronghold altar chests, 81.2% of village toolsmith chests, 40.0% of stronghold storeroom chests, 15.0% of trial chambers spawner chests, 38.7% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 59.8% of village weaponsmith chests, all in stacks of 1–3; in all bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–2; and in 89.3% of village temple chests, 80.6% of village armorer chests, 80.6% of desert village house chests, 61.2% of village cartographer chests, 62.2% of village mason chests, 69.3% of taiga village house chests, 71.7% of savanna village house chests, 74.2% of plains village house chests, 66.3% of snowy village house chests, and 62.8% of village tannery chests, all in stacks of 1–4. รุ่น Bedrock 1.21.50 they can be found in 30.0% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1.
Brewer pottery sherds can be found in 25.0% of desert well chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 25.0% of desert well chests in stacks of 1.
Bricks can be found in 12.5% of desert well chests and 4.4% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 12.5% of desert well chests and 8.7% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Brown candles can be found in 4.4% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 4.3% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Brown mushrooms can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Brown wool can be found in 23.3% of village shepherd chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 23.3% of village shepherd chests in stacks of 1–3.
Bubble coral blocks can be found in 2.0% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
Buckets can be found in 18.5% of woodland mansion chests, 11.3% of savanna village house chests, and 18.5% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1; and in 5.9% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests in stacks of 1–2. รุ่น Java กำลังมา they can be found in 10.6% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 18.5% of woodland mansion chests, 11.3% of savanna village house chests, and 18.5% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1; and in 5.9% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests in stacks of 1–2. รุ่น Bedrock 1.21.50 they can be found in 16.1% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1.
Buckets can be found in 18.7% of lunar base chests and 10.3% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Budding amethysts can be found in 18.7% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Buried treasure maps can be found in 41.7% of small underwater ruins chests, all shipwreck map chests, and 43.5% of big underwater ruins chests, all in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 41.7% of small underwater ruins chests, all shipwreck map chests, and 43.5% of big underwater ruins chests, all in stacks of 1.
Burn pottery sherds can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Cactus can be found in 80.6% of desert village house chests in stacks of 1–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 80.6% of desert village house chests in stacks of 1–4, and in 60.0% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–2.
Cactuses can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
Cake can be found in 39.7% of trial chambers intersection chests in stacks of 1–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 4.1% of buried treasure chests in stacks of 1, and in 39.7% of trial chambers intersection chests in stacks of 1–4.
Candles can be found in 23.2% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 23.2% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–4.
Carrots can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests and 6.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
Carrots can be found in 42.1% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 4–8, and in 57.5% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 3–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 50.0% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–2, in 42.1% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 4–8, and in 57.5% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 3–5.
Chainmail chestplates can be found in 14.9% of woodland mansion chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 14.7% of woodland mansion chests and 57.2% of buried treasure chests in groups of 1.
Chains can be found in 24.4% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 2–10.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 24.4% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 2–10.
Cherry saplings can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–2.
Chorus flowers can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Clay ball can be found in 14.3% of desert village house chests in stacks of 1, and in 20.8% of village mason chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 14.3% of desert village house chests and 4.3% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1, and in 20.8% of village mason chests in stacks of 1–3.
Clay can be found in 4.4% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Clocks can be found in 7.7% of shipwreck map chests and 7.3% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 7.7% of shipwreck map chests and 7.3% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 1.
Coal can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests, 13.3% of warm ocean Ruins chests, and 13.3% of cold ocean ruins chests, all in stacks of 1; in 37.3% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 2–8; in 46.5% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 6–15; in 34.3% of stronghold storeroom chests and 27.3% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in stacks of 3–8; in 27.9% of village butcher chests, 43.0% of village fisherman chests, and 9.9% of village toolsmith chests, all in stacks of 1–3; and in 84.2% of small underwater ruins chests, 70.4% of igloo chests, 26.6% of woodland mansion chests, 81.0% of big underwater ruins chests, 41.2% of snowy village house chests, and 26.6% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–4. รุ่น Java กำลังมา they can be found in 15.6% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.3% of warm ocean Ruins chests and 13.3% of cold ocean ruins chests in stacks of 1; in 84.2% of small underwater ruins chests, 70.4% of igloo chests, 26.6% of woodland mansion chests, 81.0% of big underwater ruins chests, 41.2% of snowy village house chests, and 26.6% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–4; in 46.5% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 6–15; in 28.5% of stronghold storeroom chests and 27.3% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in stacks of 3–8; in 27.9% of village butcher chests and 9.9% of village toolsmith chests in stacks of 1–3; and in 37.3% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 2–8. รุ่น Bedrock 1.21.50 they can be found in 23.3% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1–4.
Coast armor trim smithing templates can be found in 16.7% of shipwreck treasure chests, 16.7% of shipwreck map chests, and 16.7% of shipwreck supply chests, all in stacks of 2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 16.7% of shipwreck treasure chests, 16.7% of shipwreck map chests, and 16.7% of shipwreck supply chests, all in stacks of 2.
Cobwebs can be found in 3.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
Cocoa beans can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 2–4.
Compasses can be found in 7.7% of shipwreck map chests, 26.3% of village cartographer chests, 5.9% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests, 16.1% of Ancient City chests, and 10.9% of stronghold library chests, all in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 7.7% of shipwreck map chests, 26.3% of village cartographer chests, 5.9% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests, 16.1% of Ancient City chests, and 10.5% of stronghold library chests, all in stacks of 1.
Cooked chicken can be found in 15.0% of trial chambers spawner chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 15.0% of trial chambers spawner chests in stacks of 1.
Cooked cod can be found in 75.0% of buried treasure chests in stacks of 2–4.
Cooked porkchops can be found in 24.4% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 1, and in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 2–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 24.4% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 1, and in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 2–5.
Cooked salmon can be found in 75.0% of buried treasure chests in stacks of 2–4.
Cornflowers can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Cow spawn eggs can be found in 9.7% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Crimson fungi can be found in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 2–7.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 2–7.
Crimson nylium can be found in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 2–7.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 2–7.
Crimson nyliums can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Crimson roots can be found in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 2–7.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 2–7.
Crossbows can be found in 50.0% of pillager outpost chests and 9.8% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 50.0% of pillager outpost chests and 9.8% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
Crying obsidians can be found in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests and 19.0% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 1–5, in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 3–5, and in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 3–8.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests and 19.0% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 1–5, in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 3–5, and in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 3–8.
Damaged diamond axes[FN 14] can be found in 11.2% of trial chambers intersection chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.2% of trial chambers intersection chests in groups of 1.
Damaged diamond pickaxes[FN 14] can be found in 5.9% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests and 11.2% of trial chambers intersection chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 5.9% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests and 11.2% of trial chambers intersection chests in groups of 1.
Damaged enchanted crossbows[FN 4][FN 14] can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests in groups of 1.
Damaged enchanted crossbows[FN 4][FN 36] can be found in 6.7% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 6.7% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
Damaged enchanted diamond boots[FN 4][FN 10] can be found in 16.9% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 16.9% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
Damaged enchanted diamond chestplates[FN 4][FN 10] can be found in 16.9% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 16.9% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
Damaged enchanted diamond helmets[FN 4][FN 10] can be found in 16.9% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 16.9% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
Damaged enchanted diamond hoes[FN 35][FN 10] can be found in 16.1% of Ancient City chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 16.1% of Ancient City chests in groups of 1.
Damaged enchanted diamond leggings[FN 4][FN 10] can be found in 16.9% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 16.9% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
Damaged enchanted diamond shovels[FN 4][FN 23] can be found in 15.0% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 17.0% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in groups of 1.
Damaged enchanted diamond swords[FN 4][FN 10] can be found in 16.9% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 16.9% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
Damaged enchanted iron swords[FN 4][FN 36] can be found in 19.0% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 19.0% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
Damaged golden axes[FN 23] can be found in 22.3% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 22.3% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests in groups of 1.
Damaged golden pickaxes[FN 23] can be found in 22.3% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 22.3% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests in groups of 1.
Damaged shields[FN 19] can be found in 10.4% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.6% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
Damaged stone axes[FN 23] can be found in 19.6% of Trial Chambers corridor chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 19.6% of Trial Chambers corridor chests in groups of 1.
Damaged stone pickaxes[FN 23] can be found in 19.6% of Trial Chambers corridor chests and 37.3% of trial chambers supply chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 19.6% of Trial Chambers corridor chests and 37.3% of trial chambers supply chests in groups of 1.
Dandelions can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Dandelions can be found in 22.8% of plains village house chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 22.8% of plains village house chests in stacks of 1.
Danger pottery sherds can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Dark oak logs can be found in 26.2% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–3, and in all pillager outpost chests in stacks of 2–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 33.3% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–3, and in all pillager outpost chests in stacks of 2–3.
Dark oak saplings can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
Dead bushes can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1, and in 26.6% of desert village house chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1, and in 26.6% of desert village house chests in stacks of 1–3.
Detector rails can be found in 27.1% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in stacks of 1–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 27.1% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in stacks of 1–4.
Diamond boots can be found in 14.3% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 14.3% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
Diamond chestplates can be found in 7.7% of woodland mansion chests and 14.3% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 7.6% of woodland mansion chests and 14.3% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
Diamond helmets can be found in 14.3% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 14.3% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
Diamond hoes can be found in 21.8% of woodland mansion chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 21.5% of woodland mansion chests in groups of 1.
Diamond horse armor can be found in 2.5% of stronghold altar chests, 4.5% of jungle pyramid chests, 4.6% of end city chests, 16.1% of Ancient City chests, 11.8% of nether fortress chests, 6.3% of desert pyramid chests, 7.6% of monster room chests, and 5.7% of village weaponsmith chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.4% of stronghold altar chests, 4.4% of jungle pyramid chests, 4.6% of end city chests, 16.1% of Ancient City chests, 11.8% of nether fortress chests, 6.3% of desert pyramid chests, 7.6% of monster room chests, and 5.7% of village weaponsmith chests, all in groups of 1.
Diamond leggings can be found in 14.3% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 14.3% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
Diamond pickaxes[FN 4] can be found in 3.9% of lunar base chests in groups of 1.
Diamond shovels can be found in 6.7% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 6.7% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
Diamond swords can be found in 16.9% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 16.9% of bastion remnant treasure chests in groups of 1.
Diamonds can be found in 14.1% of shipwreck treasure chests and 12.5% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1; in 26.4% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 2–3; in 14.3% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 2–6; in 59.9% of buried treasure chests, 1.4% of trial chambers corridor pot chests, 21.5% of trial chambers intersection chests, 8.5% of trial chambers vault chests, and 8.9% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, all in stacks of 1–2; in 21.2% of end city chests in stacks of 2–7; and in 7.3% of stronghold altar chests, 12.9% of jungle pyramid chests, 9.9% of village toolsmith chests, 5.9% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests, 19.0% of nether fortress chests, 6.3% of desert pyramid chests, and 16.2% of village weaponsmith chests, all in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 14.1% of shipwreck treasure chests, 46.9% of buried treasure chests, and 12.5% of desert pyramid chests, all in stacks of 1; in 26.4% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 2–3; in 14.3% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 2–6; in 1.4% of trial chambers corridor pot chests, 21.5% of trial chambers intersection chests, 10.7% of trial chambers vault chests, and 8.9% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, all in stacks of 1–2; in 21.2% of end city chests in stacks of 2–7; and in 7.1% of stronghold altar chests, 12.8% of jungle pyramid chests, 9.9% of village toolsmith chests, 5.9% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests, 19.0% of nether fortress chests, 6.3% of desert pyramid chests, and 16.2% of village weaponsmith chests, all in stacks of 1–3.
Diamonds can be found in 6.8% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Dirt can be found in 36.8% of lunar base chests in stacks of 5–10.
Disc fragment (5)s can be found in 29.8% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 29.8% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–3.
Dune armor trim smithing templates can be found in 14.3% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 14.3% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 2.
Echo shards can be found in 29.8% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 29.8% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–3.
Echo shards can be found in 3.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
Eggs can be found in 23.3% of village fletcher chests in stacks of 1–3, and in 6.9% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 4–8.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 23.3% of village fletcher chests in stacks of 1–3, and in 6.9% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 4–8.
Elytras can be found in 3.9% of lunar base chests in groups of 1.
Emeralds can be found in 31.8% of village armorer chests, 10.2% of village butcher chests, 16.4% of small underwater ruins chests, 12.5% of desert well chests, 12.3% of village fletcher chests, 7.6% of igloo chests, 4.4% of trail ruins chests, 20.8% of village mason chests, 13.3% of warm ocean Ruins chests, 13.3% of cold ocean ruins chests, 14.9% of big underwater ruins chests, 24.2% of village fisherman chests, 12.3% of village shepherd chests, and 12.5% of desert pyramid chests, all in stacks of 1; in 25.4% of village temple chests, 18.6% of taiga village house chests, 21.5% of savanna village house chests, 22.8% of plains village house chests, 9.9% of snowy village house chests, and 17.3% of village tannery chests, all in stacks of 1–4; in 73.7% of shipwreck treasure chests in stacks of 1–5; in 59.9% of buried treasure chests in stacks of 4–8; in 14.3% of desert village house chests, 8.7% of jungle pyramid chests, 35.6% of trial chambers corridor pot chests, and 18.0% of desert pyramid chests, all in stacks of 1–3; in 38.4% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 2–4; in 56.2% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 4–10; and in 9.0% of end city chests in stacks of 2–6.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 31.8% of village armorer chests, 10.2% of village butcher chests, 16.4% of small underwater ruins chests, 12.5% of desert well chests, 12.3% of village fletcher chests, 7.6% of igloo chests, 4.3% of trail ruins chests, 20.8% of village mason chests, 13.3% of warm ocean Ruins chests, 13.3% of cold ocean ruins chests, 14.9% of big underwater ruins chests, 12.3% of village shepherd chests, and 12.5% of desert pyramid chests, all in stacks of 1; in 25.4% of village temple chests, 20.3% of taiga village house chests, 21.5% of savanna village house chests, 22.8% of plains village house chests, 9.9% of snowy village house chests, and 17.3% of village tannery chests, all in stacks of 1–4; in 73.7% of shipwreck treasure chests in stacks of 1–5; in 9.0% of end city chests in stacks of 2–6; in 39.7% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 2–4; in 56.2% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 4–10; and in 7.1% of stronghold altar chests, 14.3% of desert village house chests, 8.7% of jungle pyramid chests, 35.6% of trial chambers corridor pot chests, and 18.0% of desert pyramid chests, all in stacks of 1–3.
Empty maps can be found in 7.7% of shipwreck map chests and 10.9% of stronghold library chests in stacks of 1, and in 46.2% of village cartographer chests in stacks of 1–3.
Enchanted books[FN 16] can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted books[FN 18] can be found in 23.2% of Ancient City chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 23.2% of Ancient City chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted books[FN 22] can be found in 7.0% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 1.7% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted books[FN 28] can be found in 2.5% of stronghold altar chests, 4.5% of jungle pyramid chests, 4.0% of stronghold storeroom chests, and 67.8% of stronghold library chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.9% of stronghold altar chests, 5.3% of jungle pyramid chests, 3.8% of stronghold storeroom chests, and 72.9% of stronghold library chests, all in groups of 1.
Enchanted books[FN 29] can be found in 5.5% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 5.5% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted books[FN 30] can be found in 7.0% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 1.7% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted books[FN 4] can be found in 14.9% of woodland mansion chests, 21.7% of big underwater ruins chests, 35.9% of Ancient City chests, 23.5% of desert pyramid chests, 11.0% of pillager outpost chests, 14.1% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 14.7% of monster room chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 17.5% of woodland mansion chests, 21.7% of big underwater ruins chests, 35.9% of Ancient City chests, 23.5% of desert pyramid chests, 11.0% of pillager outpost chests, 14.1% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 14.7% of monster room chests, all in groups of 1.
Enchanted books[FN 34] can be found in 5.5% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 5.5% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted books[FN 38] can be found in 5.5% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 5.5% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted bows[FN 11] can be found in 10.4% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.6% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted bows[FN 31] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted crossbows[FN 33] can be found in 7.0% of trial chambers vault chests and 11.0% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 1.7% of trial chambers vault chests and 11.0% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond axes[FN 4][FN 5] can be found in 5.9% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 5.9% of trial chambers barrel intersection chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond axes[FN 6] can be found in 8.3% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond axes[FN 11] can be found in 3.5% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 0.9% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond bootses[FN 3] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond boots[FN 1] can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond chestplates[FN 6] can be found in 8.3% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond chestplates[FN 3] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond chestplates[FN 1] can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond chestplates[FN 11] can be found in 3.5% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 0.9% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond helmets[FN 3] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond helmets[FN 1] can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond leggingses[FN 3] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond leggings[FN 35] can be found in 16.1% of Ancient City chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 16.1% of Ancient City chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond leggings[FN 1] can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond pickaxes[FN 1] can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond pickaxes[FN 4][FN 21] can be found in 12.0% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.6% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond pickaxes[FN 4] can be found in 6.7% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 6.7% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond shovels[FN 1] can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond swords[FN 3] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted diamond swords[FN 1] can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted fishing rods[FN 4] can be found in 41.7% of small underwater ruins chests and 21.7% of big underwater ruins chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 41.7% of small underwater ruins chests and 21.7% of big underwater ruins chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted golden apples can be found in 3.1% of woodland mansion chests, 5.9% of bastion remnant treasure chests, 2.6% of desert pyramid chests, 1.5% of ruined portal chests, 22.5% of trial chambers ominous vault chests, 1.4% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 3.1% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1; and in 8.4% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 3.1% of woodland mansion chests, 5.9% of bastion remnant treasure chests, 2.6% of desert pyramid chests, 1.5% of ruined portal chests, 22.5% of trial chambers ominous vault chests, 1.4% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 3.1% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1; and in 8.4% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–2.
Enchanted golden axes[FN 4] can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests, 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, 20.5% of ruined portal chests, and 9.8% of bastion remnant chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests, 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, 20.5% of ruined portal chests, and 9.8% of bastion remnant chests, all in groups of 1.
Enchanted golden boots with soul speed[FN 16] can be found in 9.8% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 9.8% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted golden boots[FN 4] can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests and 20.5% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests and 20.5% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted golden chestplates[FN 4] can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests and 20.5% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests and 20.5% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted golden helmets[FN 4] can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests and 20.5% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests and 20.5% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted golden hoes[FN 4] can be found in 20.5% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.5% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted golden leggings[FN 4] can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests and 20.5% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests and 20.5% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted golden pickaxes[FN 4] can be found in 20.5% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.5% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted golden shovels[FN 4] can be found in 20.5% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.5% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted golden swords[FN 4] can be found in 20.5% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.5% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted iron axes[FN 4][FN 5] can be found in 10.2% of Trial Chambers corridor chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 10.2% of Trial Chambers corridor chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted iron axes[FN 11] can be found in 7.0% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 1.7% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted iron bootses[FN 3] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted iron boots[FN 1] can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted iron chestplates[FN 1] can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted iron chestplates[FN 8] can be found in 7.0% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 1.7% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted iron chestplates[FN 3] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted iron helmets[FN 3] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted iron helmets[FN 1] can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted iron leggingses[FN 3] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted iron leggings[FN 1] can be found in 13.3% of end city chests and 23.2% of Ancient City chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.3% of end city chests and 23.2% of Ancient City chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted iron pickaxes[FN 1] can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted iron shovels[FN 1] can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted iron swords[FN 1] can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.3% of end city chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted iron swords[FN 3] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted leather bootses[FN 3] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted leather boots[FN 4] can be found in 20.8% of shipwreck supply chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.8% of shipwreck supply chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted leather caps[FN 4] can be found in 20.8% of shipwreck supply chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.8% of shipwreck supply chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted leather caps[FN 3] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted leather pantses[FN 3] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted leather pants[FN 4] can be found in 20.8% of shipwreck supply chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.8% of shipwreck supply chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted leather tunics[FN 3] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted leather tunics[FN 4] can be found in 20.8% of shipwreck supply chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.8% of shipwreck supply chests in groups of 1.
Enchanted stone swords[FN 3] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in groups of 1.
End stones can be found in 18.7% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4, and in 19.8% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–3.
Ender pearls can be found in 1.7% of lunar base chests in stacks of 2–4.
Ender pearls can be found in 23.0% of stronghold altar chests in stacks of 1, and in 19.6% of Trial Chambers corridor chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 22.4% of stronghold altar chests in stacks of 1, and in 19.6% of Trial Chambers corridor chests in stacks of 1–2.
Explorer pottery sherds can be found in 6.7% of cold ocean ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 6.7% of cold ocean ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Eye armor trim smithing templates can be found in 10.0% of stronghold altar chests and all stronghold library chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 10.0% of stronghold altar chests and all stronghold library chests in stacks of 1.
Feathers can be found in 12.1% of plains village house chests in stacks of 1, in 55.8% of village fletcher chests in stacks of 1–3, and in 60.0% of shipwreck map chests in stacks of 1–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 12.1% of plains village house chests in stacks of 1, in 55.8% of village fletcher chests in stacks of 1–3, and in 60.0% of shipwreck map chests in stacks of 1–5.
Ferns can be found in 18.6% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.3% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1.
Ferns can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Fire charges can be found in 46.4% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 1, and in 20.7% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 4–8.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 46.4% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 1, and in 20.7% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 4–8.
Fire coral blocks can be found in 2.0% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
Flint and steel can be found in 19.0% of nether fortress chests and 46.4% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 19.0% of nether fortress chests and 46.4% of ruined portal chests in groups of 1.
Flint can be found in 55.8% of village fletcher chests in stacks of 1–3, and in 46.4% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 1–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 55.8% of village fletcher chests in stacks of 1–3, and in 46.4% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 1–4.
Flow armor trim smithing templates can be found in 22.5% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 22.5% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 1.
Flow banner patterns can be found in 15.0% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 15.0% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in groups of 1.
Flower pots can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests and 20.8% of village mason chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests and 20.8% of village mason chests in stacks of 1.
Friend pottery sherds can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Furnaces can be found in 9.9% of snowy village house chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 9.9% of snowy village house chests in stacks of 1.
Ghast tears can be found in 2.8% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–3.
Gilded blackstone can be found in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 2–5, in 44.1% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 1–5, in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 5–15, and in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 8–12.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 2–5, in 44.1% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 1–5, in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 5–15, and in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 8–12.
Glistering melon slices can be found in 7.3% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 4–12.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 7.3% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 4–12.
Glow berries can be found in 37.3% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 2–10, in 38.7% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in stacks of 3–6, and in 23.2% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–15.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 37.3% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 2–10, in 38.7% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in stacks of 3–6, and in 23.2% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–15.
Glow berries can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Glowstone dusts can be found in 6.8% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–8.
Glowstones can be found in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 3–6.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 3–6.
Goat horns[FN 12] can be found in 50.0% of pillager outpost chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 50.0% of pillager outpost chests in groups of 1.
Gold ingots can be found in 23.7% of lunar base chests and 34.4% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4, and in 13.3% of lunar base chests in stacks of 5–16.
Gold ingots can be found in 25.4% of village temple chests, 9.6% of woodland mansion chests, 88.0% of buried treasure chests, and 9.6% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–4; in 26.5% of shipwreck treasure chests in stacks of 1–5; in 19.0% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 1–6; in 7.3% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 2–8; in 12.0% of stronghold altar chests, 9.9% of village toolsmith chests, 18.6% of stronghold storeroom chests, 49.0% of nether fortress chests, 14.5% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests, all in stacks of 1–3; in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 3–9; in 51.0% of jungle pyramid chests, 52.3% of end city chests, and 18.0% of desert pyramid chests, all in stacks of 2–7; and in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 4–9. รุ่น Java กำลังมา they can be found in 5.4% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 25.4% of village temple chests, 9.6% of woodland mansion chests, and 9.6% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–4; in 26.5% of shipwreck treasure chests and 34.3% of buried treasure chests in stacks of 1–5; in 19.0% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 1–6; in 7.3% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 2–8; in 11.6% of stronghold altar chests, 9.9% of village toolsmith chests, 15.2% of stronghold storeroom chests, 49.0% of nether fortress chests, 14.5% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests, all in stacks of 1–3; in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 3–9; in 50.9% of jungle pyramid chests, 52.3% of end city chests, and 18.0% of desert pyramid chests, all in stacks of 2–7; and in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 4–9. รุ่น Bedrock 1.21.50 they can be found in 8.3% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1–4.
Gold nuggets can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests, 13.3% of warm ocean Ruins chests, and 13.3% of cold ocean ruins chests, all in stacks of 1; in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests and 24.4% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 2–8; in 36.6% of shipwreck treasure chests in stacks of 1–10; in 47.9% of bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 2–6; in 20.5% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 4–24; and in 55.3% of igloo chests, 81.0% of big underwater ruins chests, 11.3% of savanna village house chests, and 12.1% of plains village house chests, all in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests, 13.3% of warm ocean Ruins chests, and 13.3% of cold ocean ruins chests, all in stacks of 1; in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests and 24.4% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 2–8; in 36.6% of shipwreck treasure chests in stacks of 1–10; in 47.9% of bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 2–6; in 20.5% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 4–24; and in 55.3% of igloo chests, 81.0% of big underwater ruins chests, 11.3% of savanna village house chests, and 12.1% of plains village house chests, all in stacks of 1–3.
Golden apples can be found in 2.5% of stronghold altar chests, all igloo chests, 21.8% of woodland mansion chests, 4.3% of big underwater ruins chests, 10.0% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, 8.3% of trial chambers vault chests, 23.5% of desert pyramid chests, 20.5% of ruined portal chests, 8.3% of trial chambers ominous vault chests, 28.2% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, 21.5% of monster room chests, and 10.1% of bastion remnant chests, all in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.4% of stronghold altar chests, all igloo chests, 21.5% of woodland mansion chests, 4.3% of big underwater ruins chests, 11.4% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, 8.3% of trial chambers vault chests, 23.5% of desert pyramid chests, 20.5% of ruined portal chests, 8.3% of trial chambers ominous vault chests, 28.2% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, 21.5% of monster room chests, and 10.1% of bastion remnant chests, all in stacks of 1.
Golden apples can be found in 3.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Golden boots can be found in 9.8% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 9.8% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
Golden carrots can be found in 54.9% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–10, in 10.0% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 8–17, in 13.5% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 6–17, in 7.0% of trial chambers vault chests and 14.0% of trial chambers ominous spawner chests in stacks of 1–2, and in 7.3% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 4–12.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 54.9% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–10, in 11.4% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 8–17, in 13.5% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 6–17, in 1.7% of trial chambers vault chests and 14.0% of trial chambers ominous spawner chests in stacks of 1–2, and in 7.3% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 4–12.
Golden chestplates can be found in 19.0% of nether fortress chests and 9.8% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 19.0% of nether fortress chests and 9.8% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
Golden helmets can be found in 8.3% of small underwater ruins chests, 4.3% of big underwater ruins chests, and 9.8% of bastion remnant chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of small underwater ruins chests, 4.3% of big underwater ruins chests, and 9.8% of bastion remnant chests, all in groups of 1.
Golden horse armor can be found in 2.5% of stronghold altar chests, 4.5% of jungle pyramid chests, 4.6% of end city chests, 29.1% of nether fortress chests, 12.3% of desert pyramid chests, 7.3% of ruined portal chests, 14.7% of monster room chests, and 5.7% of village weaponsmith chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.4% of stronghold altar chests, 4.4% of jungle pyramid chests, 4.6% of end city chests, 29.1% of nether fortress chests, 12.3% of desert pyramid chests, 7.3% of ruined portal chests, 14.7% of monster room chests, and 5.7% of village weaponsmith chests, all in groups of 1.
Golden leggings can be found in 9.8% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 9.8% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
Golden swords can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests, 19.0% of nether fortress chests, and 9.8% of bastion remnant chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests, 19.0% of nether fortress chests, and 9.8% of bastion remnant chests, all in groups of 1.
Grass blocks can be found in 28.7% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–3.
Gravel can be found in 19.8% of lunar base chests in stacks of 5–64.
Gray wool can be found in 23.3% of village shepherd chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 23.3% of village shepherd chests in stacks of 1–3.
Green candles can be found in 4.4% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 4.3% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Green dye can be found in 14.3% of desert village house chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 14.3% of desert village house chests in stacks of 1.
Gunpowder can be found in 12.5% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1; in 57.8% of woodland mansion chests, 59.0% of desert pyramid chests, and 57.8% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–8; and in 20.8% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 1–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 12.5% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1; in 57.8% of woodland mansion chests, 59.0% of desert pyramid chests, and 57.8% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–8; and in 20.8% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 1–5.
Gunpowders can be found in 7.1% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–8, and in 6.8% of lunar base chests in stacks of 2–32.
Guster banner patterns can be found in 4.2% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 4.2% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
Heart of the sea can be found in all buried treasure chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in all buried treasure chests in stacks of 1.
Heart of the sea can be found in 2.0% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Heart pottery sherds can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Heartbreak pottery sherds can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Heavy cores can be found in 7.5% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 7.5% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 1.
Honey bottles can be found in 24.0% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 29.6% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 1–2.
Honeycombs can be found in 10.2% of Trial Chambers corridor chests and 55.1% of trial chambers entrance chests in stacks of 2–8.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 10.2% of Trial Chambers corridor chests and 55.1% of trial chambers entrance chests in stacks of 2–8.
Horn coral blocks can be found in 2.0% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
Host armor trim smithing templates can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Howl pottery sherds can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Iron axes can be found in 6.7% of warm ocean Ruins chests and 6.7% of cold ocean ruins chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 6.7% of warm ocean Ruins chests and 6.7% of cold ocean ruins chests in groups of 1.
Iron boots can be found in 12.0% of stronghold altar chests and 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.6% of stronghold altar chests and 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests in groups of 1.
Iron chestplates can be found in 12.0% of stronghold altar chests and 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.6% of stronghold altar chests and 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests in groups of 1.
Iron helmets can be found in 12.0% of stronghold altar chests, 31.8% of village armorer chests, and 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.6% of stronghold altar chests, 31.8% of village armorer chests, and 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests, all in groups of 1.
Iron horse armor can be found in 2.5% of stronghold altar chests, 4.5% of jungle pyramid chests, 4.6% of end city chests, 19.0% of nether fortress chests, 18.0% of desert pyramid chests, 21.5% of monster room chests, and 5.7% of village weaponsmith chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.4% of stronghold altar chests, 4.4% of jungle pyramid chests, 4.6% of end city chests, 19.0% of nether fortress chests, 18.0% of desert pyramid chests, 21.5% of monster room chests, and 5.7% of village weaponsmith chests, all in groups of 1.
Iron ingots can be found in 18.5% of woodland mansion chests, 99.4% of buried treasure chests, 24.0% of trial chambers vault chests, and 18.5% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–4; in 23.0% of stronghold altar chests, 97.4% of shipwreck treasure chests, 37.4% of jungle pyramid chests, 41.2% of village toolsmith chests, 34.3% of stronghold storeroom chests, 19.0% of nether fortress chests, 18.0% of desert pyramid chests, 27.3% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 45.1% of village weaponsmith chests, all in stacks of 1–5; in 38.4% of end city chests in stacks of 4–8; in 19.0% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 1–6; in 54.2% of village armorer chests and 30.5% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 1–3; in 28.5% of trial chambers corridor pot chests in stacks of 1–2; in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 3–9; and in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 4–9. รุ่น Java กำลังมา they can be found in 10.6% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 18.5% of woodland mansion chests, 29.6% of trial chambers vault chests, and 18.5% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–4; in 54.2% of village armorer chests and 30.5% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 1–3; in 28.5% of trial chambers corridor pot chests in stacks of 1–2; in 19.0% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 1–6; in 22.4% of stronghold altar chests, 97.4% of shipwreck treasure chests, 37.3% of jungle pyramid chests, 41.2% of village toolsmith chests, 28.5% of stronghold storeroom chests, 19.0% of nether fortress chests, 18.0% of desert pyramid chests, 27.3% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 45.1% of village weaponsmith chests, all in stacks of 1–5; in 38.4% of end city chests in stacks of 4–8; in 57.2% of buried treasure chests in stacks of 3–5; in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 3–9; and in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 4–9. รุ่น Bedrock 1.21.50 they can be found in 16.1% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1–4.
Iron ingots can be found in 23.7% of lunar base chests and 34.4% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4, and in 13.3% of lunar base chests in stacks of 5–16.
Iron leggings can be found in 12.0% of stronghold altar chests and 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.6% of stronghold altar chests and 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests in groups of 1.
Iron nuggets can be found in 24.4% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 2–8, in 9.7% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1–5, in 46.4% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 9–18, in 47.9% of bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 2–6, and in 94.5% of shipwreck treasure chests in stacks of 1–10.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 24.4% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 2–8, in 10.7% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1–5, in 46.4% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 9–18, in 47.9% of bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 2–6, and in 94.5% of shipwreck treasure chests in stacks of 1–10.
Iron pickaxes can be found in 12.0% of stronghold altar chests, 41.2% of village toolsmith chests, 4.0% of stronghold storeroom chests, 7.0% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.6% of stronghold altar chests, 41.2% of village toolsmith chests, 3.2% of stronghold storeroom chests, 7.0% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests, all in groups of 1.
Iron shovels can be found in 41.2% of village toolsmith chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 41.2% of village toolsmith chests in groups of 1.
Iron swords can be found in 12.0% of stronghold altar chests, 25.0% of buried treasure chests, and 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 11.6% of stronghold altar chests and 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests in groups of 1.
Jungle logs can be found in 26.2% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 25.0% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–3.
Jungle saplings can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests and 6.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
Kelps can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Lapis lazuli can be found in 25.4% of village temple chests in stacks of 1–4, in 61.5% of shipwreck treasure chests in stacks of 1–10, and in 14.5% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in stacks of 4–9.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 25.4% of village temple chests in stacks of 1–4, in 61.5% of shipwreck treasure chests in stacks of 1–10, and in 14.5% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in stacks of 4–9.
Lapis lazulis can be found in 13.3% of lunar base chests in stacks of 5–32.
Large ferns can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Large ferns can be found in 18.6% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.3% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1.
Lava buckets can be found in 9.7% of lunar base chests and 4.2% of lunar base chests in groups of 1.
Leads can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests, 28.3% of woodland mansion chests, and 16.1% of Ancient City chests, all in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests, 27.9% of woodland mansion chests, and 16.1% of Ancient City chests, all in stacks of 1; and in 34.3% of buried treasure chests in stacks of 1–3.
Leather boots can be found in 31.8% of village tannery chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 31.8% of village tannery chests in groups of 1.
Leather can be found in 47.9% of bastion remnant bridge chests, 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, and 17.3% of village tannery chests, all in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 47.9% of bastion remnant bridge chests, 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, and 17.3% of village tannery chests, all in stacks of 1–3.
Leather caps can be found in 31.8% of village tannery chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 31.8% of village tannery chests in groups of 1.
Leather pants can be found in 31.8% of village tannery chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 31.8% of village tannery chests in groups of 1.
Leather tunics can be found in 8.3% of small underwater ruins chests, 25.0% of buried treasure chests, 4.3% of big underwater ruins chests, and 31.8% of village tannery chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of small underwater ruins chests, 4.3% of big underwater ruins chests, and 31.8% of village tannery chests, all in groups of 1.
Light blue dye can be found in 4.4% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 4.3% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Light blue stained glass panes can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Light gray wool can be found in 23.3% of village shepherd chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 23.3% of village shepherd chests in stacks of 1–3.
Light weighted pressure plates can be found in 7.3% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 7.3% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 1.
Lilacs can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Lily of the valleys can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Lingering Potion of Healings can be found in 3.4% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 2–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 3.4% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 2–5.
Lingering Potion of Poisons can be found in 3.4% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 2–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 3.4% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 2–5.
Lingering Potion of Slownesses can be found in 3.4% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 2–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 3.4% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 2–5.
Lingering Potion of Weaknesses can be found in 3.4% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 2–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 3.4% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 2–5.
Lodestones can be found in all bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in all bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 1.
Magenta stained glass panes can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Magma cream can be found in 44.1% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 2–6, and in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 3–8.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 44.1% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 2–6, and in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 3–8.
Mangrove logs can be found in 26.2% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 33.3% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–3.
Mangrove propagules can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–2.
Melon seeds can be found in 18.5% of woodland mansion chests, 27.3% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 18.5% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 2–4. รุ่น Java กำลังมา they can be found in 10.6% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 2–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 33.3% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–2, and in 18.5% of woodland mansion chests, 27.3% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 18.5% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 2–4. รุ่น Bedrock 1.21.50 they can be found in 16.1% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 2–4.
Melon seeds can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Milk buckets can be found in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 1.
Miner pottery sherds can be found in 12.5% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 12.5% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1.
Moss blocks can be found in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 2–5, and in 42.1% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 1–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 2–5, and in 42.1% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 1–4.
Moss blocks can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Mourner pottery sherds can be found in 6.7% of cold ocean ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 6.7% of cold ocean ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Music disc (13) can be found in 21.8% of woodland mansion chests, 16.1% of Ancient City chests, and 21.5% of monster room chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 21.5% of woodland mansion chests, 16.1% of Ancient City chests, and 21.5% of monster room chests, all in groups of 1.
Music disc (cat) can be found in 21.8% of woodland mansion chests, 16.1% of Ancient City chests, and 21.5% of monster room chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 21.5% of woodland mansion chests, 16.1% of Ancient City chests, and 21.5% of monster room chests, all in groups of 1.
Music disc (creator (music box)) can be found in 1.4% of trial chambers corridor pot chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 1.4% of trial chambers corridor pot chests in groups of 1.
Music disc (creator) can be found in 7.5% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 7.5% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in groups of 1.
Music disc (otherside) can be found in 2.5% of stronghold altar chests, 8.4% of Ancient City chests, and 3.1% of monster room chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.4% of stronghold altar chests, 8.4% of Ancient City chests, and 3.1% of monster room chests, all in groups of 1.
Music disc (pigstep) can be found in 5.6% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 5.6% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
Music disc (precipice) can be found in 4.2% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 4.2% of trial chambers vault chests in groups of 1.
Music disc (relic) can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in groups of 1.
Mycelium can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Name tags can be found in 28.3% of woodland mansion chests, 16.1% of Ancient City chests, 42.3% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 27.9% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 27.9% of woodland mansion chests, 34.3% of buried treasure chests, 16.1% of Ancient City chests, 42.3% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 27.9% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1.
Nautilus shells can be found in 2.8% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
Nether quartz can be found in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 8–23.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 8–23.
Nether quartzs can be found in 13.3% of lunar base chests in stacks of 5–32.
Nether wart can be found in 19.0% of nether fortress chests in stacks of 3–7.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 19.0% of nether fortress chests in stacks of 3–7.
Nether warts can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 2–4.
Netherite ingots can be found in 38.6% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 38.6% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 1.
Netherite scraps can be found in 8.0% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, 22.1% of bastion remnant treasure chests, and 4.5% of bastion remnant chests, all in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 9.1% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, 22.1% of bastion remnant treasure chests, and 4.5% of bastion remnant chests, all in stacks of 1.
Netherite upgrade smithing templates can be found in 10.0% of bastion remnant bridge chests, 10.0% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, all bastion remnant treasure chests, and 10.0% of bastion remnant chests, all in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 10.0% of bastion remnant bridge chests, 10.0% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, all bastion remnant treasure chests, and 10.0% of bastion remnant chests, all in stacks of 1.
Nothing[FN 26] can be found in 90.0% of stronghold altar chests, 83.3% of shipwreck treasure chests, 83.3% of shipwreck map chests, 66.7% of jungle pyramid chests, 99.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests, 83.3% of shipwreck supply chests, 50.0% of woodland mansion chests, 93.3% of end city chests, 93.8% of Ancient City chests, 93.3% of nether fortress chests, 99.2% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, 66.7% of bonus barrel chests, 91.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests, 75.0% of trial chambers vault chests, 88.3% of desert pyramid chests, 25.0% of trial chambers ominous vault chests, 75.0% of pillager outpost chests, 7.0% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 99.2% of bastion remnant chests, all in stacks of 1. รุ่น Java กำลังมา they can be found in 83.3% of jungle pyramid chests, 88.8% of Ancient City chests, 64.9% of desert pyramid chests, and 81.4% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, all in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 90.0% of stronghold altar chests, 83.3% of shipwreck treasure chests, 83.3% of shipwreck map chests, 66.7% of jungle pyramid chests, 99.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests, 83.3% of shipwreck supply chests, 50.0% of woodland mansion chests, 93.3% of end city chests, 93.8% of Ancient City chests, 93.3% of nether fortress chests, 99.2% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, 91.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests, 75.0% of trial chambers vault chests, 88.3% of desert pyramid chests, 25.0% of trial chambers ominous vault chests, 83.3% of pillager outpost chests, 7.0% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 99.2% of bastion remnant chests, all in stacks of 1.
Oak hanging signs can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Oak logs can be found in 12.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
Oak logs can be found in 26.2% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 25.0% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–3.
Oak planks can be found in 67.3% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–12.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in all bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–12.
Oak saplings can be found in 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests in stacks of 3–7, and in 48.2% of plains village house chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 26.3% of village cartographer chests and 48.2% of plains village house chests in stacks of 1–2, in 14.3% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 4, and in 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests in stacks of 3–7.
Oak saplings can be found in 6.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4, and in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–2.
Obsidian can be found in 46.4% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 1–2, in 8.0% of nether fortress chests in stacks of 2–4, in 24.4% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 4–6, and in 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests in stacks of 3–7.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 46.4% of ruined portal chests in stacks of 1–2, in 8.0% of nether fortress chests in stacks of 2–4, in 24.4% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 4–6, and in 25.6% of village weaponsmith chests in stacks of 3–7.
Ominous bottle i - iis[FN 32] can be found in 16.5% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.6% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 1.
Ominous bottle iii - vs[FN 20] can be found in 13.9% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.9% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 1.
Ominous trial keys can be found in 30.0% of trial chambers ominous spawner chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 30.0% of trial chambers ominous spawner chests in stacks of 1.
Orange dye can be found in 4.4% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 4.3% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Orange tulips can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Oxeye daisys can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Packed air can be found in 2.8% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Packed ices can be found in 80.5% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 2–6.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 80.5% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 2–6.
Paper can be found in 46.4% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 1–12, in 89.4% of shipwreck map chests in stacks of 1–10, in 89.2% of stronghold library chests in stacks of 2–7, and in 61.2% of village cartographer chests in stacks of 1–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 46.4% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 1–12, in 89.4% of shipwreck map chests in stacks of 1–10, in 88.3% of stronghold library chests in stacks of 2–7, and in 61.2% of village cartographer chests in stacks of 1–5.
Peonys can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Pink petals can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Pink stained glass panes can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Pink tulips can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Plenty pottery sherds can be found in 6.7% of cold ocean ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 6.7% of cold ocean ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Pointed dripstones can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Poisonous potatoes can be found in 42.1% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 2–6.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 42.1% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 2–6.
Poppies can be found in 12.1% of plains village house chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 12.1% of plains village house chests in stacks of 1.
Poppys can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Potatoes can be found in 42.1% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 2–6; in 65.6% of taiga village house chests, 74.2% of plains village house chests, and 66.3% of snowy village house chests, all in stacks of 1–7; and in 57.5% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 2–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 42.1% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 2–6; in 69.3% of taiga village house chests, 74.2% of plains village house chests, and 66.3% of snowy village house chests, all in stacks of 1–7; in 50.0% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–2; and in 57.5% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 2–5.
Potatos can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
Potion of Regeneration can be found in 5.0% of trial chambers spawner chests and 7.0% of trial chambers ominous spawner chests in stacks of 1, in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 2, and in 35.9% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 34.3% of buried treasure chests, 5.0% of trial chambers spawner chests, and 7.0% of trial chambers ominous spawner chests, all in stacks of 1; in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 2; and in 35.9% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–3.
Potion of Strength can be found in 7.0% of trial chambers ominous spawner chests in stacks of 1, and in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 7.0% of trial chambers ominous spawner chests in stacks of 1, and in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 2.
Potion of Swiftness can be found in 5.0% of trial chambers spawner chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 5.0% of trial chambers spawner chests in stacks of 1.
Potion of Water Breathing can be found in 66.7% of buried treasure chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 46.9% of buried treasure chests in stacks of 1.
Powder snow buckets can be found in 3.9% of lunar base chests in groups of 1.
Powered rail can be found in 27.1% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in stacks of 1–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 27.1% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in stacks of 1–4.
Prismarine crystals can be found in 13.3% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–8.
Prismarine crystals can be found in 59.9% of buried treasure chests in stacks of 1–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 18.9% of buried treasure chests in stacks of 1–5.
Prismarine shards can be found in 13.3% of lunar base chests in stacks of 2–16.
Prize pottery sherds can be found in 12.5% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 12.5% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1.
Pufferfish buckets can be found in 3.9% of lunar base chests in groups of 1.
Pumpkin pie can be found in 9.7% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 10.7% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1.
Pumpkin seeds can be found in 18.5% of woodland mansion chests, 27.3% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 18.5% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 2–4; and in 40.6% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1–5. รุ่น Java กำลังมา they can be found in 10.6% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 2–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 43.7% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1–5, in 33.3% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–2, and in 18.5% of woodland mansion chests, 27.3% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, and 18.5% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 2–4. รุ่น Bedrock 1.21.50 they can be found in 16.1% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 2–4.
Pumpkin seeds can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests and 6.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Pumpkins can be found in 14.4% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 14.4% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 1–3.
Purple candles can be found in 4.4% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 4.3% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Purple stained glass panes can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Rabbit's foots can be found in 2.8% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–3.
Rails can be found in 78.4% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in stacks of 4–8.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 78.4% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in stacks of 4–8.
Raiser armor trim smithing templates can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Random lingering potions[FN 25] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in stacks of 1.
Random potions[FN 25] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in stacks of 1.
Random splash potions[FN 25] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in stacks of 1.
Random tipped arrows[FN 25] can be found in 10.9% of bonus barrel chests in stacks of 1–20.
Raw beef can be found in 48.6% of village butcher chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 48.6% of village butcher chests in stacks of 1–3.
Raw cod can be found in 43.0% of village fisherman chests in stacks of 1–3.
Raw mutton can be found in 48.6% of village butcher chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 48.6% of village butcher chests in stacks of 1–3.
Raw porkchops can be found in 48.6% of village butcher chests in stacks of 1–3, and in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 2–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 48.6% of village butcher chests in stacks of 1–3, and in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 2–5.
Raw salmon can be found in 24.2% of village fisherman chests in stacks of 1–3, and in 61.5% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in all bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–2.
Red candles can be found in 4.4% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 4.3% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Red keys can be found in 20.8% of bonus barrel chests in stacks of 1.
Red mushrooms can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Red stained glass panes can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Red tulips can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Redstone dust can be found in 44.8% of village temple chests, 26.6% of woodland mansion chests, and 26.6% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–4; and in 12.0% of stronghold altar chests, 18.6% of stronghold storeroom chests, and 14.5% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, all in stacks of 4–9. รุ่น Java กำลังมา they can be found in 15.6% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 44.8% of village temple chests, 26.6% of woodland mansion chests, and 26.6% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–4; and in 11.6% of stronghold altar chests, 15.2% of stronghold storeroom chests, and 14.5% of chest minecarts in mineshaft, all in stacks of 4–9. รุ่น Bedrock 1.21.50 they can be found in 23.3% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1–4.
Redstone dusts can be found in 13.3% of lunar base chests in stacks of 8–32.
Rib armor trim smithing templates can be found in 6.7% of nether fortress chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 6.7% of nether fortress chests in stacks of 1.
Rose bushes can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Rotten flesh can be found in 59.6% of small underwater ruins chests and 55.3% of igloo chests in stacks of 1; in 89.3% of village temple chests in stacks of 1–4; in 32.2% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 5–24; in 57.8% of woodland mansion chests, 59.0% of desert pyramid chests, and 57.8% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–8; and in 53.4% of jungle pyramid chests and 28.7% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 3–7.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 59.6% of small underwater ruins chests and 55.3% of igloo chests in stacks of 1; in 89.3% of village temple chests in stacks of 1–4; in 32.2% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 5–24; in 57.8% of woodland mansion chests, 59.0% of desert pyramid chests, and 57.8% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–8; and in 53.3% of jungle pyramid chests and 28.7% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 3–7.
Saddles can be found in 2.5% of stronghold altar chests, 12.9% of jungle pyramid chests, 13.3% of end city chests, 16.1% of Ancient City chests, 35.3% of nether fortress chests, 12.0% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, 11.3% of savanna village house chests, 23.5% of desert pyramid chests, 27.9% of monster room chests, 16.2% of village weaponsmith chests, and 17.3% of village tannery chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.4% of stronghold altar chests, 12.8% of jungle pyramid chests, 13.3% of end city chests, 16.1% of Ancient City chests, 35.3% of nether fortress chests, 13.6% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, 11.3% of savanna village house chests, 23.5% of desert pyramid chests, 27.9% of monster room chests, 16.2% of village weaponsmith chests, and 17.3% of village tannery chests, all in groups of 1.
Sand can be found in 36.8% of lunar base chests in stacks of 5–64.
Sand can be found in 59.0% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1–8.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 59.0% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1–8.
Scaffoldings can be found in 19.6% of Trial Chambers corridor chests in stacks of 2–10.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 19.6% of Trial Chambers corridor chests in stacks of 2–10.
Sculk catalysts can be found in 16.1% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 16.1% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–2.
Sculk catalysts can be found in 3.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Sculk sensors can be found in 23.2% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 23.2% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–3.
Sculks can be found in 23.2% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 4–10.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 23.2% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 4–10.
Sea pickles can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 2–4.
Sentry armor trim smithing templates can be found in 25.0% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 25.0% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 2.
Shaper armor trim smithing templates can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Sheaf pottery sherds can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Shears can be found in 12.3% of village shepherd chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 12.3% of village shepherd chests in groups of 1.
Sheep spawn eggs can be found in 3.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Shelter pottery sherds can be found in 6.7% of warm ocean Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 6.7% of warm ocean Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Short grass can be found in 45.9% of savanna village house chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 45.9% of savanna village house chests in stacks of 1.
Silence armor trim smithing templates can be found in 1.2% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 1.2% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1.
Skull pottery sherds can be found in 12.5% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 12.5% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1.
Slimeballs can be found in 13.3% of lunar base chests in stacks of 8–32.
Smooth stone can be found in 20.8% of village mason chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 20.8% of village mason chests in stacks of 1.
Sniffer eggs can be found in 2.0% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Sniffer eggs can be found in 6.7% of warm ocean Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 6.7% of warm ocean Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Snort pottery sherds can be found in 6.7% of warm ocean Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 6.7% of warm ocean Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Snout armor trim smithing templates can be found in 8.3% of bastion remnant bridge chests, 8.3% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, 8.3% of bastion remnant treasure chests, and 8.3% of bastion remnant chests, all in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of bastion remnant bridge chests, 8.3% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests, 8.3% of bastion remnant treasure chests, and 8.3% of bastion remnant chests, all in stacks of 1.
Snout banner patterns can be found in 10.1% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 10.1% of bastion remnant chests in groups of 1.
Snow blocks can be found in 18.7% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4, and in 19.8% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–3.
Snow blocks can be found in 34.5% of snowy village house chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 34.5% of snowy village house chests in stacks of 1.
Snowballs can be found in 97.0% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 2–6, in 66.3% of snowy village house chests in stacks of 1–7, and in 20.7% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 4–8.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 97.0% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 2–6, in 66.3% of snowy village house chests in stacks of 1–7, and in 20.7% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 4–8.
Soul sand can be found in 18.7% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
Soul sands can be found in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 2–7.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 2–7.
Soul torches can be found in 35.9% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–15.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 35.9% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1–15.
Spectral arrows can be found in 11.2% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 10–22, in 33.7% of bastion remnant treasure chests in stacks of 12–25, and in 11.2% of bastion remnant bridge chests in stacks of 10–28.
Spider eyes can be found in 28.7% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 28.7% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1–3.
Spider eyes can be found in 6.8% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–3.
Spire armor trim smithing templates can be found in 6.7% of end city chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 6.7% of end city chests in stacks of 1.
Splash Potion of Poisons can be found in 3.4% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 2–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 3.4% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 2–5.
Splash Potion of Slownesses can be found in 3.4% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 2–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 3.4% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 2–5.
Splash Potion of Weaknesses can be found in 3.4% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 2–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 3.4% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser in stacks of 2–5.
Spore blossoms can be found in 1.7% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Spruce hanging signs can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Spruce logs can be found in 26.2% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–3, and in 65.6% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 25.0% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–3, and in 69.3% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1–5.
Spruce saplings can be found in 40.6% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 14.3% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 4, and in 43.7% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1–5.
Spruce saplings can be found in 6.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4, and in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–2.
Spruce signs can be found in 9.7% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1.
Spyglasses can be found in 3.9% of lunar base chests in groups of 1.
Steak can be found in 21.0% of trial chambers ominous spawner chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 21.0% of trial chambers ominous spawner chests in stacks of 1–2.
Sticks can be found in 12.5% of desert well chests in stacks of 1, in 55.8% of village fletcher chests and 90.0% of village toolsmith chests in stacks of 1–3, in 26.3% of village cartographer chests in stacks of 1–2, in 67.3% of bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–12, and in 31.0% of trial chambers entrance chests in stacks of 2–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 12.5% of desert well chests in stacks of 1, in 31.0% of trial chambers entrance chests in stacks of 2–5, in all bonus chest chests in stacks of 1–12, and in 55.8% of village fletcher chests and 90.0% of village toolsmith chests in stacks of 1–3.
Stone axes can be found in 30.2% of small underwater ruins chests, 14.7% of igloo chests, and 25.0% of bonus chest chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 30.2% of small underwater ruins chests, 14.7% of igloo chests, and 25.0% of bonus chest chests, all in groups of 1.
Stone bricks can be found in 37.7% of village mason chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 37.7% of village mason chests in stacks of 1.
Stone can be found in 37.7% of village mason chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 37.7% of village mason chests in stacks of 1.
Stone pickaxes can be found in 25.0% of bonus chest chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 25.0% of bonus chest chests in groups of 1.
String can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1; in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 3–8; in 57.8% of woodland mansion chests, 59.0% of desert pyramid chests, and 57.8% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–8; in 24.4% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 4–6; and in 47.9% of bastion remnant bridge chests and 39.1% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 1–6.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1; in 22.8% of bastion remnant hoglin stable chests in stacks of 3–8; in 57.8% of woodland mansion chests, 59.0% of desert pyramid chests, and 57.8% of monster room chests, all in stacks of 1–8; in 24.4% of bastion remnant chests in stacks of 4–6; and in 47.9% of bastion remnant bridge chests and 39.1% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 1–6.
Strings can be found in 14.3% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–8.
Sugar canes can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 2–4.
Sunflowers can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Suspicious stew[FN 9] can be found in 54.9% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 2–6.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 54.9% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 2–6.
Suspicious stew[FN 17] can be found in 12.5% of desert well chests and 54.3% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 12.5% of desert well chests and 54.3% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 1.
Sweet berries can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Sweet berries can be found in 40.6% of taiga village house chests in stacks of 1–7.
TNT can be found in 12.5% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1, and in 7.5% of shipwreck supply chests and 62.7% of buried treasure chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 12.5% of desert pyramid chests in stacks of 1, and in 7.5% of shipwreck supply chests and 34.3% of buried treasure chests in stacks of 1–2.
Tall grass can be found in 45.9% of savanna village house chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 45.9% of savanna village house chests in stacks of 1.
Torches can be found in 65.7% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in stacks of 1–16, in 19.6% of Trial Chambers corridor chests and 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 3–6, and in 11.3% of savanna village house chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 65.7% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in stacks of 1–16, in 19.6% of Trial Chambers corridor chests and 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 3–6, and in 11.3% of savanna village house chests in stacks of 1–2.
Trial keys can be found in 2.8% of trial chambers corridor pot chests, 50.0% of trial chambers spawner chests, and 6.8% of trial chambers entrance chests, all in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.8% of trial chambers corridor pot chests, 50.0% of trial chambers spawner chests, and 6.8% of trial chambers entrance chests, all in stacks of 1.
Tridents can be found in 2.1% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.1% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 1.
Tripwire hooks can be found in 30.5% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 30.5% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 1–3.
Tube coral blocks can be found in 2.0% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
Tuffs can be found in 28.4% of Trial Chambers corridor chests in stacks of 8–20, and in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 5–10.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 28.4% of Trial Chambers corridor chests in stacks of 8–20, and in 20.4% of trial chambers supply chests in stacks of 5–10.
Turtle eggs can be found in 3.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Vex armor trim smithing templates can be found in 50.0% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 50.0% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1.
Villager spawn eggs can be found in 9.7% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Ward armor trim smithing templates can be found in 5.0% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 5.0% of Ancient City chests in stacks of 1.
Warped nylium can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
Water buckets can be found in 13.8% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser and all dispensers in trial chambers water dispenser in groups of 1, and in 24.2% of village fisherman chests in groups of 1–3.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 13.8% of dispensers in trial chambers chamber dispenser and all dispensers in trial chambers water dispenser in groups of 1.
Water buckets can be found in 9.7% of lunar base chests and 4.2% of lunar base chests in groups of 1.
Wayfinder armor trim smithing templates can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 8.3% of Trail Ruins chests in stacks of 1.
Wheat can be found in 4.4% of trail ruins chests, 13.3% of warm ocean Ruins chests, and 13.3% of cold ocean ruins chests, all in stacks of 1; in 34.1% of woodland mansion chests and 34.1% of monster room chests in stacks of 1–4; in 80.6% of desert village house chests in stacks of 1–7; in 84.2% of small underwater ruins chests, 55.3% of igloo chests, and 81.0% of big underwater ruins chests, all in stacks of 2–3; in 42.1% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 8–21; in 72.5% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 3–5; in 48.6% of village butcher chests in stacks of 1–3; and in 55.8% of village shepherd chests in stacks of 1–6. รุ่น Java กำลังมา they can be found in 20.3% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1–4.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 4.3% of trail ruins chests, 13.3% of warm ocean Ruins chests, and 13.3% of cold ocean ruins chests, all in stacks of 1; in 34.1% of woodland mansion chests and 34.1% of monster room chests in stacks of 1–4; in 80.6% of desert village house chests in stacks of 1–7; in 84.2% of small underwater ruins chests, 55.3% of igloo chests, and 81.0% of big underwater ruins chests, all in stacks of 2–3; in 42.1% of shipwreck supply chests in stacks of 8–21; in 72.5% of pillager outpost chests in stacks of 3–5; in 48.6% of village butcher chests in stacks of 1–3; and in 55.8% of village shepherd chests in stacks of 1–6. รุ่น Bedrock 1.21.50 they can be found in 30.0% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1–4.
Wheat seeds can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1, in 57.5% of village fisherman chests in stacks of 1–3, and in 71.7% of savanna village house chests in stacks of 1–5.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1, and in 71.7% of savanna village house chests in stacks of 1–5.
Wheat seeds can be found in 4.2% of lunar base chests and 6.2% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1–4.
White dye can be found in 4.4% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 4.3% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
White tulips can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 1.
White wool can be found in 55.8% of village shepherd chests in stacks of 1–8.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 55.8% of village shepherd chests in stacks of 1–8.
Wild armor trim smithing templates can be found in 33.3% of jungle pyramid chests in stacks of 2.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 33.3% of jungle pyramid chests in stacks of 2.
Wind charges can be found in 24.0% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 1–3, and in 47.4% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 8–12.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 29.6% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 1–3, and in 47.4% of trial chambers ominous vault chests in stacks of 8–12.
Wind charges can be found in 8.5% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 4–12.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 10.7% of trial chambers vault chests in stacks of 4–12.
Wither skeleton skulls can be found in 0.9% of lunar base chests in stacks of 3.
Wooden axes can be found in 55.1% of trial chambers entrance chests and 75.0% of bonus chest chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 55.1% of trial chambers entrance chests and 75.0% of bonus chest chests in groups of 1.
Wooden hoes can be found in 4.4% of trail ruins chests, 13.3% of warm ocean Ruins chests, and 13.3% of cold ocean ruins chests, all in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 4.3% of trail ruins chests, 13.3% of warm ocean Ruins chests, and 13.3% of cold ocean ruins chests, all in groups of 1.
Wooden pickaxes can be found in 75.0% of bonus chest chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 75.0% of bonus chest chests in groups of 1.
Yellow dye can be found in 4.4% of trail ruins chests and 20.8% of village mason chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 4.3% of trail ruins chests and 20.8% of village mason chests in stacks of 1.
Yellow keys can be found in 8.3% of bonus barrel chests in stacks of 1.
Yellow stained glass panes can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Bedrock they can be found in 2.2% of trail ruins chests in stacks of 1.
รุ่น Java กำลังมาenchanted books[FN 7] can be found in 20.0% of chest minecarts in mineshaft in groups of 1.
รุ่น Java กำลังมาenchanted books[FN 13] can be found in 5.0% of Ancient City chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Java กำลังมาenchanted books[FN 37] can be found in 50.0% of jungle pyramid chests and 28.6% of desert pyramid chests in groups of 1.
รุ่น Java กำลังมาresin bricks can be found in 44.5% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Bedrock 1.21.50 they can be found in 16.1% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 1–2.
รุ่น Java กำลังมาresin clumps can be found in 44.5% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 2–4.
รุ่น Bedrock 1.21.50 they can be found in 16.1% of woodland mansion chests in stacks of 2–4.
- ↑ กระโดดขึ้นไป: ก ข ค ง จ ฉ ช ซ ด ต ถ ท น บ ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับการร่ายมนตร์ในโต๊ะร่ายมนตร์ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 20 ถึง 39 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นไม่มีการจำกัดค่าประสบการณ์ไว้ที่ระดับ 30, สามารถให้มนตร์สมบัติ (ยกเว้นความเร็ววิญญาณ, ย่องเร็ว และลมระเบิด) และไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์
- ↑ ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์ชาร์จเร็ว
- ↑ กระโดดขึ้นไป: ก ข ค ง จ ฉ ช ซ ด ต ถ ท น บ ป ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับการร่ายมนตร์ในโต๊ะร่ายมนตร์ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 5 ถึง 10 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์
- ↑ กระโดดขึ้นไป: ก ข ค ง จ ฉ ช ซ ด ต ถ ท น บ ป ผ ฝ พ ฟ ม ย ร ว ส อ ฮ กก กข กค มนต์ทั้งหมดมีความน่าจะเป็นเท่ากัน รวมถึงมนตร์สมบัติด้วย (ยกเว้นความเร็ววิญญาณ, ย่องเร็ว และลมระเบิด) และมนตร์ทุกระดับก็มีความน่าจะเป็นเท่ากัน
- ↑ กระโดดขึ้นไป: ก ข ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 40% ถึง 90%
- ↑ กระโดดขึ้นไป: ก ข ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับการร่ายมนตร์ในโต๊ะร่ายมนตร์ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 10 ถึง 20 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นสามารถให้มนตร์สมบัติ (ยกเว้นความเร็ววิญญาณ, ย่องเร็ว และลมระเบิด) และไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์
- ↑ ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์ประสิทธิภาพ
- ↑ ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับการร่ายมนตร์ในโต๊ะร่ายมนตร์ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 0 ถึง 10 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นสามารถให้มนตร์สมบัติ (ยกเว้นความเร็ววิญญาณ, ย่องเร็ว และลมระเบิด) และไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์
- ↑ สตูจะให้หนึ่งในเอฟเเฟกต์ต่อไปนี้: ตาบอด 5–7 วินาที หรือมองกลางคืน 7-10 วินาที
- ↑ กระโดดขึ้นไป: ก ข ค ง จ ฉ ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 80% ถึง 100%
- ↑ กระโดดขึ้นไป: ก ข ค ง ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับการร่ายมนตร์ในโต๊ะร่ายมนตร์ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 5 ถึง 15 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นสามารถให้มนตร์สมบัติ (ยกเว้นความเร็ววิญญาณ, ย่องเร็ว และลมระเบิด) และไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์
- ↑ ไม่มีเขาแพะชนิดที่ดรอปจากแพะตะเบ็งเสียง
- ↑ ลงมนตร์ซ่อมแซม
- ↑ กระโดดขึ้นไป: ก ข ค ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 10% ถึง 50%
- ↑ แผนที่มีชื่อที่ยังไม่ถูกเปิด แต่เมื่อใช้จะเปลี่ยนชื่อเป็นแผนที่ 0 โดยมีมาตราส่วน 1:4 ทั้งนี้ แผนที่ที่ชื่อเหมือนกันจะกองรวมกันได้ แต่แผนที่ที่มีลักษณะเหมือนกันทุกประการบางแผ่นอาจกองรวมกันไม่ได้ เนื่องจากใช้คนละชื่อ
- ↑ กระโดดขึ้นไป: ก ข ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์ความเร็ววิญญาณ.
- ↑ สตูจะให้หนึ่งในเอฟเเฟกต์ต่อไปนี้: ตาบอด 5–7 วินาที, กระโดดสูง 7–10 วินาที, มองกลางคืน 7-10 วินาที, ติดพิษ 10–20 วินาที, อิ่มหนำ 0.35-0.5 วินาที หรือโจมตีเบา 6–8 วินาที
- ↑ ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์ย่องเร็ว.
- ↑ ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 50% ถึง 100%
- ↑ ขวดแห่งลางร้ายระดับระหว่าง ๒ ถึง ๔
- ↑ ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 15% ถึง 95%
- ↑ ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์แหลมคม, สังหารอาร์โทรพอด, ประสิทธิภาพ, โชคลาภ, ละมุนสัมผัส หรือเบาดุจขนนก
- ↑ กระโดดขึ้นไป: ก ข ค ง จ ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 15% ถึง 80%
- ↑ ลูกธนูจะมีเอฟเฟกต์ที่ไม่มีประสิทธิภาพซ่อนอยู่ด้วย เช่น เอฟเฟกต์เปล่า, น้ำ, ปกติ, เข้มข้น หรือเจื่อน และเนื่องจากลูกธนูนี้ไม่ใช่ลูกธนูอาบยา จึงไม่สามารถให้เอฟเฟกต์ใด ๆ ได้ แต่การที่เป็นเช่นนี้จะทำให้ลูกธนูนี้ไม่มีสามารถกองรวมกับลูกธนูอื่นหรือลูกธนูที่มีเอฟเกต์ไม่เหมือนกันไม่ได้ โดยเอฟเฟกต์ของลูกธนูนี้สามารถดูได้ด้วยคำสั่ง
/data get entity @s
- ↑ กระโดดขึ้นไป: ก ข ค ง ไอเทมมีการสุ่มเอฟเกต์ที่จะให้ รวมถึงเอฟเฟกต์เปล่า (ไม่สามารถปรุงได้), น้ำ, ปกติ, เข้มข้น หรือเจื่อนด้วย
- ↑ 'ไม่มีอะไรเลย' ไม่ได้หมายถึงโอกาสที่จะได้หีบเปล่า แต่หมายถึงโอกาสที่ตัวสร้างลูตแบบสุ่มจะไม่เพิ่มลูตใด ๆ ในช่องเก็บของของหีบในแถวนั้น
- ↑ มนตร์กระสุนกระจายระดับใด ๆ ระหว่าง 1 ถึง 12 มีความน่าจะเป็นเท่ากัน
- ↑ ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับการร่ายมนตร์ในโต๊ะร่ายมนตร์ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 30 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นสามารถให้มนตร์สมบัติ (ยกเว้นความเร็ววิญญาณ, ย่องเร็ว และลมระเบิด) และไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์
- ↑ ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์ฝ่าเกราะหรือหนาแน่น
- ↑ ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์ซ่อมแซม, พุ่งทะยาน, ซื่อสัตย์, สายฟ้าพิฆาต หรือทิ่งแทง
- ↑ ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับการร่ายมนตร์ในโต๊ะร่ายมนตร์ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 1 ถึง 30 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์
- ↑ ขวดแห่งลางร้ายระดับระหว่าง ๑ ถึง ๒
- ↑ ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับการร่ายมนตร์ในโต๊ะร่ายมนตร์ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 5 ถึง 20 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นสามารถให้มนตร์สมบัติ (ยกเว้นความเร็ววิญญาณ, ย่องเร็ว และลมระเบิด) และไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์
- ↑ ลงมนตร์ลมระเบิดระดับ ๑
- ↑ กระโดดขึ้นไป: ก ข ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับการร่ายมนตร์ในโต๊ะร่ายมนตร์ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 30 ถึง 50 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นไม่มีการจำกัดค่าประสบการณ์ไว้ที่ระดับ 30, สามารถให้มนตร์สมบัติ (ยกเว้นความเร็ววิญญาณ, ย่องเร็ว และลมระเบิด) และไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์
- ↑ กระโดดขึ้นไป: ก ข ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 10% ถึง 90%
- ↑ ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์คงทน.
- ↑ ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์ตีกระดอน, ยิงกระเด็น, โจมตีศักดิ์สิทธิ์, ฉกชิง หรือกระสุนกระจาย
local sprite = require('Module:SpriteFile')
local p = {
calc_average_amount_this_item_per_pool = function(
min_stacksize, max_stacksize,
min_pool_rolls, max_pool_rolls,
item_weight, pool_total_item_weight )
local avg_stacksize = ( min_stacksize + max_stacksize ) / 2
local avg_rolls = ( min_pool_rolls + max_pool_rolls ) / 2
return avg_stacksize * avg_rolls * item_weight / pool_total_item_weight
calc_chance_any_of_this_item_per_pool = function(
min_pool_rolls, max_pool_rolls,
item_weight, pool_total_item_weight )
local inverse_result = 0 -- 1 - inverse_result = return value
local inverse_item_weight = pool_total_item_weight - item_weight
-- will be used for the division in the for loop to avoid the slightly
-- less performant math.pow(). The divisor already includes the probability
-- of picking any specific number of rolls.
local cur_dividend = pool_total_item_weight
local cur_divisor = pool_total_item_weight * (max_pool_rolls - min_pool_rolls + 1)
for i = 0, max_pool_rolls do
if i >= min_pool_rolls then
inverse_result = inverse_result + cur_dividend / cur_divisor
cur_dividend = cur_dividend * inverse_item_weight -- simulate pow
cur_divisor = cur_divisor * pool_total_item_weight -- simulate pow
return 1 - inverse_result
java = "''[[รุ่น Java]]''", --mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess("''[[Java Edition]]''") --if necessary
['java-upcoming'] = "[[รุ่น Java]] กำลังมา",
bedrock = "''[[รุ่น Bedrock]]''", --mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess("''[[Bedrock Edition]]''")
['bedrock-upcoming'] = "[[รุ่น Bedrock 1.21.50]]",
-- These 'items' define which sprite, label and link to use in the table.
-- Properties 'cannot_stack', 'preserve_case', and 'plural' describe how to display the single-item summary in p.base2.
-- Order within this 'items' list doesn't matter.
items = require("Module:LootChest/items"),
notes = {
["enchant-randomly"] = "มนต์ทั้งหมดมีความน่าจะเป็นเท่ากัน ''รวมถึง''[[มนตร์สมบัติ]]ด้วย (ยกเว้น[[ความเร็ววิญญาณ]], [[ย่องเร็ว]] และ[[ลมระเบิด]]) และมนตร์ทุกระดับก็มีความน่าจะเป็นเท่ากัน",
["enchant-randomly-efficiency"] = "ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์[[ประสิทธิภาพ]]",
["enchant-randomly-mending"] = "ลงมนตร์[[ซ่อมแซม]]",
["enchant-unknown"] = "ลงมนตร์ที่ไม่ทราบชื่อมนตร์",
["enchant-randomly-quick-charge"] = "ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์[[ชาร์จเร็ว]]",
["enchant-randomly-soul-speed"] = "ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์[[ความเร็ววิญญาณ]].",
["enchant-randomly-swift-sneak"] = "ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์[[ย่องเร็ว]].",
["enchant-randomly-unbreaking"] = "ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์[[คงทน]].",
["enchant-randomly-trident"] = "ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์[[ซ่อมแซม]], [[พุ่งทะยาน]], [[ซื่อสัตย์]], [[สายฟ้าพิฆาต]] หรือ[[ทิ่งแทง]]",
["enchant-randomly-trial-chambers"] = "ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์[[แหลมคม]], [[สังหารอาร์โทรพอด]], [[ประสิทธิภาพ]], [[โชคลาภ]], [[ละมุนสัมผัส]] หรือ[[เบาดุจขนนก]]",
["enchant-randomly-trial-chambers-2"] = "ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์[[ตีกระดอน]], [[ยิงกระเด็น]], [[โจมตีศักดิ์สิทธิ์]], [[ฉกชิง]] หรือ[[กระสุนกระจาย]]",
["enchant-randomly-breach-density"] = "ลงมนตร์ที่มีการสุ่มระดับมนตร์[[ฝ่าเกราะ]]หรือ[[หนาแน่น]]",
["enchant-randomly-wind-burst"] = "ลงมนตร์[[ลมระเบิด]]ระดับ ๑",
["enchant-with-levels-0-10"] = "ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับ[[กลไกการร่ายมนตร์|การร่ายมนตร์]]ใน[[โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์]]ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 0 ถึง 10 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นสามารถให้[[มนตร์สมบัติ]] (ยกเว้น[[ความเร็ววิญญาณ]], [[ย่องเร็ว]] และ[[ลมระเบิด]]) และไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์",
["enchant-with-levels-5-15"] = "ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับ[[กลไกการร่ายมนตร์|การร่ายมนตร์]]ใน[[โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์]]ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 5 ถึง 15 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นสามารถให้[[มนตร์สมบัติ]] (ยกเว้น[[ความเร็ววิญญาณ]], [[ย่องเร็ว]] และ[[ลมระเบิด]]) และไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์",
["enchant-with-levels-5-20"] = "ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับ[[กลไกการร่ายมนตร์|การร่ายมนตร์]]ใน[[โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์]]ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 5 ถึง 20 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นสามารถให้[[มนตร์สมบัติ]] (ยกเว้น[[ความเร็ววิญญาณ]], [[ย่องเร็ว]] และ[[ลมระเบิด]]) และไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์",
["enchant-with-levels-10-20"] = "ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับ[[กลไกการร่ายมนตร์|การร่ายมนตร์]]ใน[[โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์]]ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 10 ถึง 20 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นสามารถให้[[มนตร์สมบัติ]] (ยกเว้น[[ความเร็ววิญญาณ]], [[ย่องเร็ว]] และ[[ลมระเบิด]]) และไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์",
["enchant-with-levels-20-25"] = "ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับ[[กลไกการร่ายมนตร์|การร่ายมนตร์]]ใน[[โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์]]ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 20 ถึง 25 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นสามารถให้[[มนตร์สมบัติ]] (ยกเว้น[[ความเร็ววิญญาณ]], [[ย่องเร็ว]] และ[[ลมระเบิด]]) และไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์",
["enchant-with-levels-20-39"] = "ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับ[[กลไกการร่ายมนตร์|การร่ายมนตร์]]ใน[[โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์]]ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 20 ถึง 39 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นไม่มีการจำกัดค่าประสบการณ์ไว้ที่ระดับ 30, สามารถให้[[มนตร์สมบัติ]] (ยกเว้น[[ความเร็ววิญญาณ]], [[ย่องเร็ว]] และ[[ลมระเบิด]]) และไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์",
["enchant-with-levels-30"] = "ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับ[[กลไกการร่ายมนตร์|การร่ายมนตร์]]ใน[[โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์]]ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 30 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นสามารถให้[[มนตร์สมบัติ]] (ยกเว้น[[ความเร็ววิญญาณ]], [[ย่องเร็ว]] และ[[ลมระเบิด]]) และไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์",
["enchant-with-levels-30-50"] = "ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับ[[กลไกการร่ายมนตร์|การร่ายมนตร์]]ใน[[โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์]]ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 30 ถึง 50 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นไม่มีการจำกัดค่าประสบการณ์ไว้ที่ระดับ 30, สามารถให้[[มนตร์สมบัติ]] (ยกเว้น[[ความเร็ววิญญาณ]], [[ย่องเร็ว]] และ[[ลมระเบิด]]) และไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์",
["damaged-0.05-0.15"] = "ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 5% ถึง 15%",
["damaged-0.1-0.5"] = "ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 10% ถึง 50%",
["damaged-0.1-0.9"] = "ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 10% ถึง 90%",
["damaged-0.1-0.95"] = "ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 10% ถึง 95%",
["damaged-0.15-0.45"] = "ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 15% ถึง 45%",
["damaged-0.15-0.8"] = "ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 15% ถึง 80%",
["damaged-0.15-0.85"] = "ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 15% ถึง 85%",
["damaged-0.15-0.95"] = "ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 15% ถึง 95%",
["damaged-0.2-0.65"] = "ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 20% ถึง 65%",
["damaged-0.4-0.9"] = "ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 40% ถึง 90%",
["damaged-0.5-1.0"] = "ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 50% ถึง 100%",
["damaged-0.8-1.0"] = "ไอเทมมีความทนทานคงเหลือระหว่าง 80% ถึง 100%",
["nothing"] = "'ไม่มีอะไรเลย' ไม่ได้หมายถึงโอกาสที่จะได้หีบเปล่า แต่หมายถึงโอกาสที่ตัวสร้างลูตแบบสุ่มจะไม่เพิ่มลูตใด ๆ ใน''ช่องเก็บของของหีบในแถวนั้น''",
["suspicious-stew"] = "สตูจะให้หนึ่งในเอฟเเฟกต์ต่อไปนี้: [[ตาบอด]] 5–7 วินาที, [[กระโดดสูง]] 7–10 วินาที, [[มองกลางคืน]] 7-10 วินาที, [[ติดพิษ]] 10–20 วินาที, [[อิ่มหนำ]] 0.35-0.5 วินาที หรือ[[โจมตีเบา]] 6–8 วินาที",
["suspicious-stew-2"] = "สตูจะให้หนึ่งในเอฟเเฟกต์ต่อไปนี้: [[ตาบอด]] 5–7 วินาที หรือ[[มองกลางคืน]] 7-10 วินาที",
["map"] = "แผนที่มีชื่อที่ยังไม่ถูกเปิด แต่เมื่อใช้จะเปลี่ยนชื่อเป็นแผนที่ 0 โดยมีมาตราส่วน 1:4 ทั้งนี้ แผนที่ที่ชื่อเหมือนกันจะกองรวมกันได้ แต่แผนที่ที่มีลักษณะเหมือนกันทุกประการบางแผ่นอาจกองรวมกันไม่ได้ เนื่องจากใช้คนละชื่อ",
["regular-goat-horn"] = "ไม่มีเขาแพะชนิดที่ดรอปจากแพะตะเบ็งเสียง",
["ominous-bottle-0-1"] = "ขวดแห่งลางร้ายระดับระหว่าง ๑ ถึง ๒",
["ominous-bottle-2-4"] = "ขวดแห่งลางร้ายระดับระหว่าง ๒ ถึง ๔",
-- Notes for bonus-barrel from Java Edition 3D Shareware v1.34
["enchant-with-levels-5-10-no-treasure"] = "ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับ[[กลไกการร่ายมนตร์|การร่ายมนตร์]]ใน[[โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์]]ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 5 ถึง 10 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์",
["enchant-with-levels-10-20-no-treasure"] = "ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับ[[กลไกการร่ายมนตร์|การร่ายมนตร์]]ใน[[โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์]]ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 10 ถึง 20 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์",
["enchant-with-levels-1-30-no-treasure"] = "ความน่าจะเป็นของมนตร์มีค่าเท่ากับ[[กลไกการร่ายมนตร์|การร่ายมนตร์]]ใน[[โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์]]ที่ใช้ค่าประสบการณ์ระดับ 1 ถึง 30 โดยที่โต๊ะร่ายมนตร์นั้นไม่มีการลดโอกาสในการออกหลายมนตร์",
["random-effect"] = "ไอเทมมีการสุ่ม[[เอฟเกต์]]ที่จะให้ รวมถึงเอฟเฟกต์เปล่า (ไม่สามารถปรุงได้), น้ำ, ปกติ, เข้มข้น หรือเจื่อนด้วย",
["random-effect-arrow"] = "ลูกธนูจะมี[[เอฟเฟกต์]]ที่ไม่มีประสิทธิภาพซ่อนอยู่ด้วย เช่น เอฟเฟกต์เปล่า, น้ำ, ปกติ, เข้มข้น หรือเจื่อน และเนื่องจากลูกธนูนี้ไม่ใช่ลูกธนูอาบยา จึงไม่สามารถให้เอฟเฟกต์ใด ๆ ได้ แต่การที่เป็นเช่นนี้จะทำให้ลูกธนูนี้ไม่มีสามารถกองรวมกับลูกธนูอื่นหรือลูกธนูที่มีเอฟเกต์ไม่เหมือนกันไม่ได้ โดยเอฟเฟกต์ของลูกธนูนี้สามารถดูได้ด้วยคำสั่ง {{cmd|data get entity @s}}",
["enchant-randomly-multishot"] = "มนตร์[[กระสุนกระจาย]]ระดับใด ๆ ระหว่าง 1 ถึง 12 มีความน่าจะเป็นเท่ากัน",
-- <ref group='FN' name='enchant-randomly'>
-- NOTE: order here doesn't matter.
-- * in the table, chests are sorted in alphabetical order
-- * in the table, items are sorted by chance, then by avg#, then alphabetically.
-- * If poolsJavaUpcoming is omitted, poolsJava is used. To omit a pool entirely, set it to {}.
-- * If the loot is the same on both editions, use the same loot table twice.
chests = require("Module:LootChest/chests"),
-- these values are used:
-- * in place of the keys, when the key is used as a parameter
-- chest-param -> internally-valid-chest-param
synonyms = {
["desert"] = "desert-temple",
["jungle"] = "jungle-temple",
["nether"] = "nether-fortress",
["nether-fortress"] = "nether-fortress",
["armorer"] = "village-armorer",
["butcher"] = "village-butcher",
["cartographer"] = "village-cartographer",
["fisherman"] = "village-fisherman",
["fletcher"] = "village-fletcher",
["mason"] = "village-mason",
["shepherd"] = "village-shepherd",
["tannery"] = "village-tannery",
["temple"] = "village-temple",
["toolsmith"] = "village-toolsmith",
["weaponsmith"] = "village-weaponsmith",
["desert-house"] = "village-desert-house",
["plains-house"] = "village-plains-house",
["savanna-house"] = "village-savanna-house",
["snowy-house"] = "village-snowy-house",
["taiga-house"] = "village-taiga-house",
["altar"] = "stronghold-altar",
["storeroom"] = "stronghold-storeroom",
["library"] = "stronghold-library",
["outpost"] = "pillager-outpost",
["mansion"] = "woodland-mansion",
["trial-vault"] = "trial-chambers-reward",
["trial-spawner"] = "trial-chambers-trial-spawner"
-- these values are used:
-- * in the header-description of a table showing only a single chest
-- * if the key is not here, but it is a valid chest parameter,
-- that header-description defaults to use the key string from p.chests,
-- e.g. "nether-fortress"
-- chest-param -> description-string
display_names = {
["dungeon"] = "ห้องมอนสเตอร์",
["nether-fortress"] = "ป้อมปราการเนเธอร์",
["nether"] = "ป้อมปราการเนเธอร์",
["fortress"] = "ป้อมปราการเนเธอร์",
["desert"] = "พีระมิดทะเลทราย",
["jungle"] = "พีระมิดป่าดงดิบ",
["desert-temple"] = "พีระมิดทะเลทราย",
["jungle-temple"] = "พีระมิดป่าดงดิบ",
["brushable-desert-temple"] = "ทรายพิศวงในพีระมิดทะเลทราย",
["brushable-cold-ocean-ruins"] = "กรวดพิศวงในซากสมุทรของมหาสมุทรเย็น",
["brushable-warm-ocean-ruins"] = "ทรายพิศวงในซากสมุทรของมหาสมุทรอุ่น",
["brushable-desert-well"] = "กรวดพิศวงในซากสมุทรของบ่อน้ำทะลทราย",
["brushable-trail-ruins"] = "กรวดพิศวงในซากแห่งเรื่องราว",
["brushable-trail-ruins-rare"] = "กรวดพิศวงหายากในซากแห่งเรื่องราว",
["trial-chambers-reward"] = "กรงนิรภัยและหีบโบนัสในห้องบททดสอบ",
["trial-chambers-reward-ominous"] = "กรงนิรภัยแห่งลางร้ายในห้องบททดสอบ",
["trial-chambers-trial-spawner"] = "กรงกำเนิดบททดสอบในห้องบททดสอบ",
["trial-chambers-trial-spawner-ominous"] = "กรงกำเนิดบททดสอบแห่งลางร้ายในห้องบททดสอบ",
["moon-resuply"] = "การส่งเสบียงไปยังดวงจันทร์",
["moon-lab"] = "กล่องชัลเกอร์ในแล็บดวงจันทร์"
-- these descriptions are used:
-- * in column <abbr> titles,
-- * and above the table when only a single column-type is chosen
columns = {
["stacksize"] = 'ขนาดของกอง (หรือจำนวน สำหรับเอไทมที่กองรวมกันไม่ได้) ไอเทมนี้ในแถวช่องเก็บของของหีบ',
["weight"] = 'น้ำหนักของไอเทมนี้เมื่อเทียบกับไอเทมอื่นในกลุ่มนี้',
["chance"] = 'โอกาสที่จะพบไอเทมชิ้นใดชิ้นหนึ่งในหีบใบเดียว',
["items"] = 'จำนวนไอเทมที่คาดหวังในหีบหนึ่งใบ เป็นค่าเฉลี่ยจากหลาย ๆ หีบ',
["chests"] = 'จำนวนหีบโดยเฉลี่ยที่ผู้เล่นต้องค้นหากว่าจะเจอไอเทมนี้'
current_frame = nil
p.base = function( ... )
p.current_frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local args = { ... }
if args[1] == p.current_frame then
args = require( 'Module:ProcessArgs' ).merge( true )
args = args[1]
-- transform args into usable list
local chests, columns = q.massage_args( args )
assert(#chests > 0, "ไม่มีอาร์กิวเมนต์ที่ถูกต้อง")
q.fill_in_chest_derivative_data( chests )
-- construct an ordered list dictating the order of the rows
local ordered_item_rows_java = {}
local ordered_item_rows_java_upcoming = {}
local ordered_item_rows_bedrock = {}
local ordered_item_rows_bedrock_upcoming = {}
local ret = {}
local java_specified = args.java and args.java ~= '0';
local java_upcoming_specified = args['java-upcoming'] and args['java-upcoming'] ~= '0';
local bedrock_specified = args.bedrock and args.bedrock ~= '0';
local bedrock_upcoming_specified = args['bedrock-upcoming'] and args['bedrock-upcoming'] ~= '0';
local any_specified = java_specified or java_upcoming_specified or bedrock_specified or bedrock_upcoming_specified
if any_specified then
if java_specified then
ordered_item_rows_java = q.construct_ordered_item_rows( chests, 'Java' )
if java_upcoming_specified then
ordered_item_rows_java_upcoming = q.construct_ordered_item_rows( chests, 'JavaUpcoming' )
if bedrock_specified then
ordered_item_rows_bedrock = q.construct_ordered_item_rows( chests, 'Bedrock' )
if bedrock_upcoming_specified then
ordered_item_rows_bedrock_upcoming = q.construct_ordered_item_rows( chests, 'BedrockUpcoming' )
local java_excluded = args.java and args.java == '0';
local java_upcoming_excluded = args['java-upcoming'] and args['java-upcoming'] == '0';
local bedrock_excluded = args.bedrock and args.bedrock == '0';
local bedrock_upcoming_excluded = args['bedrock-upcoming'] and args['bedrock-upcoming'] == '0';
if not java_excluded then
ordered_item_rows_java = q.construct_ordered_item_rows( chests, 'Java' )
if not java_upcoming_excluded then
ordered_item_rows_java_upcoming = q.construct_ordered_item_rows( chests, 'JavaUpcoming' )
if not bedrock_excluded then
ordered_item_rows_bedrock = q.construct_ordered_item_rows( chests, 'Bedrock' )
if not bedrock_upcoming_excluded then
ordered_item_rows_bedrock_upcoming = q.construct_ordered_item_rows( chests, 'BedrockUpcoming' )
java_bedrock_different = q.compare_tables(ordered_item_rows_java, ordered_item_rows_bedrock)
if q.tablelength( ordered_item_rows_java ) > 0 and not java_bedrock_different then
table.insert( ret, 'ใน' .. p.java .. ' และ' .. p.bedrock .. ', ' .. q.lcfirst( q.print_table( chests, columns, ordered_item_rows_java, 'Java' ) ) )
if q.tablelength( ordered_item_rows_java ) > 0 and java_bedrock_different then
table.insert( ret, 'ใน' .. p.java .. ', ' .. q.lcfirst( q.print_table( chests, columns, ordered_item_rows_java, 'Java' ) ) )
if q.tablelength( ordered_item_rows_java_upcoming ) > 0 and q.compare_tables( ordered_item_rows_java, ordered_item_rows_java_upcoming ) then
table.insert( ret, 'ใน' .. p['java-upcoming'] .. ', ' .. q.lcfirst( q.print_table( chests, columns, ordered_item_rows_java_upcoming, 'JavaUpcoming' ) ) )
if q.tablelength( ordered_item_rows_bedrock ) > 0 and java_bedrock_different then
table.insert( ret, 'ใน' .. p.bedrock .. ', ' .. q.lcfirst( q.print_table( chests, columns, ordered_item_rows_bedrock, 'Bedrock' ) ) )
if q.tablelength( ordered_item_rows_bedrock_upcoming ) > 0 and q.compare_tables( ordered_item_rows_bedrock, ordered_item_rows_bedrock_upcoming ) then
table.insert( ret, 'ใน' .. p['bedrock-upcoming'] .. ', ' .. q.lcfirst( q.print_table( chests, columns, ordered_item_rows_bedrock_upcoming, 'BedrockUpcoming' ) ) )
table.insert( ret, "<div class=mobileonly>" )
table.insert( ret, '<div class="reflist-upper-alpha">'..p.current_frame:extensionTag('references', '', { group = 'FN' })..'</div>' )
table.insert( ret, "</div>" )
return table.concat( ret, '\n\n' )
p.doc = function()
local valid_args = {}
for chest_name, val in pairs(p.chests) do
local synonyms = {}
for syn, orig in pairs(p.synonyms) do
if orig == chest_name then
table.insert( synonyms, "<code>" .. syn .. "</code>" )
chest_name = "<code>" .. chest_name .. "</code>"
if #synonyms > 0 then
chest_name = chest_name .. " (alternative name"
-- plurals are annoying
if #synonyms > 1 then chest_name = chest_name .. "s" end
chest_name = chest_name .. ": " .. table.concat( synonyms, ", " ) .. ")"
chest_name = "<li>" .. chest_name .. "</li>"
table.insert( valid_args, chest_name )
table.sort( valid_args )
return "<ul>" .. table.concat( valid_args, "" ) .. "</ul>"
p.doc2 = function()
local valid_args = {}
for column_name, val in pairs(p.columns) do
table.insert( valid_args, column_name .. ": " .. val )
table.sort( valid_args )
return table.concat( valid_args, ",\n<br>" )
p.doc3 = function()
local valid_args = {}
for item_name, val in pairs(p.items) do
table.insert( valid_args, item_name )
table.sort( valid_args )
return table.concat( valid_args, ", " )
p.base2 = function( ... )
p.current_frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local args = { ... }
if args[1] == p.current_frame then
args = require( 'Module:ProcessArgs' ).merge( true )
args = args[1]
local itemname = args[1]
if p.items[itemname] == nil then
return '<span style="color:red;">ไม่ทราบไอเทม "' .. itemname .. '"</span>'
if args.java and args.java ~= '0' then
javaChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsJava' )
javaUpcomingChances = {}
bedrockChances = {}
bedrockUpcomingChances = {}
if args['java-upcoming'] and args['java-upcoming'] ~= '0' then
javaChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsJavaUpcoming' )
javaUpcomingChances = {}
bedrockChances = {}
bedrockUpcomingChances = {}
if args.bedrock and args.bedrock ~= '0' then
javaChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsBedrock' )
javaUpcomingChances = {}
bedrockChances = {}
bedrockUpcomingChances = {}
if args['bedrock-upcoming'] and args['bedrock-upcoming'] ~= '0' then
javaChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsBedrockUpcoming' )
javaUpcomingChances = {}
bedrockChances = {}
bedrockUpcomingChances = {}
javaChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsJava' )
javaUpcomingChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsJavaUpcoming', javaChances )
bedrockChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsBedrock' )
bedrockUpcomingChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsBedrockUpcoming', javaChances, bedrockChances )
local html = {}
local any_current = q.tablelength( javaChances ) > 0
local any_changes_upcoming = q.tablelength( javaUpcomingChances ) > 0 and q.compare_tables( javaChances, javaUpcomingChances )
local any_standard = any_current or any_changes_upcoming
local any_bedrock_current = q.tablelength( bedrockChances ) > 0
local any_bedrock_upcoming = q.tablelength( bedrockUpcomingChances ) > 0 and q.compare_tables( bedrockChances, bedrockUpcomingChances )
local any_bedrock = any_bedrock_current or any_bedrock_upcoming
local change_case = p.items[itemname].preserve_case == nil or p.items[itemname].preserve_case ~= true
if any_current then
table.insert( html, p.base2_sub( itemname, javaChances ) )
if any_changes_upcoming then
table.insert( html, p['java-upcoming'] .. ( change_case and q.lcfirst( p.base2_sub( itemname, javaUpcomingChances, any_current ) ) or p.base2_sub( itemname, javaUpcomingChances, any_current ) ) )
if any_bedrock_current then
table.insert( html, ( any_standard and '\n\n' or '' ) .. p.bedrock .. ( change_case and q.lcfirst( p.base2_sub( itemname, bedrockChances, any_standard ) ) or p.base2_sub( itemname, bedrockChances, any_standard ) ) )
if any_bedrock_upcoming then
table.insert( html, ( any_standard and not any_bedrock_current and '\n\n' or '' ) .. p['bedrock-upcoming'] .. ( change_case and q.lcfirst( p.base2_sub( itemname, bedrockUpcomingChances, any_bedrock_current or any_standard ) ) or p.base2_sub( itemname, bedrockUpcomingChances, any_bedrock_current or any_standard ) ) )
if args.nocat then
table.insert( html, '[[หมวดหมู่:หน้าที่มีแม่แบบ LootChestItem]]' )
if p.items[itemname].category ~= nil and p.items[itemname].category ~= false then
table.insert( html, '[[หมวดหมู่:หน้าที่มี LootChestItem เฉพาะ]]' )
if any_bedrock and (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0) then
table.insert( html, '[[หมวดหมู่:ข้อมูลเฉพาะรุ่น Bedrock]]' )
return table.concat( html, ' ' )
p.base2_sub = function( itemname, chances, use_they )
local html = {}
local item_display_name = ''
if use_they then
item_display_name = ' they'
if p.items[itemname].plural ~= nil and p.items[itemname].plural ~= false then
item_display_name = p.items[itemname].plural
if p.items[itemname].title ~= nil then
item_display_name = p.items[itemname].title
item_display_name = string.gsub( itemname, '-', ' ' )
if p.items[itemname].plural == nil or p.items[itemname].plural ~= false then
item_display_name = q.single_item_plural( item_display_name )
if p.items[itemname].preserve_case == nil or p.items[itemname].preserve_case ~= true then
item_display_name = q.capitalize( item_display_name )
if p.items[itemname].note and p.notes[p.items[itemname].note] then
item_display_name = item_display_name .. p.current_frame:extensionTag( 'ref', p.notes[p.items[itemname].note], { group='FN', name=p.items[itemname].note } )
if p.items[itemname].note1 and p.notes[p.items[itemname].note1] then
if p.items[itemname].note == nil or p.notes[p.items[itemname].note] == nil or p.items[itemname].note ~= p.items[itemname].note1 then
item_display_name = item_display_name .. p.current_frame:extensionTag( 'ref', p.notes[p.items[itemname].note1], { group='FN', name=p.items[itemname].note1 } )
table.insert( html, item_display_name )
table.insert( html, ' can be found ' )
local html_stacks = {}
local stack_sep = ', '
local ns = q.tablelength( chances )
local s = 0
for stacksize, chest_details in pairs( chances ) do
s = s + 1
local html_per_stack = { 'in ' }
local c = 0
local nc = q.tablelength( chest_details )
local sep = ( nc > 2 and ', ' or ' ' )
if nc > 2 and s ~= ns then
stack_sep = '; '
for k, chest in pairs( chest_details ) do
c = c + 1
if c == nc and nc > 1 then
table.insert( html_per_stack, 'and ' )
if chest.chance == 1 then
table.insert( html_per_stack, " all " )
table.insert( html_per_stack, string.format("%.1f", chest.chance*100) )
table.insert( html_per_stack, "% of " )
if chest.chest_type == 'minecart with chest' then
table.insert( html_per_stack, ' [[Minecart with Chest|chest minecarts]] in ' )
table.insert( html_per_stack, p.chests[chest.chest_name].link )
elseif chest.chest_type == 'dispenser' then
table.insert( html_per_stack, ' [[dispenser]]s in ' )
table.insert( html_per_stack, p.chests[chest.chest_name].link )
table.insert( html_per_stack, p.chests[chest.chest_name].link )
table.insert( html_per_stack, ' chests' )
table.insert( html_per_stack, sep )
if nc > 2 then
table.insert( html_per_stack, 'all ' )
table.insert( html_per_stack, 'in ' )
if p.items[itemname].cannot_stack ~= nil then
table.insert( html_per_stack, 'groups of ' )
table.insert( html_per_stack, 'stacks of ' )
table.insert( html_per_stack, stacksize )
table.insert( html_stacks, table.concat( html_per_stack ) )
local stackwise_summaries = ''
if #html_stacks == 1 then
table.insert( html, html_stacks[1] )
for i = 1, #html_stacks - 1 do
table.insert( html, html_stacks[ i ] )
table.insert( html, stack_sep )
table.insert( html, 'and ' )
table.insert( html, html_stacks[#html_stacks] )
table.insert( html, '.' )
return table.concat( html )
p.base2_test = function()
items = {}
for item_name, v in pairs( p.items ) do
table.insert( items, p.base2{ item_name, ["nocat"]=true } .. '\n\n' )
table.sort( items )
return table.concat(items)
p.base3 = function( ... )
p.current_frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local args = { ... }
if args[1] == p.current_frame then
args = require( 'Module:ProcessArgs' ).merge( true )
args = args[1]
local z = args[1]
local html_java = {}
local html_java_u = {}
local html_bedrock = {}
local html_bedrock_u = {}
local rErr = ""
local zT = {}
if args[1] == "!!!ALL!!!" then
for item_name, v in pairs( p.items ) do
table.insert( zT, item_name )
table.sort( zT )
zT = mw.text.split( args[1], ',' )
for x, itemname in pairs( zT ) do
if p.items[itemname] == nil then
rErr = rErr .. "<span class='error'>ไม่ทราบไอเทม " .. itemname .. ".</span>\n"
local javaChances, javaUpcomingChances, bedrockChances, bedrockUpcomingChances
if args.java and args.java ~= '0' then
javaChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsJava' )
javaUpcomingChances = {}
bedrockChances = {}
bedrockUpcomingChances = {}
if args['java-upcoming'] and args['java-upcoming'] ~= '0' then
javaChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsJavaUpcoming' )
javaUpcomingChances = {}
bedrockChances = {}
bedrockUpcomingChances = {}
if args.bedrock and args.bedrock ~= '0' then
javaChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsBedrock' )
javaUpcomingChances = {}
bedrockChances = {}
bedrockUpcomingChances = {}
if args['bedrock-upcoming'] and args['bedrock-upcoming'] ~= '0' then
javaChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsBedrockUpcoming' )
javaUpcomingChances = {}
bedrockChances = {}
bedrockUpcomingChances = {}
javaChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsJava' )
javaUpcomingChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsJavaUpcoming', javaChances )
bedrockChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsBedrock' )
bedrockUpcomingChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsBedrockUpcoming', javaChances, bedrockChances )
local any_current = q.tablelength( javaChances ) > 0
local any_changes_upcoming = q.tablelength( javaUpcomingChances ) > 0 and q.compare_tables( javaChances, javaUpcomingChances )
local any_standard = any_current or any_changes_upcoming
local any_bedrock_current = q.tablelength( bedrockChances ) > 0
local any_bedrock_upcoming = q.tablelength( bedrockUpcomingChances ) > 0 and q.compare_tables( bedrockChances, bedrockUpcomingChances )
local any_bedrock = any_bedrock_current or any_bedrock_upcoming
if any_current then
table.insert( html_java, p.base3_sub( itemname, javaChances ) )
if any_changes_upcoming then
table.insert( html_java_u, p.base3_sub( itemname, javaUpcomingChances ) )
if any_bedrock_current then
table.insert( html_bedrock, p.base3_sub( itemname, bedrockChances ) )
if any_bedrock_upcoming then
table.insert( html_bedrock_u, p.base3_sub( itemname, bedrockUpcomingChances ) )
java_bedrock_different = q.compare_tables(html_java, html_bedrock)
local output = rErr .. '{| class="wikitable sortable collapsible" \n! ไอเทม \n! โครงสร้าง \n! สิ่งบรรจุ \n! ปริมาณ \n! โอกาส \n'
if q.tablelength( html_java ) > 0 and not java_bedrock_different then
output = output .. '|-\n!colspan=5|' .. p['java'] .. ' และ ' .. p['bedrock'] .. ' \n' .. table.concat( html_java )
if q.tablelength( html_java ) > 0 and java_bedrock_different then
output = output .. '|-\n!colspan=5|' .. p['java'] .. ' \n' .. table.concat( html_java )
if q.tablelength( html_java_u ) > 0 then
output = output .. '|-\n!colspan=5|' .. p['java-upcoming'] .. ' \n' .. table.concat( html_java_u )
if q.tablelength( html_bedrock ) > 0 and java_bedrock_different then
output = output .. '|-\n!colspan=5|' .. p.bedrock .. ' \n' .. table.concat( html_bedrock )
if q.tablelength( html_bedrock_u ) > 0 then
output = output .. '|-\n!colspan=5|' .. p['bedrock-upcoming'] .. ' \n' .. table.concat( html_bedrock_u )
output = output .. '|}' .. p.current_frame:extensionTag( 'references', "", { group="FN" } )
return output
p.base3_sub = function( itemname, chances )
local html = {}
local item_display_name = ''
local output = ""
lang = mw.getContentLanguage()
if p.items[itemname].title ~= nil then
item_display_name = p.items[itemname].title
item_display_name = q.titlecase( string.gsub( itemname, '-', ' ' ) )
local objectList = {}
local ns = q.tablelength( chances )
local s = 0
local m = 0
local rn = 0
for stacksize, chest_details in pairs( chances ) do
s = s + 1
local nc = q.tablelength( chest_details )
local c = 0
for k, chest in pairs( chest_details ) do
c = c + 1
rn = rn + 1
local containerText = p.chests[chest.chest_name].container
if string.len(containerText) == 0 then
containerText = 'หีบ'
local r = ""
local json = {
['item'] = item_display_name,
['structure'] = p.chests[chest.chest_name].structure,
['container'] = containerText,
['stacksize'] = stacksize,
['chance'] = chest.chance
json = require('Module:NiceJSON').wrap(json, 'pre', 'chest-json')
r = r .. '|' .. string.gsub( containerText, ' ', ' ' ) .. '\n|' .. stacksize .. '\n|' .. lang:formatNum( math.floor( chest.chance*1000 + 0.5 ) /10 ) .. '%' .. json .. '\n'
if ns ~= s or nc ~= c then
r = r
table.insert( objectList , { p.chests[chest.chest_name].structID , p.chests[chest.chest_name].structure, r } )
m = m + nc
table.sort( objectList, function(a,b) return a[1] < b[1] end )
local struct = ""
local t = ""
local nt = 1
local ntt = 0
for v, w in pairs( objectList ) do
ntt = ntt + 1
if w[1] ~= struct then
if t ~= "" then
output = output .. "|rowspan=" .. nt .. t
t = "|'''" .. sprite.link({name='EnvSprite', w[2], id = w[1] }) .. "'''\n" .. w[3]
struct = w[1]
nt = 1
t = t .. w[3]
nt = nt + 1
if ntt == m then
output = output .. "|rowspan=" .. nt .. t
t = t .. '|-' .. '\n'
return "|-\n| rowspan=" .. m .. "|'''" .. p.getItem(itemname, item_display_name) .. "'''\n" .. output
p.getItem = function( itemname, item_display_name )
local s = ""
local k = item_display_name
local link = item_display_name
local m = itemname
if p.items[itemname].title ~= nil then
k = p.items[itemname].title
if p.items[itemname].link ~= nil then
link = p.items[itemname].link
if p.items[itemname].id ~= nil then
m = p.items[itemname].id
if p.items[itemname][1] == "item" then
s = sprite.link({name='ItemSprite', link, k ,id=m})
--s = p.current_frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'ItemLink', args = { link , k , id = m } }
elseif p.items[itemname][1] == "block" then
s = sprite.link({name='BlockSprite', link, k ,id=m})
--s = p.current_frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'BlockLink', args = { link , k , id = m } }
if p.items[itemname].note and p.notes[p.items[itemname].note] then
s = s .. p.current_frame:extensionTag( 'ref', p.notes[p.items[itemname].note], { group='FN', name=p.items[itemname].note } )
if p.items[itemname].note1 and p.notes[p.items[itemname].note1] then
if p.items[itemname].note == nil or p.notes[p.items[itemname].note] == nil or p.items[itemname].note ~= p.items[itemname].note1 then
s = s .. p.current_frame:extensionTag( 'ref', p.notes[p.items[itemname].note1], { group='FN', name=p.items[itemname].note1 } )
return s
q = {
tablelength = function(T)
local count = 0
for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end
return count
deepcopy = function(orig)
local orig_type = type(orig)
local copy
if orig_type == 'table' then
copy = {}
for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do
copy[q.deepcopy(orig_key)] = q.deepcopy(orig_value)
setmetatable(copy, q.deepcopy(getmetatable(orig)))
else -- number, string, boolean, etc
copy = orig
return copy
frac = function(x,y)
return '<sup>'..x..'</sup>⁄<sub>'..y..'</sub>'
single_item_find_values = function( itemname, poolsKey, exclusions_param, other_exclusions_param )
local chances = {}
local exclusions = q.deepcopy(exclusions_param or {})
local other_exclusions = q.deepcopy(other_exclusions_param or {})
for stacksize, other_exclusion_list in pairs(other_exclusions) do
if exclusions[stacksize] == nil then
exclusions[stacksize] = {}
for _, other_exclusion in pairs(other_exclusion_list) do
local already_in_here = false
for _, exclusion in pairs(exclusions[stacksize]) do
if exclusion["chest_name"] == other_exclusion["chest_name"] and exclusion["chance"] == other_exclusion["chance"] then
already_in_here = true
if not already_in_here then
table.insert( exclusions[stacksize], other_exclusion )
for chest_name, chest in pairs( p.chests ) do
local poolchances = {}
for k, pool in pairs( chest[poolsKey] or chest.poolsJava or {} ) do
local poolitem = pool.items[itemname]
if poolitem ~= nil then
local stacksize = poolitem[1]
if poolitem[1] ~= poolitem[2] then
stacksize = stacksize .. "–" .. poolitem[2]
local itemweight = poolitem[3]
local pool_total_item_weight = 0
for itemname, item in pairs(pool.items) do
pool_total_item_weight = pool_total_item_weight + item[3]
local chance = p.calc_chance_any_of_this_item_per_pool(
pool.rolls[1], pool.rolls[2],
itemweight, pool_total_item_weight )
if poolchances[stacksize] == nil then
poolchances[stacksize] = chance
poolchances[stacksize] = poolchances[stacksize] + (1 - poolchances[stacksize]) * chance
for stacksize, chance in pairs( poolchances ) do
local excluded = false
for _, exclusion in pairs( exclusions[stacksize] or {} ) do
if exclusion["chest_name"] == chest_name and exclusion["chance"] == chance then
excluded = true
if not excluded then
if chances[stacksize] == nil then
chances[stacksize] = {}
table.insert( chances[stacksize], { ["chance"]=chance, ["chest_name"]=chest_name, ["chest_type"]=( chest.chest_type or "chest" ) } )
return chances
single_item_plural = function( itemname )
if string.sub( itemname, -2 ) == 'ss'
or string.sub( itemname, -2 ) == 'ch'
or string.sub( itemname, -2 ) == 'sh'
or string.sub( itemname, -1 ) == 's' then
return itemname .. 'es'
return itemname .. 's'
massage_args = function( args )
-- find what columns to put
local columns = {}
for k, _arg in pairs(args) do
if p.columns[_arg] ~= nil then
columns[_arg] = true
if q.tablelength(columns) == 0 then
for column_name, v in pairs(p.columns) do
columns[column_name] = true
-- find what chests to show
local chests = {}
for k, _arg in pairs(args) do
if p.chests[_arg] ~= nil then
table.insert( chests, _arg )
elseif p.synonyms[_arg] ~= nil then
table.insert( chests, p.synonyms[_arg] )
if p.display_names[_arg] ~= nil then
local chestname = _arg
if p.chests[chestname] == nil then
chestname = p.synonyms[_arg]
p.chests[chestname].display_name = p.display_names[_arg]
if q.tablelength(chests) == 0 then
for chest, k in pairs(p.chests) do
table.insert( chests, chest)
table.sort( chests )
return chests, columns
sort_items = function( e1, e2 )
if e1.chanceany ~= e2.chanceany then return ( e1.chanceany > e2.chanceany ) end
if e1.avgamount ~= e2.avgamount then return ( e1.avgamount > e2.avgamount ) end
if e1.material == nil then
e1.material = 0
if string.find( e1.itemname, "leather" ) ~= nil then e1.material = 1 end
if string.find( e1.itemname, "iron" ) ~= nil then e1.material = 2 end
if string.find( e1.itemname, "gold" ) ~= nil then e1.material = 3 end
if string.find( e1.itemname, "diamond" ) ~= nil then e1.material = 4 end
if string.find( e1.itemname, "netherite" ) ~= nil then e1.material = 5 end
e1.armor = 0
if string.find( e1.itemname, "helmet" ) ~= nil or string.find( e1.itemname, "cap" ) ~= nil then e1.armor = 1 end
if string.find( e1.itemname, "chestplate" ) ~= nil or string.find( e1.itemname, "tunic" ) ~= nil then e1.armor = 2 end
if string.find( e1.itemname, "leggings" ) ~= nil or string.find( e1.itemname, "pants" ) ~= nil then e1.armor = 3 end
if string.find( e1.itemname, "boots" ) ~= nil then e1.armor = 4 end
if e2.material == nil then
e2.material = 0
if string.find( e2.itemname, "leather" ) ~= nil then e2.material = 1 end
if string.find( e2.itemname, "iron" ) ~= nil then e2.material = 2 end
if string.find( e2.itemname, "gold" ) ~= nil then e2.material = 3 end
if string.find( e2.itemname, "diamond" ) ~= nil then e2.material = 4 end
e2.armor = 0
if string.find( e2.itemname, "helmet" ) ~= nil or string.find( e2.itemname, "cap" ) ~= nil then e2.armor = 1 end
if string.find( e2.itemname, "chestplate" ) ~= nil or string.find( e2.itemname, "tunic" ) ~= nil then e2.armor = 2 end
if string.find( e2.itemname, "leggings" ) ~= nil or string.find( e2.itemname, "pants" ) ~= nil then e2.armor = 3 end
if string.find( e2.itemname, "boots" ) ~= nil then e2.armor = 4 end
if e1.material ~= e2.material then return ( e1.material < e2.material ) end
if e1.armor ~= e2.armor then return ( e1.armor < e2.armor ) end
return ( e1.itemname < e2.itemname )
fill_in_chest_derivative_data = function( chest_names )
for k, chest_name in pairs(chest_names) do
local chest = p.chests[chest_name]
if chest == nil then break end
chest.allRollsJava = {}
chest.itemDataJava = {}
for k, pool in pairs( chest.poolsJava or {} ) do
table.insert( chest.allRollsJava, ( pool.rolls[1] == pool.rolls[2] and pool.rolls[1] or pool.rolls[1]..'–'..pool.rolls[2] ) )
local total_weight = 0
for itemname, item in pairs(pool.items) do
total_weight = total_weight + item[3]
pool.totalweight = total_weight
q.fill_in_chest_item_details( chest.itemDataJava, pool, #chest.allRollsJava )
chest.allRollsJavaUpcoming = {}
chest.itemDataJavaUpcoming = {}
for k, pool in pairs( chest.poolsJavaUpcoming or chest.poolsJava or {} ) do
table.insert( chest.allRollsJavaUpcoming, ( pool.rolls[1] == pool.rolls[2] and pool.rolls[1] or pool.rolls[1]..'–'..pool.rolls[2] ) )
local total_weight = 0
for itemname, item in pairs(pool.items) do
total_weight = total_weight + item[3]
pool.totalweight = total_weight
q.fill_in_chest_item_details( chest.itemDataJavaUpcoming, pool, #chest.allRollsJavaUpcoming )
chest.allRollsBedrock = {}
chest.itemDataBedrock = {}
for k, pool in pairs( chest.poolsBedrock or chest.poolsJava or {} ) do
table.insert( chest.allRollsBedrock, ( pool.rolls[1] == pool.rolls[2] and pool.rolls[1] or pool.rolls[1]..'–'..pool.rolls[2] ) )
local total_weight = 0
for itemname, item in pairs(pool.items) do
total_weight = total_weight + item[3]
pool.totalweight = total_weight
q.fill_in_chest_item_details( chest.itemDataBedrock, pool, #chest.allRollsBedrock )
chest.allRollsBedrockUpcoming = {}
chest.itemDataBedrockUpcoming = {}
for k, pool in pairs( chest.poolsBedrockUpcoming or chest.poolsJava or {} ) do
table.insert( chest.allRollsBedrockUpcoming, ( pool.rolls[1] == pool.rolls[2] and pool.rolls[1] or pool.rolls[1]..'–'..pool.rolls[2] ) )
local total_weight = 0
for itemname, item in pairs(pool.items) do
total_weight = total_weight + item[3]
pool.totalweight = total_weight
q.fill_in_chest_item_details( chest.itemDataBedrockUpcoming, pool, #chest.allRollsBedrockUpcoming )
fill_in_chest_item_details = function( data, pool, ct )
for item_name, item in pairs(pool.items) do
if p.items[item_name] then
local min_stacksize = item[1]
local max_stacksize = item[2]
local min_pool_rolls = pool.rolls[1]
local max_pool_rolls = pool.rolls[2]
local item_weight = item[3]
if data[item_name] == nil then
data[item_name] = {
avgamount = 0,
chanceany = 0,
itemname = item_name,
sortsize = {},
sortweight = {},
sizes = {},
weights = {},
for i = 1, ct-1 do
data[item_name].sortsize[i] = 0
data[item_name].sortweight[i] = 0
data[item_name].sizes[i] = '—'
data[item_name].weights[i] = '—'
data[item_name].avgamount = data[item_name].avgamount + p.calc_average_amount_this_item_per_pool(
min_stacksize, max_stacksize,
min_pool_rolls, max_pool_rolls,
item_weight, pool.totalweight )
data[item_name].chanceany = data[item_name].chanceany + (1 - data[item_name].chanceany) * p.calc_chance_any_of_this_item_per_pool(
min_pool_rolls, max_pool_rolls,
item_weight, pool.totalweight )
data[item_name].sortsize[ct] = ( min_stacksize + max_stacksize ) / 2
data[item_name].sortweight[ct] = item_weight;
data[item_name].sizes[ct] = ( min_stacksize == max_stacksize and min_stacksize or min_stacksize .. '–' .. max_stacksize )
data[item_name].weights[ct] = q.frac(item_weight, pool.totalweight) --p.current_frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'frac', args = { item_weight, pool.totalweight } }
for item_name, d in pairs(data) do
if not d.sizes[ct] then
d.sortsize[ct] = 0
d.sortweight[ct] = 0
d.sizes[ct] = '—'
d.weights[ct] = '—'
construct_ordered_items_from_first_chest = function( chest_names, suffix )
local items_from_first_table = {}
local item_chests = {}
local item_names_ordered = {}
for item_name, item in pairs( p.chests[chest_names[1]]['itemData'..suffix] ) do
table.insert( items_from_first_table, item )
table.sort( items_from_first_table, q.sort_items )
for k, item in pairs( items_from_first_table ) do
table.insert( item_names_ordered, item.itemname )
item_chests[item.itemname] = true
return item_names_ordered, item_chests
get_ordered_items_from_other_chests = function( chest_names, item_chests, suffix )
local items_not_from_first_table = {}
for chest_idx = 2, #chest_names do
for item_name, item in pairs( p.chests[chest_names[chest_idx]]['itemData'..suffix] ) do
if item_chests[item_name] == nil then
p.items[item_name].itemname = item_name
table.insert( items_not_from_first_table, p.chests[chest_names[chest_idx]]['itemData'..suffix][item_name] )
item_chests[item_name] = true
table.sort( items_not_from_first_table, q.sort_items )
return items_not_from_first_table
add_other_items_to_first_list = function( chest_names, item_names_ordered, item_chests, items_not_from_first_table )
for k, item in pairs( items_not_from_first_table ) do
table.insert( item_names_ordered, item.itemname )
return item_names_ordered
set_up_ordered_item_rows = function( chest_names, item_names_ordered, suffix )
for k, itemname in pairs(item_names_ordered) do
item_names_ordered[k] = {itemname}
for chest_idx = 1, #chest_names do
if suffix == 'JavaUpcoming' or p.chests[chest_names[chest_idx]]['pools'..suffix] ~= nil then
local item_data = p.chests[chest_names[chest_idx]]['itemData'..suffix][itemname]
if item_data == nil then
table.insert( item_names_ordered[k], false )
table.insert( item_names_ordered[k], item_data )
return item_names_ordered
construct_ordered_item_rows = function( chest_names, suffix )
-- for the first chest, sort its by chance desc, then by avg amount desc, then alphabetically asc
local item_names_ordered, item_chests = q.construct_ordered_items_from_first_chest( chest_names, suffix )
if #chest_names > 1 then
-- after that, sort all the remaining items in list order
local items_not_from_first_table = q.get_ordered_items_from_other_chests( chest_names, item_chests, suffix )
item_names_ordered = q.add_other_items_to_first_list( chest_names, item_names_ordered, item_chests, items_not_from_first_table )
-- set up item_names_ordered so that each is a row, representing chest values
item_names_ordered = q.set_up_ordered_item_rows( chest_names, item_names_ordered, suffix )
return item_names_ordered
print_table = function( chest_names, columns, ordered_item_rows, suffix )
local html = {}
local json = {
gameVersion = suffix,
chestNames = chest_names,
loot = {}
for _,chestname in ipairs(chest_names) do
json.loot[chestname] = p.chests[chestname]
local Autolink = require( 'Module:Autolink' )
local use_roll_row = false
local use_superheader = false
local superheader_sizes = {}
for i = 1, #chest_names do
sh = p.chests[chest_names[i]].superheader
if sh ~= nil then
if superheader_sizes[sh] == nil then
superheader_sizes[sh] = 0
superheader_sizes[sh] = superheader_sizes[sh] + 1
if #chest_names > 1 then
use_superheader = true
local allRolls = p.chests[chest_names[i]]['allRolls'..suffix]
if #allRolls > 1 then
use_roll_row = true
if columns['stacksize'] == nil and columns['weight'] == nil then
use_roll_row = false
local rowspan = ( #chest_names > 1 and 1 or 0 ) + ( use_superheader and 1 or 0 ) + 1
local hide_col_description = rowspan > 1 and q.tablelength(columns) == 1
if use_roll_row then
rowspan = rowspan + 1
if q.tablelength(columns) == 1 then
for column_name, v in pairs(columns) do
table.insert( html, "Values represent " )
table.insert( html, p.columns[column_name]:lower() )
table.insert( html, "\n" )
if #chest_names == 1 then
if q.tablelength(columns) == 1 then
table.insert( html, "<br>" )
local chest_name = chest_names[1]
local allRolls = p.chests[chest_name]['allRolls'..suffix]
local chest_type = p.chests[chest_name].chest_type or "chest"
local display_name = p.chests[chest_name].display_name
chest_name = chest_name:gsub( "-", " " )
chest_name = Autolink.invlink( chest_name, 'nolink' )
table.insert( html, "แต่ละ" )
table.insert( html, display_name or chest_name )
if chest_type ~= 'chest' and chest_type ~= 'minecart with chest' then
table.insert( html, " contains " )
table.insert( html, " chest contains " )
if #allRolls == 1 then
table.insert( html, allRolls[1] )
if allRolls[1] == 1 then
table.insert( html, " item stack, " )
table.insert( html, " item stacks, " )
end else
table.insert( html, ' items drawn from ' )
table.insert( html, #allRolls )
table.insert( html, ' pools, ' )
table.insert( html, " with the following distribution: \n" )
table.insert( html, '<div style="overflow:auto">\n' )
table.insert( html, '<table class="wikitable sortable collapsible jquery-tablesorter">\n' )
table.insert( html, "<tr>\n" )
table.insert( html, "<th rowspan=" )
table.insert( html, ( rowspan - ( hide_col_description and 1 or 0 ) ) )
table.insert( html, "> Item </th>\n" )
local superheader_cols_used = {}
if #chest_names > 1 then
local row1, row2 = {}, {}
for i = 1, #chest_names do
if suffix == 'JavaUpcoming' or p.chests[chest_names[i]]['pools'..suffix] ~= nil then
local allRolls = p.chests[chest_names[i]]['allRolls'..suffix]
local colspan = q.tablelength(columns)
local allRollsSpan = #allRolls == 0 and 1 or #allRolls
if columns['stacksize'] ~= nil then
colspan = colspan - 1 + allRollsSpan
if columns['weight'] ~= nil then
colspan = colspan - 1 + allRollsSpan
local row = row1
rowspan = 1
if use_superheader then
sh = p.chests[chest_names[i]].superheader
if sh ~= nil then
if superheader_cols_used[sh] == nil then
table.insert( row, "<th colspan=" )
table.insert( row, ( colspan * superheader_sizes[sh] ) )
table.insert( row, ">" )
table.insert( row, sh )
table.insert( row, "</th>\n" )
superheader_cols_used[sh] = 0
row = row2
rowspan = rowspan + 1
if use_roll_row and hide_col_description and #allRolls < 2 then
rowspan = rowspan + 1
table.insert( row, "<th colspan=" )
table.insert( row, colspan )
if rowspan > 1 then
table.insert( row, " rowspan=" )
table.insert( row, rowspan )
table.insert( row, ">" )
table.insert( row, p.chests[ chest_names[i] ].header )
if #allRolls > 0 then
table.insert( row, ' <br><span style="font-weight:normal; font-style:italic; font-size:11px;">(' )
if #allRolls == 1 then
table.insert( row, allRolls[1] )
local s = ( #allRolls > 2 and ', ' or ' ' )
for i = 1, #allRolls-1 do
table.insert( row, allRolls[i] )
table.insert( row, s )
table.insert( row, 'and ' )
table.insert( row, allRolls[#allRolls] )
table.insert( row, ' stacks)</span>' )
table.insert( row, "</th>\n" )
table.insert( html, table.concat( row1 ) )
table.insert( html, "</tr><tr>\n" )
if #row2 then
table.insert( html, table.concat( row2 ) )
table.insert( html, "</tr><tr>\n" )
if not hide_col_description then
local headersort_th_open
if use_roll_row then
headersort_th_open = "<th rowspan='2' class='headersort' role='columnheader button' data-sort-type='number'> <abbr title='"
headersort_th_open = "<th class='headersort' role='columnheader button' data-sort-type='number'> <abbr title='"
for i = 1, #chest_names do
if suffix == 'JavaUpcoming' or p.chests[chest_names[i]]['pools'..suffix] ~= nil then
local allRolls = p.chests[chest_names[i]]['allRolls'..suffix]
local allRollsSpan = #allRolls == 0 and 1 or #allRolls
local headersort_th_colspan_open
if #allRolls > 1 then
headersort_th_colspan_open = "<th colspan='" .. allRollsSpan .. "' role='columnheader'> <abbr title='"
headersort_th_colspan_open = headersort_th_open
if columns['stacksize'] ~= nil then
table.insert( html, headersort_th_colspan_open )
table.insert( html, p.columns['stacksize'] )
table.insert( html, "'> Stack Size </abbr> <span class=mobileonly>")
table.insert( html, p.current_frame:extensionTag{
name = 'ref', content = p.columns['stacksize'], args = { name = 'stacksize', group = 'FN' }
} )
table.insert( html, "</span></th>\n" )
if columns['weight'] ~= nil then
table.insert( html, headersort_th_colspan_open )
table.insert( html, p.columns['weight'] )
table.insert( html, "'> Weight </abbr> <span class=mobileonly> ")
table.insert( html, p.current_frame:extensionTag{
name = 'ref', content = p.columns['weight'], args = { name = 'weight', group = 'FN' }
} )
table.insert( html, "</span></th>\n" )
if columns['chance'] ~= nil then
table.insert( html, headersort_th_open )
table.insert( html, p.columns['chance'] )
table.insert( html, "'> Chance </abbr> <span class=mobileonly> ")
table.insert( html, p.current_frame:extensionTag{
name = 'ref', content = p.columns['chance'], args = { name = 'chance', group = 'FN' }
} )
table.insert( html, "</span></th>\n" )
local arg1 = table.concat(chest_names)
if columns['items'] ~= nil then
table.insert( html, headersort_th_open )
table.insert( html, p.columns['items'] )
if string.find( arg1, "brushable" ) ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "'> Avg.<br>per block </abbr> <span class=mobileonly> ")
elseif string.find( arg1, "pot" ) ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "'> Avg.<br>per pot </abbr> <span class=mobileonly> ")
elseif string.find( arg1, "dispenser" ) ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "'> Avg.<br>per dispenser </abbr> <span class=mobileonly> ")
elseif string.find( arg1, "barrel" ) ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "'> Avg.<br>per barrel </abbr> <span class=mobileonly> ")
elseif string.find( arg1, "trial%-spawner" ) ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "'> Avg.<br>per spawner </abbr> <span class=mobileonly> ")
elseif string.find( arg1, "reward" ) ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "'> Avg.<br>per container </abbr> <span class=mobileonly> ")
table.insert( html, "'> Avg.<br>per chest </abbr> <span class=mobileonly> ")
table.insert( html, p.current_frame:extensionTag{
name = 'ref', content = p.columns['items'], args = { name = 'items', group = 'FN' }
} )
table.insert( html, "</span></th>\n" )
if columns['chests'] ~= nil then
table.insert( html, headersort_th_open )
table.insert( html, p.columns['chests'] )
if string.find( arg1, "brushable" ) ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "'> Avg. # blocks<br>to brush </abbr> <span class=mobileonly> ")
elseif string.find( arg1, "pot" ) ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "'> Avg. # pots<br>to break </abbr> <span class=mobileonly> ")
elseif string.find( arg1, "dispenser" ) ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "'> Avg. # dispensers<br>to open </abbr> <span class=mobileonly> ")
elseif string.find( arg1, "barrel" ) ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "'> Avg. # barrels<br>to open </abbr> <span class=mobileonly> ")
elseif string.find( arg1, "trial%-spawner" ) ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "'> Avg. # spawners<br>to defeat </abbr> <span class=mobileonly> ")
elseif string.find( arg1, "reward" ) ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "'> Avg. # containers<br>to loot </abbr> <span class=mobileonly> ")
table.insert( html, "'> Avg. # chests<br>to search </abbr> <span class=mobileonly> ")
table.insert( html, p.current_frame:extensionTag{
name = 'ref', content = p.columns['chests'], args = { name = 'chests', group = 'FN' }
} )
table.insert( html, "</span></th>\n" )
table.insert( html, "</tr><tr>\n" )
if use_roll_row then
local rowcols = ( columns['stacksize'] ~= nil and 1 or 0 ) + ( columns['weight'] ~= nil and 1 or 0 )
for i = 1, #chest_names do
local allRolls = p.chests[chest_names[i]]['allRolls'..suffix]
if #allRolls > 1 then
for j = 1, rowcols do
for k = 1, #allRolls do
table.insert( html, "<th class='headersort' role='columnheader button' data-sort-type='number' style='font-weight:normal'><abbr title='The chest draws " )
table.insert( html, allRolls[k] )
table.insert( html, " stack(s) randomly from this pool.'>" )
table.insert( html, allRolls[k] )
table.insert( html, "×</abbr></th>\n" )
table.insert( html, "</tr><tr>\n" )
for i = 1, #ordered_item_rows do
if type( ordered_item_rows[i] ) == "table" then
for j = 1, #ordered_item_rows[i] do
local chest_item = ordered_item_rows[i][j]
if type( chest_item ) == "table" then
local avg_amount = string.format("%.3f", chest_item.avgamount)
local chance_any = string.format("%.1f", chest_item.chanceany*100) .. "%"
local num_chests = string.format("%.1f", 1/chest_item.chanceany)
table.insert( html, "\n" )
if columns['stacksize'] ~= nil then
for k = 1, #chest_item.sizes do
table.insert( html, "<td style='text-align:center;' data-sort-value='" )
table.insert( html, ( chest_item.sortsize[k] == 0 and "9e99" or chest_item.sortsize[k] ) )
table.insert( html, "'>" )
table.insert( html, chest_item.sizes[k] )
table.insert( html, "</td>" )
if columns['weight'] ~= nil then
for k = 1, #chest_item.sizes do
table.insert( html, "<td style='text-align:center;' data-sort-value='" )
table.insert( html, ( chest_item.sortweight[k] == 0 and "9e99" or chest_item.sortweight[k] ) )
table.insert( html, "'>" )
table.insert( html, chest_item.weights[k] )
table.insert( html, "</td>" )
if columns['chance'] ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "<td style='text-align:center;'>" )
table.insert( html, chance_any )
table.insert( html, "</td>" )
if columns['items'] ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "<td style='text-align:center;'>" )
table.insert( html, avg_amount )
table.insert( html, "</td>" )
if columns['chests'] ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "<td style='text-align:center;'>" )
table.insert( html, num_chests )
table.insert( html, "</td>" )
elseif type( chest_item ) == "boolean" then
local allRolls = p.chests[chest_names[j-1]]['allRolls'..suffix]
local allRollsSpan = #allRolls == 0 and 1 or #allRolls
table.insert( html, "\n" )
if columns['stacksize'] ~= nil then
for k = 1, allRollsSpan do
table.insert( html, "<td data-sort-value='9e99' style='text-align:center;'>—</td>" )
if columns['weight'] ~= nil then
for k = 1, allRollsSpan do
table.insert( html, "<td data-sort-value='9e99' style='text-align:center;'>—</td>" )
if columns['chance'] ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "<td data-sort-value='9e99' style='text-align:center;'>—</td>" )
if columns['items'] ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "<td data-sort-value='9e99' style='text-align:center;'>—</td>" )
if columns['chests'] ~= nil then
table.insert( html, "<td data-sort-value='9e99' style='text-align:center;'>—</td>" )
if i > 1 then
table.insert( html, "</tr><tr>" )
local item = p.items[chest_item]
table.insert( html, "\n<td>" )
local image, spriteCat = sprite.link{
id = item.id or chest_item,
link = item.link or string.gsub(chest_item,'-',' '),
text = item.title or q.titlecase(string.gsub(chest_item,'-',' ')),
wrap = 'true',
name = ( item[1] == 'item' and 'ItemSprite' or 'BlockSprite' )
table.insert( html, image )
table.insert( html, spriteCat )
if item.note and p.notes[item.note] then
table.insert( html, p.current_frame:extensionTag( 'ref', p.notes[item.note], { group='FN', name=item.note } ) )
if item.note1 and p.notes[item.note1] then
if item.note == nil or p.notes[item.note] == nil or item.note ~= item.note1 then
table.insert( html, p.current_frame:extensionTag( 'ref', p.notes[item.note1], { group='FN', name=item.note1 } ) )
table.insert( html, "</td>" )
if j == #ordered_item_rows[i] then
table.insert( html, "</tr>" )
table.insert( html, "\n" )
table.insert( html, "</table>")
table.insert(html, require('Module:NiceJSON').wrap(json, 'pre', 'chestcontents-json'))
table.insert(html, "</div>")
return table.concat( html )
titlecase = function( str )
local buf = {}
for word in string.gfind(str, "%S+") do
if word == "and" then
table.insert( buf, word )
local first, rest = string.sub( word, 1, 1 ), string.sub( word, 2 )
table.insert( buf, string.upper(first) .. string.lower(rest) )
return table.concat( buf, " " )
capitalize = function( str )
return ( string.lower(str):gsub( "^%l", string.upper ) )
lcfirst = function( str )
return ( string.gsub( str, "^%u", string.lower ) )
compare_tables = function( a, b )
local seen = {}
for k, v in pairs( a ) do
if type( v ) ~= type( b[k] ) then
return true
if type( v ) == 'table' then
if q.compare_tables( v, b[k] ) then
return true
elseif v ~= b[k] then
return true
seen[k] = true
for k, v in pairs( b ) do
if not seen[k] then
return true
return false
string.lpad = function(str, len, char)
if char == nil then char = ' ' end
return string.rep(char, len - #(''..str)) .. str
return p