อัปเดตกฎระเบียบของวิกิ | แนวปฏิบัติหน้าพูดคุย | อัปเดตแนวปฏิบัติในการเขียน
รุ่น Java 1.16
รุ่น | |
ชื่ออย่างเป็นทางการ | |
วันที่ปล่อย |
23 มิถุนายน 2020 |
ดาวน์โหลด |
ต้นฉบับ: |
Obfuscation maps |
ต้นฉบับ: |
เวอร์ชันโพรโทคอล |
735 |
เวอร์ชันดาต้า |
2566 |
รูปแบบรีซอร์ซแพ็ก |
5 |
รูปแบบดาต้าแพ็ก |
5 |
เวอร์ชัน Java ขั้นต่ำ | |
รุ่นอื่น ๆ ของ 1.16 |
{ "title": "Minecraft 1.16", "images": [ "Java Edition 1.16.png" ], "rows": [ { "field": "''(link to รุ่น Java article, displayed as รุ่น Java)''", "label": "รุ่น" }, { "field": "(link to Nether Update article, displayed as Nether Update)", "label": "ชื่ออย่างเป็นทางการ" }, { "field": "23 มิถุนายน 2020", "label": "วันที่ปล่อย" }, { "field": "'''ต้นฉบับ:'''<br>\n[https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/d3b551b100080ea7943e653268bb7f5a479ce618/client.jar ไคลเอนต์] ([https://piston-meta.mojang.com/v1/packages/eeb5dedefe2ee986aa1a28fae226109861233c53/1.16.json .json])<br>\n[https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/7361a24df069a06748844cc7483c35d4abd2d80c/server.jar เซิร์ฟเวอร์]<br>\n'''รีอัปโหลด:'''<br>\n[https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/228fdf45541c4c2fe8aec4f20e880cb8fcd46621/client.jar ไคลเอนต์] ([https://piston-meta.mojang.com/v1/packages/c20446d254c38578a4914232d5df006a5cfa2677/1.16.json .json])<br>\n[https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/a0d03225615ba897619220e256a266cb33a44b6b/server.jar เซิร์ฟเวอร์]", "label": "ดาวน์โหลด" }, { "field": "'''ต้นฉบับ:'''<br>\n[https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/553faa3433b82f5c661592c6705c7d0a4e705e02/client.txt ไคลเอนต์]<br>[https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/2abdefdee019086df11a946a076fbd853a0185d6/server.txt เซิร์ฟเวอร์]<br>\n'''รีอัปโหลด:'''<br>\n[https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/800eb4264594307d026ff911eabd1ee6fc9265f8/client.txt ไคลเอนต์]<br>[https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/618315f1fc2f56fe003612bb1fee1ad4060768a0/server.txt เซิร์ฟเวอร์]", "label": "(link to Obfuscation map article, displayed as Obfuscation maps)" }, { "field": "735", "label": "(link to เวอร์ชันโพรโทคอล article, displayed as เวอร์ชันโพรโทคอล)" }, { "field": "2566", "label": "(link to เวอร์ชันดาต้า article, displayed as เวอร์ชันดาต้า)" }, { "field": "5", "label": "<span style=\"white-space: normal;\">(link to รูปแบบแพ็ก#รายการรูปแบบรีซอร์ซแพ็ก article, displayed as รูปแบบรีซอร์ซแพ็ก)</span>" }, { "field": "5", "label": "<span style=\"white-space: normal;\">(link to รูปแบบแพ็ก#รายการรูปแบบดาต้าแพ็ก article, displayed as รูปแบบดาต้าแพ็ก)</span>" }, { "field": "<span class=\"plainlinks\">[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_version_history#Java_SE_8 Java SE 8]</span>", "label": "<span style=\"white-space: normal;\">เวอร์ชัน Java ขั้นต่ำ</span>" }, { "field": "<div style=\"margin-left: -1em\">\n*<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">(link to รุ่น Bedrock 1.16 article, displayed as รุ่น Bedrock)</span>\n*<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">(link to รุ่น PlayStation 3 1.16 article, displayed as รุ่น PlayStation 3)</span>\n*<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">(link to รุ่น PlayStation 4 1.16 article, displayed as รุ่น PlayStation 4)</span>\n*<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">(link to รุ่น PlayStation Vita 1.16 article, displayed as รุ่น PlayStation Vita)</span></div>", "label": "<span style=\"white-space:normal;\">รุ่นอื่น ๆ ของ<br> (link to 1.16 article, displayed as 1.16)</span>" } ], "invimages": [], "footer": "<div style=\"display:inline-block\"><div style=\"display:inline-block;padding:0 .4em\">[[รุ่น Java 1.15|<span style=\"margin-right:-0.35em\">◄</span>◄ 1.15]]</div><div style=\"display:inline-block;padding:0 .4em\">[[รุ่น Java 1.15.2|◄ 1.15.2]]</div>\n</div><div style=\"display:inline-block\"><div style=\"display:inline-block;padding:0 .4em\">[[รุ่น Java 1.16.1| 1.16.1 ►]]</div><div style=\"display:inline-block;padding:0 .4em\">[[รุ่น Java 1.17| 1.17 <span style=\"margin-right:-0.35em\">►</span>►]]</div></div>" }
1.16 ซึ่งเป็นเวอร์ชันตัวเต็มแรกของ Nether Update เป็นอัปเดตหลักสำหรับรุ่น Java โดยถูกเปิดตัวครั้งแรกในงาน MINECON Live 2019[1] และมีแผนการปล่อยตัวในระหว่างเดือนมิถุนายน ถึงเดือนสิงหาคม 2020[2] โดยอัพเดตนี้จะเป็นการปรับปรุงเนเธอร์ โดยการเพิ่มไบโอมใหม่ ๆ ม็อบใหม่อีก 4 แบบ(ได้แก่ พิกลิน, ฮอกลิน, ซอกลิน, และสไตร์เดอร์), เพิ่มบล็อกใหม่ๆ มากมาย รวมถึงบล็อกหินดำในรูปต่างๆ เช่นเดียวกับบล็อกหลักจุดเกิดที่สามารถใช้ในการตั้งจุดเกิดในเนเธอร์ได้ และยังมีการเพิ่มเนเธอไรต์เข้ามา ซึ่งเป็นวัสดุใหม่ในการคราฟต์ชุดเกราะ หรืออาวุธเครื่องมือต่างๆ โดยสามารถรับมาได้จากการหาเศษแร่โบราณ ซึ่งเป็นแร่ที่หายากที่สามารถพบได้ในเนเธอร์
สิ่งที่เพิ่มเข้ามา[แก้ไข | แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
บล็อก[แก้ไข | แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]

- สามารถพบได้ในเนเธอร์ที่ระดับความสูงใดๆ, แต่จะพบได้มากขึ้นในระดับความสูงต่ำๆ
- สามารถนำไปถลุงให้กลายเป็นเศษเนเธอไรต์ได้ โดยการเผาในเตาเผา หรือเตาหลอม
- มีความทนทานต่อแรงระเบิดเท่ากับหินอ็อบซีเดียน, แต่สามารถถูกผลักโดยลูกสูบได้
- หากอยู่ในรูปไอเท็มแล้ว จะสามารถลอยอยู่บนลาวาได้
- ไม่เผาหายไปในลาวา หรือไฟ
- ต้องใช้อีเต้อเพชร หรืออีเต้อเนเธอไรต์เท่านั้นในการขุดบล็อกนี้
- จะเกิดในที่ๆ ไม่มีด้านติดกับบล็อกอากาศ
- ก่อตัวตามธรรมชาติเป็น เสาหินบะซอลต์
- พบได้ทั่วไปตามไบโอมหุบเขาทรายวิญญาณ และสันดอนหินบะซอลต์
- สามารถวางไนรูปนแวนอน และแนวตั้งได้
- มีอยู่ในรูปขุดเงา, สามารถทำได้โดยการใช้stonecutter หรือการคราฟต์ในช่อง 2x2, คล้ายกับการขัดเงาบล็ออื่นๆ
- จะเกิดขึ้นเมื่อลาวาได้สัมผัสกับน้ำแข็งน้ำเงินในขณะที่ไหลอยู่บนดินวิญญาณ
- พบได้ทั่วไปตามสันดอนหินบะซอลต์
- มีอยู่ในรูปปกติ ขัดเงา ขัดเงาสลัก อิฐขัดเงา และอิฐขัดเงาแตกหัก
- มีอยู่ในรูปแผ่น ทั้งแบบปกติ ขัดเงา และอิฐขัดเงา รวมไปถึงในรูปบรรได และกำแพง
- มีอยู่ในรูปปุ่มกด และแผ่นเหยียบ
- ทำงานเหมือนกับปุ่มกดหินปกติ
- สามารถใช้ในแทกหินหยาบในการคราฟต์เตาเผา และเครื่องมือหินต่างๆ
- สามารถคราฟต์ได้จาก netherite ingot 9 อัน
- สามารถใช้เป็นฐานของbeacon
- หากอยู่ในรูปไอเทมเอนทิตี้ จะสามารถลอยบนลาวาได้
- ไม่สามารถถูกเผาให้หายไป โดยลาวา หรือไฟได้
- มีระดับการป้องกันแรงระเบิดเท่ากับหินออบซิเดียน แต่สามารถเคลื่อนย้ายได้โดยการใช้ลูกสูบต่างๆ
- เกิดอยู่ใน bastion remnant
- คราฟต์ได้โดยการใช้เศษเหล็ก 2 อัน และแท่งเหล็กอีก 1 อัน เรียนตัวกันแนวทาง
สิ่งที่แก้ไข[แก้ไข | แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
- 469 ปัญหาได้รับการแก้ไข
- จากเวอร์ชันก่อนหน้า 1.14
- MC-667 – Lily pads can be placed intersecting entities.
- MC-1601 – Breaking a furnace will not give the player experience for the smelted things inside.
- MC-2255 – Redstone wire uses different criteria for connecting visually and logically.
- MC-2591 – Walking over the corner of lava deals damage.
- MC-3328 – Dismounting an entity places riding entity/player half block too high.
- MC-4065 – Messages and commands sent while in a bed will not be remembered in sent history.
- MC-4520 – Aggressive neutral mobs become neutral when the world is reloaded.
- MC-4641 – Third level of flowing lava will not create cobblestone when coming into contact with water.
- MC-5410 – In Creative mode, flying down is stopped when brushing up against ladders or vines.
- MC-7424 – Fall damage death messages do not show block players fall from correctly (ladders, vines, water).
- MC-8645 – Redstone wire receiving level 1 power from a block, pointing at another block with wire on it will not power that block.
- MC-9405 – Top piece of staircase redstone dust does not power blocks on the same height in the direction it is powered from unless connected to something on the other side.
- MC-9856 – Players cannot pick up buckets of water or lava in Creative mode.
- MC-10727 – Player and entity shadows experience z-fighting with redstone.
- MC-11211 – Unable to perform many right-click actions when targeting the top face of blocks placed at y=255.
- MC-13727 – Arrows shot from a bow bounce around on the horse when it is moving, and damages it if they are fire arrows.
- MC-13823 – Leads are incorrectly positioned on certain entities.
- MC-14680 – Lead is shifted upward or downward based on leashed entity height.
- MC-17431 – ⇧ Shift-clicking stacked items with a data tag into the enchanting table GUI removes data tags from the moved item.
- MC-27535 – Mobs can sometimes still despawn, even if named with a name tag.
- MC-30814 – Chat text is too close together.
- MC-30939 – Nether portal continues emitting light, even if portal is broken.
- MC-31032 – Using only one empty map does not increase
. - MC-36322 – Unable to milk cows in Creative.
- MC-37557 – Sometimes a minecart sound plays/subtitle shown when loading a world.
- MC-44192 –
is percentage chance to ignore knockback, rather than being scaled. - MC-45619 – Water, signs, vines, torches, etc. in the same block as item frame break the item frame's redstone signal.
- MC-45749 – Potion particles spread always from the northwest corner of a block, regardless of impact.
- MC-46417 – Sprint particles are emitted in Spectator mode.
- MC-51126 – Arrows disappear until after relogging when shot at at low angles from a boat.
- MC-52178 – Cape does not move down while sneaking and detaches from body while sneaking.
- MC-55493 – JSON text selectors always have predefined
. - MC-56373 – Selector and score text components do not work on
. - MC-56653 – Zombified piglins drop XP and rare drops if killed by anything while in angered state.
- MC-56970 – Leaves show x-ray effect on Fast graphics.
- MC-59363 – Items in item frames are deleted if both mouse buttons are used simultaneously.
- MC-59540 – Creating superflat world without layers causes to get "Classic Flat".
- MC-60933 – Creative: player is sporadically and momentarily lit on fire.
- MC-63020 – Some chunks are not rendered in the first person from some angles in certain situations (incorrect frustum culling).
- MC-63714 – Zombified piglins get angry when hit in Creative mode.
- MC-64242 –
tag is not working for some entities. - MC-64334 – Fire can be destroyed if given an item with
tag for unbreakable block below (notably bedrock). - MC-64623 – Lightning bolts cannot be targeted with selectors.
- MC-64871 – Can not sleep while on fire, even with Fire Resistance.
- MC-65951 – Armor stands fall through fences.
- MC-69032 – When mob hits a zombified piglin and that mob dies, zombified piglins will attack the player.
- MC-75328 –
does not clear items in the inventory crafting grid. - MC-76810 – Casting issue: bone meal particles break at high coordinates (floating-point precision).
- MC-77176 – When retracted by sticky piston, activated detector rails do not update their orientation.
- MC-77820 – Ender dragon death light glitch/bug.
- MC-79944 – Various statistics overflow at 32-bit integer limit.
- MC-81659 – Fireball and wither skull hitboxes are frequently invisible for some seconds.
- MC-82235 – Baby pigs turn into adult zombie pigmen when struck by lightning.
- MC-82995 – Blocking with two shields in 3rd person mode.
- MC-83039 – End city chests generate destroyed, items on the ground.
- MC-84610 – Off-hand hotkey does not work in inventories.
- MC-85527 – Shulkers opening into blocks.
- MC-86197 – Shield blocking happens even while eating.
- MC-87949 – The shield use statistic is not working.
- MC-88491 – Projectiles hit the player, snowman, and witch who threw them at certain angles or close to the entities.
- MC-89043 – Slime blocks moved by pistons often fail to bounce up the player.
- MC-89361 – Player selectors fail finding player/Player is not correctly moved from the End to the Nether.
- MC-89956 – Levitation has no effect if gliding with elytra.
- MC-90969 – Cannot get stew from mooshrooms in Creative mode.
- MC-91163 – Certain subtitles show up when the player is too far away to hear the sound.
- MC-91368 – Ender dragon taking damage from thorns in Creative mode.
- MC-91522 – Shulker rendering position desync and generates ghost shulker when destroying shulker-ridden boat or minecart.
- MC-91893 – Missing subtitles for various sounds.
- MC-92889 – Mending does not always consume experience if the player wears items with Mending that are already fully repaired.
- MC-93198 – Throwing potions or throwable projectiles cause both hands to bob up and down.
- MC-93477 – Shulkers opening into shulker.
- MC-93631 – Pistons pop off blocks attached to their back when retracting.
- MC-93813 – Snow golems throwing snowballs play arrow shooting sound.
- MC-94094 – Snow golems do not drop their pumpkin when sheared.
- MC-94535 – Flying and holding Ctrl really close to the ground emits walking particles.
- MC-94730 – Endermen become passive when teleporting randomly during day while being aggressive.
- MC-96319 – Mob pathfinding AI does not regard some blocks as obstructions and is unable to pathfind on top of them.
- MC-96436 – Eggs, snowballs, and experience bottles break instantly when thrown while riding a horse.
- MC-97247 – Map making sound uses equipment sound subtitle.
- MC-97507 – Using item which modifies the held item shows "Gear equips" subtitle.
- MC-97958 – Small slime has no jump or squish sound.
- MC-99727 – Ghasts can be located using subtitles.
- MC-100258 – Holding right-click on an untamed horse causes an obnoxiously loud sound.
- MC-100342 – Several non-ticking blocks are marked as ticking forcing the growth algorithm to check chunks needlessly.
- MC-101084 – Held items and blocks appear to bob up and down when opening a horse's inventory.
- MC-101364 – Mobs and players sometimes dismount vehicles in a dangerous place.
- MC-101374 – Endermen will not dodge melee attacks if the player is not aiming at their head.
- MC-102319 – Nether portal trigger and travel sounds are not assigned to any sound category.
- MC-102439 – Shield desynchronises.
- MC-103655 – Cats do not stand up when using right-click on them while they are sitting on chests or beds.
- MC-104900 – Skeletons, illusioners, and piglins with crossbows have broken agility reaction when hit, or walking on certain blocks when provoked.
- MC-104949 – Mobs cannot jump shorter than half of the blocks.
- MC-105132 – Horse, spider, and llama spin around when walking next to the fence or wall.
- MC-105292 –
lighting inconsistency with Smooth Lighting on. - MC-106968 – Snow golems are not damaged by splash or lingering water bottles.
- MC-107103 – Trying to interact with an entity 3 or more blocks away without seeing its eyes only interacts client-side.
- MC-108598 – Client rendering other player or mob holding compass influences compass of user.
- MC-109121 – 2×2 jungle and spruce trees do not grow from the lowest layer.
- MC-109248 – Extended piston head not removed when
is used to place a different piston base. - MC-109370 – Bottom face of column blocks is rotated 180 degrees.
- MC-109844 – en_us.json contains unused strings.
- MC-109850 – Redstone wire does not have a bottom texture.
- MC-111133 – Piston pushing opened shulker makes said shulker glitch.
- MC-111381 – Rendering rotations for shulkers are set in
method. - MC-111437 – Player activated fireworks do not count as a player kill.
- MC-111475 – Fireworks cannot hurt invulnerable mobs when player in Creative mode.
- MC-111493 – Fireworks do not cause knockback to either the player or mobs.
- MC-111498 – Fireworks and water bottle damage do not make neutral mobs angry or hostile.
- MC-111502 – Fireworks damage does not make passive mobs flee in panic.
- MC-111726 – Minecart dismount position always above the minecart, even if there is space next to it.
- MC-112131 – Intersecting dungeons: spawner replaced by cobblestone.
- MC-112630 – Carrot on a stick cannot be broken.
- MC-113068 – Zombie banging on door subtitle is called "Block broken".
- MC-113381 – Falling dust particles of anvil and concrete powder blocks are black.
- MC-113809 – Chorus flower plant, bamboo, sugarcane, cactus, and other plants grow instantly when supporting block is replaced with same block type.
- MC-114000 – Mouse click in cat hissing sounds.
- MC-114030 – Structure blocks take and apply NBT data of entities and tile entities directly instead of a copy when loading and saving structures.
- MC-114304 – Retracting piston pushes entities standing behind the back of it.
- MC-114544 – Kicked by "Flying is not enabled on this server" while sleeping.
- MC-115750 – Advancement "Monster Hunter" (
) is not granted for killing certain hostile mobs. - MC-116293 – Functioning clock and compass in recipe book.
- MC-116756 – Reversed and inconsistent subtitles for iron trapdoor.
- MC-117312 – Hover and click events are at wrong position for right-to-left languages.
- MC-117710 – Bonus Chest setting is not copied when re-creating world.
- MC-117805 – Oak trees can generate right below height limit (y=256) resulting in incomplete tree.
- MC-117806 – Dispenser with filled bucket at y=255 facing upward replaces filled with empty bucket despite no fluid being placed.
- MC-118080 – Bows without pulling predicate animate when other bows are pulled back.
- MC-118096 – Incorrect position of particles when using bone meal on grass block.
- MC-118217 – Custom text color for advancement title in hover text is overwritten by advancement type default one.
- MC-118234 – Advancement "Not Today, Thank You" can be triggered by non-arrow projectiles.
- MC-118327 – Parrots cannot teleport onto non-full cubes and transparent blocks.
- MC-118594 – Removal of Log4J2Plugins.dat causing a slowdown of 3 secs on startup while it has to rescan all classes.
- MC-120335 – Flower pot bottom texture is not rendered because of incorrect
values in the model file. - MC-120572 –
crashes the game. - MC-120805 – Pig rotation is wrong when a player rides them when using a carrot on a stick.
- MC-122128 – Recipe book resets itself to closed state after death.
- MC-122187 – Teleported to coordinates wrong when teleporting entities relatively.
- MC-122335 – Projectiles go through an entity if it is close to a player or a snow golem.
- MC-122715 –
command no longer prevents teleporting to invalid coordinates. - MC-123155 – When any non-player entity enters an End portal the obsidian platform is not regenerated and the entity can fall into the void.
- MC-123453 – Armor stands cannot be placed in a 1 block high space if the
is set. - MC-124428 – Firework star crashes game if there is an int array but no colors.
- MC-124812 – Endermen holding a block can despawn.
- MC-125006 – Stronghold and dungeon generate over each other.
- MC-125055 – Igloo generates with brewing stand and flower pot contents dropped (and placed).
- MC-125613 – Datapack tag
does not use#wooden_stairs
. - MC-126244 –
, explorer maps, and treasure maps can cause extreme TPS lag, even leading to a complete server freeze if structure generation is turned off. - MC-127004 – Waterlogged blocks show z-fighting when looking at them from distance.
- MC-127149 – Land mobs cannot properly walk on the waterlogged blocks.
- MC-127316 – General statistics out of order.
- MC-127971 – Trying to throw a trident while having a shield or bow equipped will make the trident appear backward in the player's hand.
- MC-128066 – Highly transparent block edges on ice, slime block, and honey block.
- MC-128247 – Dolphins can jump way too far causing them to hit on land.
- MC-128658 – Nether and End biomes do not use correct blocks in buffet world type.
- MC-129137 – Parrots imitating hostile mobs in peaceful is not that peaceful.
- MC-130137 – Grass and mycelium do not decay underwater.
- MC-130906 – Dolphins are moving fast when near a boat.
- MC-131046 – Angry dolphins give players Dolphin's Grace.
- MC-131286 – Attack will use right hand instead of left hand when swimming (main hand: left).
- MC-131360 – Music sometimes stops abruptly when going underwater.
- MC-131440 – The message for trying to sleep at the wrong time implies that players can sleep only during a thunderstorm at night.
- MC-131634 – Getting burnt if on top of non-full block.
- MC-131770 – Rain particles appear one block below the water or lava surface.
- MC-132236 – When executing
and then pressing L to open advancements, it instead tells me that there are no advancements unless I click. - MC-132607 – Splitting slimes and magma cubes do not copy
value. - MC-132926 – The width of an advancement's description depends on the first line.
- MC-132967 – Mushrooms show as green dots on map.
- MC-133049 – Compasses do not point to the correct location when in an item frame on the ground or on the ceiling.
- MC-133088 – Missing translation string
. - MC-133692 – When the player is in lava, the orange appears darker/completely black at Y=0 and below.
- MC-134162 – Item entities can break turtle eggs.
- MC-134481 – Typo in en_us.json: "Status requst has been handled".
- MC-134608 – Certain spawner tag conditions induce game crash.
- MC-134637 – Comparators on slabs drop when loading them with structure blocks.
- MC-134755 – All short mobs drown just below the surface of water.
- MC-134900 – server.properties
forlevel-type FLAT
not implemented; property is stored in ignoredflat_world_options
NBT. - MC-135034 – Burning mobs are extinguished by snow in cold biomes, but not in snowy biomes.
- MC-135106 – Upwards bubble columns allow for infinite flight in Survival at y≥256.
- MC-135151 – Typo in en_us.json: "An error occured!".
- MC-135333 – Open fence gates still block players in water.
- MC-135501 – Invalid tag inside another tag silently fails to reload data packs.
- MC-135738 – Bossbar names that have scores do not update as intended after exiting and re-entering the world.
- MC-135831 – Low gravity bug at world height.
- MC-135849 – Grass and mycelium do not decay under waterlogged blocks.
- MC-136063 – Incorrect spacing for
's value. - MC-136085 – Blocks attached to multi-block blocks are deleted when breaking the other half of the block.
- MC-136868 – Ignited TNT, arrow, or trident turns black when it falls on soul sand or snow layers.
- MC-137336 – Redstone dust's hitbox is inconsistent with other blocks when branching.
- MC-137554 – Shearing sound is in "friendly creatures" sound category.
- MC-138402 – Waterlogged walls "connect" to water source blocks above.
- MC-138600 – Cats do not bring gifts if they have already decided to sit on the user's bed.
- MC-138675 – Wither skulls inflict the Wither effect on players in Creative mode.
- MC-138713 – "Two by Two" advancement does not require donkeys or mules.
- MC-139313 – Ascending and descending simultaneously in lava while flying in Creative mode causes the player to float upwards.
- MC-139361 – Skull model positioned out of bounding.
- MC-140544 – Pickaxes do not speed up piston breaking.
- MC-140545 – Pathfinding prefers north (negative Z) direction.
- MC-141934 – Ctrl + Pick block on a lectern does not display its book despite being saved to NBT.
- MC-143443 – Redstone dust block states do not update properly if the wire is broken by a piston.
- MC-143473 – Teleporting a mob while it is pathfinding will make it navigate back to where it was originally going.
- MC-143904 – Adding a non-rail block to the
block tag will crash the game when placing a minecart on it. - MC-144107 – Miscalculation of camera position in windowed mode on Linux.
- MC-144622 – Using
/data modify
to set the name from a block only works once. - MC-145140 – Fireballs cannot be interacted with when summoned.
- MC-145862 – Villagers try to sleep in occupied beds.
- MC-146824 – Ladders and tripwire hooks cannot be placed on the sides of redstone blocks, observers, and target blocks.
- MC-146834 – Zombie pigman's head bottom texture is flipped.
- MC-146928 – Cannot place doors, rails, buttons, pressure plate, redstone, etc. on soul sand.
- MC-147255 – Beds in the Overworld will explode if in a Nether wastes biome.
- MC-147368 – Pillager outpost can generate in water.
- MC-147496 – Dolphin tries to catch the boat of the non-player ride.
- MC-147516 – Hostile mobs will sometimes stop attacking and following their target when directly next to it.
- MC-147591 – Cat type "Jellie" does not generate in villages upon world generation.
- MC-147601 – Purpur pillar block top texture has not changed to a new texture.
- MC-147625 – Ender dragon tries to regenerate from destroyed ender crystals.
- MC-147691 – Enderman does not hit or damage the player if they keep standing still.
- MC-147708 – Putting out fires is not considered mining a block, leading to strange effects.
- MC-148067 – Snow golems damaged by snowfall in mountain or cold biomes.
- MC-148360 – Cave ambience sounds play no matter where the player is.
- MC-148474 – Sloped powered detector rails break when pushed or pulled by a piston.
- MC-148794 – Guardians are not spawning in preset "Floating Island".
- MC-148802 – Pillager do not spawn around outpost with the floating island generation.
- MC-148836 – World search and world name text boxes are not focused when entering menu anymore.
- MC-148869 – Player can clip through the ground when exiting a minecart or boat.
- MC-148893 – Fox spawners do not render the fox inside of the block.
- MC-148935 – Zombies with no AI still convert into drowned.
- MC-148936 – Parrot summoned with negative
has smaller hitbox. - MC-148955 – Iron golems can spawn inside of non-full blocks.
- MC-149042 – Minecart dismount position is not consistent.
- MC-149052 – Stonecutter recipe list does not show item tooltips.
- MC-149081 – Entering a bed from a mount causes the player to bounce up and down.
- MC-149308 – Thrown items appear right in front of head for a frame.
- MC-149375 – Camera can be positioned inside of snow layers.
- MC-149704 – Sneaking/crouching twice makes player sprint.
- MC-149776 – Cartography table requires string for the recipe to show up in the recipe book.
- MC-149792 – Client book length mismatch resulting in crash.
- MC-149799 – When a crossbow is loaded and in the offhand, it can no longer be seen when carrying an item in the main hand.
- MC-150020 – Composter is in the "Miscellaneous" category instead of "Decoration" like the other workstation blocks.
- MC-150405 – Client handling of unknown entity attributes is bugged.
- MC-150455 – Ignored lava hitbox level.
- MC-150543 – Using a stonecutter can sometimes crash the game in certain circumstances.
- MC-150806 – Multiple villagers are attached to the same profession block.
- MC-151364 – Feeding a dolphin causes a crash when structure generation is turned off.
- MC-152001 – Zombie villages never generate with baby zombie villagers.
- MC-152084 – Villagers occasionally stand up out of beds at night, then can never sleep in that bed again.
- MC-152157 – "Marie Stålkrantz" is not the right color in game credits.
- MC-152170 – When a villager takes the bed of another villager, then the bed's previous owner will not look for a new bed.
- MC-152441 – Corner quartz stairs (not corner smooth quartz stairs) do not have the border on the back and bottom that a normal quartz stair would have.
- MC-152934 – Water and lava disappear when dispensed through a dispenser at build limit.
- MC-153319 – Result of UUID selector is nondeterministic.
- MC-153483 – When swapping tridents between hands the trident being held does not swap visually, it just flips backward.
- MC-153508 – Redstone dust traveling up the side of a block cannot be targeted.
- MC-153750 – Gravity decreases at y=256 when the player hops into water at y=255.
- MC-153787 – Zombie reinforcements can spawn on glass.
- MC-154427 – Villagers only pick up four stacks of items.
- MC-154617 – Server hangs on stop due to rcon.
- MC-154867 – Tamed cats remain sitting if the world is reloaded while the cat is sitting on a chest.
- MC-155742 – Iron golems tend to congregate on the north side of villages.
- MC-155977 – Enchanting a book makes the book lose its name.
- MC-156161 – Some chest loot is randomized across the same seed, unlike before 1.14.
- MC-156306 – Villager not throwing bread during idle or meet up times.
- MC-156442 – Some Latin and Armenian ligatures are not included in the Minecraft font.
- MC-156600 – Shields appear to stop blocking when they have taken damage and are still in use.
- MC-156866 – Villagers level from apprentice to journeyman with less experience than shown by XP bar.
- MC-157077 – Villagers will not sleep in beds at night.
- MC-157208 – Enchanting tables can display a blank enchantment option for hoes.
- MC-157303 – Villagers wake up and seek a new "home" (bed) while living in a 2 high house.
- MC-157436 – Player position is constantly reset when clicking with a sword or trident onto the ground in Creative mode.
- MC-158542 – Iron golems do not stop spawning.
- MC-158807 – Players can remove cursed enchantments on items by repairing them in inventory.
- MC-158906 – After sleeping in a bed, players are not positioned at the center of a block.
- MC-159300 – Villagers that have been infected by a zombie can despawn, even if they have been traded with.
- MC-159371 – Leads are incorrectly positioned on bees.
- MC-159500 – Hostile mobs attacking bees also cause the bees to attack players.
- MC-159502 – Bees do not avoid water, killing themselves.
- MC-159672 – Vex will occasionally try to attack the player in Creative or Spectator.
- MC-159773 – Shulkers can teleport to non-solid faces, and do not teleport to some solid faces.
- MC-159820 – 3rd person reverse trident bug.
- MC-159918 – Foxes do not run from polar bears.
- MC-159963 – Minecarts can break turtle eggs.
- MC-160020 – Pulled bow changes its texture to the unpulled one when the durability changes.
- MC-160053 – Enderman keeps following the player after becoming neutral/passive.
- MC-160250 – Naturally-generated villagers are not pathfinding toward their POI; POI detection range is too small.
- MC-160520 – Bees' wandering AI tries to go through three-way corners.
- MC-160704 – Acute accent is rendered too small.
- MC-160897 – Dropping an item using the drop key displays the hand animation but dropping items from within the inventory does not.
- MC-160902 – Arm swings when right-clicking on full minecart.
- MC-160959 – Clicking onto a bed in daytime does not grant the advancement "Sweet Dreams".
- MC-161128 – Piston head left behind when base is quickly broken and replaced.
- MC-161156 – Silverfish and endermites appear black on soul sand.
- MC-161259 – Using the carrot on a stick while riding a pig plays no hand animation.
- MC-161917 – Particles do not render underwater, behind water or other transparent blocks.
- MC-161969 – Casting issue: adding ender eyes to End portal frames causes particles to lose precision.
- MC-162340 – World border is rendered behind transparent blocks.
- MC-162346 – Clouds do not render behind transparent particles.
- MC-162385 – The background of
text does not fade with the text. - MC-162665 – Food does not drop from a campfire when it is put out with a shovel or water bottle.
- MC-162881 – Composter does not display particles when being fed composting items through a hopper.
- MC-163286 –
/setblock ~ ~ ~ air destroy
does not destroy liquids. - MC-163333 – Plains houses and decorations can generate in taiga villages.
- MC-163655 – Fire cannot be targeted like other blocks.
- MC-163910 – Hand animation sometimes plays for a second time with high ping.
- MC-163918 – Bees not animating their pollen gathering.
- MC-163921 – Placing a block while looking at redstone ore plays no sound.
- MC-163950 – Ice bordering water causes z-fighting issues from a distance.
- MC-164111 – Transparent falling blocks make entities and block entities invisible.
- MC-164129 – Ender dragon inner hitboxes are rendered offset by approximately 200 blocks.
- MC-164158 – Lava does not emit smoke during rainfall.
- MC-164184 – Breaking a shulker box with contents in Creative mode drops the block at an incorrect location.
- MC-164205 – Endermen do not spawn in the End if difficulty is set to Easy.
- MC-164224 – Non updated lava layers that rarely generate in Nether wastes, crimson forests, and warped forests.
- MC-164233 – "Skilled" villagers without job site do not get precedence over unemployed villagers.
- MC-164435 – Stream sounds do not loop properly.
- MC-164446 – Tags do not load if one of their values is invalid, causing all data packs to unload.
- MC-164569 – Random "Block Broken" in jungle.
- MC-164692 – Entering a boat does not play hand animation.
- MC-164948 – Entity shadow renders through transparent blocks.
- MC-165518 – Village houses desert_temple_1 and plains_temple_4 have no floor at entrance.
- MC-165549 – Arm swing animation is still played when drinking an item.
- MC-165669 – Hand animation is played when using a spawn egg while aiming at block through a mob.
- MC-165734 – Minecarts with furnace still display a hand animation with incompatible items when not on a rail.
- MC-165958 – Clouds, transparent blocks, and other semi-transparent textures do not render behind semi-transparent entities.
- MC-165962 – Some transparent items make transparent blocks and beacon beams not render behind them when dropped (again).
- MC-165966 – Shadows do not render behind experience orbs.
- MC-165968 – Transparent blocks do not render behind experience orbs.
- MC-166135 – Bees inside a nest or hive do not grow up or get their breeding timer reset.
- MC-166188 – Bees still hitting player after death.
- MC-166245 – No sound for shearing snow golems.
- MC-166246 – Skeleton horses cannot be leashed.
- MC-166260 – Light from fire that has gone out lingers at the border of chunks.
- MC-166269 – Wet wolves become black for an instant after shaking off water.
- MC-166276 – Thrown items and blocks sometimes appear black for an instant.
- MC-166292 – Subtitle from foxes eating chorus fruit: "Player teleports".
- MC-166296 – Mobs picking up and equipping items does not play the equipping sound.
- MC-166297 – Items do not render behind experience orbs.
- MC-166346 – Transparent blocks do not render properly with tripwire above.
- MC-166358 – Inconsistency with sounds of dispensers using shears.
- MC-166398 – Mobs do not render behind experience orbs.
- MC-166413 – Item frame turns black for an instant when being placed.
- MC-166524 – Trying to dye a sheep with the same color as sheep displays hand animation.
- MC-166576 – Player head shakes when loading world in F5.
- MC-166593 – Zombie villagers in zombie villages are not persistent.
- MC-166717 – Block outlines and hitboxes render behind all translucent blocks and clouds.
- MC-166718 – Mobs no longer suffocate inside of soul sand, farmland, or grass paths.
- MC-166725 – Entity hitboxes render behind all translucent blocks and clouds.
- MC-166729 – Fishing lines render behind water, other transparent blocks, and clouds.
- MC-166764 – Villagers generated during world generation have a lower follow range than villagers spawned by other means.
- MC-166895 – Underlines in written book's text disappear with subtitles.
- MC-166921 – Incorrect bow animation when eating.
- MC-166980 – Bees become stuck wandering to the northwest after completing a task, or randomly in large numbers.
- MC-167039 – Right-clicking on a spawner with the same mob spawn egg as in spawner plays hand animation.
- MC-167042 – Casting issue: campfire embers are generated at a point that loses precision at high coordinates.
- MC-167043 – Enchantment glint only applies to the handle of shields with banners.
- MC-167044 – Casting issue: enchanting table book does not open for the player at high distances in some cases.
- MC-167046 – Casting issue: lava ember particles and lava popping sounds lose precision on creation at high coordinates.
- MC-167047 – Casting issue: TNT blocks ignited by other explosions lose precision at high coordinates.
- MC-167076 – Seagrass, tall seagrass, and sea pickles do not obscure direct sunlight when waterlogged.
- MC-167077 – Foxes sleep on top of honey blocks, even in broad daylight.
- MC-167090 – Entity hitboxes are rendered behind item frames.
- MC-167091 – Casting issue: TNT blocks ignited by other explosions lose precision at high coordinates.
- MC-167103 – Casting issue: mob spawning loses precision at high coordinates.
- MC-167195 – Bees anger toward players in Survival when killed in one hit.
- MC-167273 – Some special rendering blocks render in front of entity hitboxes.
- MC-167342 – Structure block outline renders behind clouds and translucent blocks.
- MC-167359 – Items are bright for a brief moment after being broken.
- MC-167362 – Item frames are bright for a brief moment when placed.
- MC-167386 – Binding hotbar hotkeys to mouse thumb button will not interact the way it should.
- MC-167421 – Casting issue: minecarts with chests are generated in the wrong positions in abandoned mineshafts at high coordinates.
- MC-167432 – Ctrl + middle-click on lectern does not copy written book.
- MC-167447 – Wrong
name. - MC-167512 – Glass in the hand is rendered differently depending on the "Clouds" setting.
- MC-167554 – Enchantment glint on shields is rendered incorrectly.
- MC-167561 – All players can make a [wolf] stand up or sit down.
- MC-167692 – Infested blocks do not spawn silverfish when blown up.
- MC-167971 – Casting issue: Particles emitted by redstone repeaters lose precision at high coordinates.
- MC-167989 – Spawn point is not set when monsters are nearby.
- MC-168139 – Enchanted armor pieces worn by entities lose their enchantment glint when looked at from certain angles.
- MC-168311 – Fishing line disappears when in front of entities and block entites.
- MC-168319 – Fireworks sometimes do not explode when launched at the edge or under a block.
- MC-168384 – NBT-Tag
does not work for bees. - MC-168485 – Chests do not render behind experience orbs.
- MC-168540 – Threads created by
have misleading names. - MC-168673 – Iron golems congregate all in the same place in some villages.
- MC-168675 – Settings that update after closing the video settings menu do not if the fullscreen setting is not changed.
- MC-168748 – Rapid cod spawning and despawning causing performance issues.
- MC-168772 – Experience orbs can crush turtle eggs.
- MC-169008 – Using End portal in the Nether teleports the player to the End, but at the same coordinates the player was in the Nether.
- MC-169319 – Letters ä, ë, ï, ö, ü, ÿ are included in the default font, but the alone umlaut/diaeresis (¨) is not.
- MC-169514 – Tamed parrots cannot be renamed unless they are flying.
- MC-169533 – Asymmetrical walls in snowy_cartographer_house_1.
- MC-169679 – Composters do not make sounds when fed by hoppers.
- MC-169683 – Bells cannot be hung from certain blocks that have a wide enough base.
- MC-169692 – Entity shadow floats slightly above the ground.
- MC-169715 – Misrotated block in snowy_small_house_3.
- MC-169764 – Fish flopping sound shows "Footsteps" subtitles.
- MC-169832 – Transparent item models have inconsistent rendering when a glowing entity is present.
- MC-169869 – Mooshroom using incorrect texture in Programmer Art.
- MC-169891 – Zombie reinforcements can spawn in regardless if light level is higher than 9 in Nether (Hard difficulty).
- MC-169965 – Potion effect timers for higher levels can remain at 0:00 after the higher level has run out if multiple levels of the same effect were applied in descending order.
- MC-169975 – Highlight players (spectators) key does not affect any players other than the player.
- MC-170075 – "Online play is not rated" checkbox has no outline when focused.
- MC-170128 – Cannot build an
without a datafixer due to anIllegalArgumentException
. - MC-170242 – Asymmetrical walls in taiga_medium_house_4.
- MC-170273 – Diamond swords use the wrong pallet.
- MC-170274 – Pickaxe textures are inconsistent.
- MC-170470 – At snowy_library_1, the snow block is placed next to the window, which causes ugly visual effect.
- MC-170556 – Hoe textures are inconsistent.
- MC-170584 – Structure taiga_meeting_point_2 from zombie villages has 1 misrotated log.
- MC-170591 – Misrotated floor blocks in desert_tool_smith_1 basement.
- MC-170612 – Villagers spawned by meeting points have frozen AI and do not move when that chunk is freshly generated.
- MC-170773 – Recipe book and filtering craftable do not stay open for blast furnace and smoker when (re)loading the world.
- MC-170836 – Cannot set the top of soul sand on fire.
- MC-171618 – Players wearing armor take less damage from burning when standing in fire under certain conditions.
- MC-171756 – Weird fire bug.
- MC-171939 – Many mobs are placed incorrectly in the statistics.
- MC-171969 – Fall damage is negated when stepping up after falling.
- MC-172025 – Several misrotated blocks at snowy_medium_house_2.
- MC-172307 – All loaded tileticks instantly run in the first tick after loading the chunk.
- MC-172517 – Walls do not behave normally when next to soul sand.
- MC-172524 – Letters of name tag render inconsistently when sneaking (within the same name tag).
- MC-172531 – Small mobs get stuck in fence corners.
- MC-172650 – Ice side texture does not appear underwater.
- MC-173115 – Mobs can spawn inside of wither roses.
- MC-173367 – Arrows are floating in midair after being pushed by piston.
- MC-173732 – Fire and soul fire do not have loot tables.
- MC-174071 – Roof of savanna_mason_1 is cut off.
- MC-174072 – Structure savanna_temple_2 contains one misrotated block.
- MC-174073 – Two misrotated blocks in savanna_small_house_5.
- MC-174075 – Misrotated block in savanna_butchers_shop_1.
- MC-174076 – Inconsistent rotation of logs under windows in savanna_small_house_4.
- MC-174078 – Three misrotated blocks in snowy_armorer_house_2.
- MC-174079 – Misrotated block at snowy_weapon_smith_1.
- MC-174082 – Three misrotated blocks in snowy_small_house_2.
- MC-174083 – Three misrotated blocks in snowy_butchers_shop_1.
- MC-174234 – Village structure snowy_masons_house_1 has two misrotated blocks.
- MC-174568 – Rail updates are 3–4x times laggier since 1.13.
- MC-174648 – Recipe book button of crafting interfaces cannot be unhighlighted.
- MC-174790 – Mob on turtle eggs causes the game to crash.
- MC-174932 – Right-to-left text appears left-to-right after game start until language is changed.
- MC-175171 – Fishing bobber can get stuck on a ledge when being reeled in.
- MC-175201 – Misrotated floor block in savanna_small_house_1, savanna_small_house_2, savanna_small_house_3, and savanna_small_house_7.
- MC-175634 – Fishing line disconnects while drinking.
- MC-176104 – Dropped compasses always point up.
- MC-176640 – Players can set their spawn point inside dangerous blocks.
- MC-176644 – Observers do not trigger when a fence connects to a newly grown tree.
- MC-177075 – Taking product out of stonecutter produces no subtitle.
- MC-177080 – Sounds for traveling through a portal have no subtitle.
- MC-177088 – Polar bear step sound does not have subtitles.
- MC-177346 – A compass in a mob's hand does not point to correct location if the mob turns.
- MC-177712 – Nether portal blocks do not have loot tables.
- MC-177873 – Trident and shield holding model is activated when using an item with a right click function in another hand.
- MC-178029 – Chunks get scrambled by logging in twice on solo world.
- MC-178441 – Endermen do not avoid the wither's skull projectiles.
- MC-178570 – When blocking a wither skull with a shield, the player still receives the Wither effect.
- MC-178572 – Using a shield triggers model for other poses if respective item is held in the other hand.
- MC-178576 – Projectile protection has no effect on wither skulls, unlike ghast fireballs
- MC-179309 – Trident animates backward while eating.
- MC-179989 – Smithing table and anvil UI does not have "Inventory" title above player inventory.
- MC-181108 – Right-to-left text is displayed left-to-right at all times.
- MC-181566 – Powered redstone dust only emits particles at the center of the block.
- MC-182076 – Horse jumping sound is unused.
- MC-182249 – Problems with potted_cactus.json block model file.
- MC-182888 – Compasses and clocks work like normal in villager trading GUI.
- MC-183249 – Carving mask
created for lower chunk statuses. - MC-183718 – Stronghold End portal can be overwritten by ocean ruins.
- MC-185616 – Turtle eggs cannot hatch on red sand.
- MC-185949 – Copy "C" in "Click to Copy to Clipboard" is not capitalized.
- MC-186353 – The "s" and "m" in "Edit sign message" are uncapitalized.
- MC-189570 – Middle mouse button does not work as a hotbar slot in inventory.
แกลเลอรี่[แก้ไข | แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
งาน MINECON Live 2019[แก้ไข | แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
Screenshots of the Nether Update from MINECON Live 2019:
A view of the soulsand valley.
Some soul fire present in the soulsand valley.
A view of the crimson forest biome.
A close-up view of the crimson forest.
A view of the warped forest biome.
A close-up of the warped forest.
Multiple piglins.
Multiple hoglins.
A target block being shot that activated the redstone lamps.
ภาพถ่ายในภายหลัง[แก้ไข | แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
A view of the warped forest, with the red Nether fungi being replaced by two new types of fungi.
A better look at the terrain generation of the crimson forest and weeping vines, which generate within the biome.
Another screenshot which shows two piglins hunting a hoglin. Nether wart blocks seem to be growing on the ground. Note the piglin wearing golden leggings.
A soulsand valley that has generated next to a warped forest.
A teaser for the strider posted by @kingbdogz on Twitter.[4]
ภาพวาดแนวคิดเบื้องต้น[แก้ไข | แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
"This concept was made as we started talking about introducing huge nether warts in the Nether. This eventually led to us deciding to turn it into its own biome." – Johan Aronson, art director.
"We wanted to extend the palette in the Nether to enhance the feeling that you're not in the Overworld anymore. This was an experiment to find a suitable, contrasting palette to the original Nether setting." – Johan Aronson, art director.
Artwork by Johan Aronson, art director.
Sketch of the strider by Johan Aronson, art director.[5]
วิดีโอ[แก้ไข | แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
วิดีโอจัดทำโดย Slicedlime:
ดูเพิ่ม[แก้ไข | แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
อ้างอิง[แก้ไข | แก้ไขต้นฉบับ]
- ↑ กระโดดขึ้นไป: ก ข "Everything We Announced at MINECON Live 2019" – minecraft.net, 28 กันยายน 2019.
- ↑ "Minecraft: Connecting More Players Than Ever Before" โดย Helen Chiang – news.xbox.com, 18 พฤษภาคม 2020.
- ↑ "No, piglin, don't hunt the baby hoglins." – @henrikkniberg บน X (แต่ก่อนคือ Twitter), 5 ธันวาคม 2019
- ↑ "I haven't seen that before... :o" – @kingbdogz บน X (แต่ก่อนคือ Twitter), 25 มีนาคม 2020
- ↑ "Old sketch (Inaccurate carrot) Have fun with the balding lava friends ❤️" – @JohanAronson บน X (แต่ก่อนคือ Twitter), 25 มีนาคม 2020